Until July Page 48

After my hair and makeup are done, I go to my closet, pull out the dress I bought a few weeks ago, and set it on the bed. Going to the dresser to pull out a black strapless bra and a seamless black thong, I put both on and look at myself in the mirror. The bra gives me the perfect amount of cleavage, and the thong sits just above my pubic bone, the fabric black but sheer, letting you see everything.

I step into the dress, the strapless ensemble ending just above my knees. The fabric covering my breasts is tight, and then the waist poofs out where there are pockets. The bottom is tight again, showing off my hips and ass. After struggling with the zipper for a few minutes, I slip on a pair of five-inch heels that wrap around my ankles and have a slim strap across my toes. Once I’m completely dressed, I step in front of the mirror, unroll my hair, toss the rollers onto the bed, and then fluff my hair. I look hot and am glad Wes isn’t home, ’cause I have a feeling that he if he was here to see me, I wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house.

I touch up my lipstick then head to the front room and grab my coat from the closet before going to the garage, which Wes cleaned out for me so I could actually fit my jeep inside without having to climb out the trunk.

Once I pull out onto the highway, I call December to let her know I’m on my way to my parents’ house. My sisters normally stay with me when they are in town, but since Wes is basically living with me, they decided to give us our space and have been staying at my mom and dad’s.

After I park and get out, not even knocking before going inside, the moment I cross the threshold, I see my sisters all standing in the kitchen, each of them defending themselves against my dad. My sister June has on a navy blue dress that is the same length as mine, but the outer shell is a lace material. Her long brown hair is tied back in a straight ponytail.

December is wearing a dress similar to mine, only hers has one long sleeve, and her long dirty-blonde hair is down each side of her breasts. May has a dress with cap-sleeves. The top is tight then it flows out at the waist, making her waist look perfectly curvy and her long white-blonde hair is pulled over one shoulder, showing off the curve of her neck. April has on a dark purple dress that swoops down, showing off her cleavage and tattoos. Her bright red hair that she colored weeks ago is hanging in waves down her back. I have seen my sister with every color hair you can think of, but she always looks beautiful. June smiles looking at me instead of wearing a dress she has on a black strapless romper with a chunky gold necklace that somehow accentuates her cleavage the bottom of the romper flares out at the ankle showing off a pair of gold heels that I may have to steel from her. Her hair is short but the cut stylish, which fits her almond, shaped face perfectly.

“Oh, great, you too?” my dad mutters as I join them. “Where is that man of yours? I have a hard time believing he let you out of the house wearing that getup.” he says then his frown grows deeper. “And where is the bottom part of that dress?”

I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. “Wes is working.”

“Figures that I’m left to deal with this on my own,” he grumbles then shakes his head, looking at all of his girls.

“When did you all grow up?” he asks softly, putting one arm around June and one around me, kissing the side of my head.

“You all look beautiful,” my mom says, coming into the kitchen, wearing a pair of khaki capris and a cute tank that has ruffles along the sleeve, with a big chunky necklace and simple black sandals. She wraps her arm around December’s waist, who is a few inches taller than her with the help of her heels. “My girls are so gorgeous.” My mom smiles then looks at my dad, and her face goes soft the same way it has my whole life, and I swear I know exactly what she’s thinking. My dad gave my mom everything she didn’t even know she needed or wanted.

“They take after their mama.” My dad smiles, and June mutters, “Gross,” making me laugh.

“So, what are you girls doing tonight?” my mom asks as Dad wraps his arms around her waist and sets his chin on her head a pose I have seen them in more times than I could count.

“We’re meeting the girls for dinner then drinks.”

“I’ll drive you guys.”

“We don’t need you to drive us, Dad,” May says, and he just glares at her.

“I wasn’t asking,” he says, kissing the side of my mom’s head before moving her aside and grabbing his keys. “Let’s go; just let me know when you want to be picked up.”

“Wes is picking me up,” I say, and May comes over and wraps her arm around my waist.

“Does your hot biker man know any hot biker friends?” she asks, and my dad swings his head to look at us. I shake my head no while saying, “Yes,” without moving my lips.

“I can’t wait to move home,” she says.

I look at her and smile, whispering, “Wait ’til you see Harlen and Everret,” while getting into my mom’s SUV.

When we pull up in front of the restaurant, we each kiss Dad’s cheek before heading inside. The moment I walk through the doors, squeals ensue as we all greet each other. My cousin Ashlyn is Uncle Cash and Aunt Lilly’s daughter. Hanna is Uncle Trevor and Aunt Liz’s daughter. And Willow, Harmony, and Nalia are Uncle Nico and Aunt Sophie’s daughters.

“How hard was it getting out of the house in that dress?” I ask Ashlyn, and she rolls her eyes.

“Between my dad and Jax, I might as well go live in a nunnery.”