Craving Redemption Page 38

“Where you going?” he rasped, trying to get a good look at my face as I tucked my chin into my chest. I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t. Because unfortunately, I was feeling so embarrassed that I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

“Hey, look at me. Where’d you go, baby?” he asked quietly, trying to force my face up with a careful hand.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled pitifully to his chest, wishing I was anywhere but there.

“Sorry for what? What am I missing here?”

“For, you know, attacking you. Pushing your, uh… into your throat,” I told him, cringing.

He barked out a laugh, startling me enough to have me raising my head.

“Baby, you wanna attack me, you feel free,” he told me with a wide smile. “Nothin’ you did was wrong. You obviously needed somethin’ and you were tryin’ to get it. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.”

“Okay, well, okay,” I replied stupidly, “I’m gonna just go to bed now.”

“You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me, Callie,” he replied incredulously. “Get over here and kiss me.”

I leaned forward to get it over with, as I didn’t see him letting me go if I didn’t, but the peck on the mouth I had planned turned into something else when the minute I got close, he bit my bottom lip and pulled me toward him.

“You needed somethin’ and you weren’t getting it, Callie,” he told me against my mouth, the words separated with little bites. “I’ll give it to you.”

His hands quickly stripped my t-shirt up and over my head before I could process his words, and my hands flew to his hair as he arched my back and pulled one of my nipples into his mouth. My head fell back and my hips twitched, but I was too worried about moving wrong to let them rock the way I wanted to. If I was doing it wrong before, I wasn’t going to magically know how to do it right then. So, against everything my body was yelling at me to do, I stayed still.

His mouth pulled away from my breast with a small popping noise, and he looked at me in confusion before his face cleared. His hands moved to my hips and started rocking them. I concentrated on the movement until I was sure I could replicate it, but it wasn’t doing anything except getting me wetter than I already was. I felt swollen and needy, but I wasn’t going to say anything. Everything he was doing felt good, and by far surpassed anything I’d gotten out of past encounters.

He watched my face intently as he let go of one of my hips and ran his hand along my body to my breast. When he pinched my nipple again, my hips jerked down into his, and he nodded slightly and let go of my other hip.

“Keep moving, Sugar,” he ordered, sliding his hand down my belly and into the front of my shorts. When his thumb hit my clit, I jerked again and he gave a small shake of his head.

“You keep moving the way I showed you,” he growled, circling my clit over and over with his thumb. “It feels so good. You’re so fuckin’ wet; I can feel it through your shorts.” He paused in his dirty talk for a moment, watching my body move against him, before capturing his train of thought again. “You’re not gonna be able to get off from this angle,” he explained roughly, “so you were pushin’ and pushin’ and it was just getting you more frustrated. And with our clothes on, you were fighting a losing battle.”

His breath hitched as I rode him, his fingers tightening on my breast before he continued.

“You need me right here,” he rasped, pushing his thumb harder against my clit. “This right here is going to push you over that ledge.”

He dipped his thumb farther down and when he pulled it back up, my entire body clenched. It was winding tighter and tighter as he whispered to me, and when he sucked my nipple hard into his mouth and pushed down hard with his thumb, I came with a high pitched moan.

He held his thumb where I needed it as I rode out my orgasm, but as soon as I finished, both hands went straight to my hips to move me faster over the length of him. He latched onto the inside of my left breast as his breathing grew more and more ragged, sucking hard as he came and groaning into my skin until finally stopping the movement of my hips.

“Holy fuck, Callie,” he mumbled, as he fell backward on the bed, taking me with him. “Shit, when I get you naked you’re gonna fuckin’ kill me.”

I lay there on top of him, blissed out and relaxed, until he made me get up so we could clean up and use the restroom.

More than an hour passed before my mind grew dark again.

Chapter 24


Our second week in Sac started with a bang, and shit didn’t settle down after that. Callie was hot on my dick—pushing for us to have sex—and after the night we set up the bed, I was having a hard time telling her no. Fuck, that was an understatement. I had a feeling I was grinding my back teeth down to nubs with the strain of holding back. The idea that I was the one telling her no was fucking ridiculous, but I was trying to do the right thing. I didn’t want her freaking out afterward—it’s not like she had anywhere to go if she lost her shit.

We were fooling around—that didn’t stop. We weren’t doing anything beyond what most kids her age were doing— hands and all that shit. But holy hell, I wanted her. I’d made the mistake of cleaning off my fingers with my mouth after one of our rounds, and goddamn if my mouth didn’t water now every time I got anywhere near her. It was a joke. I was being a fucking pussy and I knew it. She didn’t have any reservations about fucking, and thank god she wasn’t a virgin, but there was something…off. Something I couldn’t put my finger on.