Coast Page 105

He nods, but he’s still unsure.

“Seriously, Josh. Even I would’ve struggled with signing.”

He nods again. “Go ahead.”


“So…?” he asks.

“Okay. Here goes…”

“Uh oh.”

“It’s not bad.”

“Then why am I nervous?” he says. “You’re making me nervous. Just say it.”

I blow out a breath.

“You know what?” He moves behind me until I’m settled between his legs and his arms are around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder and says, “Just type it and I’ll watch. This way you can’t delete anything without me seeing.”

I kiss his cheek and refocus on my phone. What I wanted to say was that after the internship over the summer, I realized that I was going down the wrong path…

“Yeah? Too much journalism and not enough photography, right?”

I nod.

“I was wondering if you’d think that.”

You did?

“You just didn’t seem happy when I asked you about it, that’s all.”

You do see me!

He squeezes me once. “Of course I do. So where’s your head at now?

I’m not really sure. I just know that I want to photograph anything and everything. I don’t want to have to write about it, though. I want the photograph to speak for itself, you know? And I don’t want to just do it here. I want to do it all over the world.

“Okay…” he says slowly. “So… what does that mean? You quit college?”

No, I type quickly. I can’t quit. And I don’t want to. For the same reason I couldn’t stay in North Carolina with you. I feel like I’ve been through too much to get here, and I deserve this. And I want to finish. Not just for me, but for Grams, too, because she would’ve wanted that.

“So what’s the plan?”

I glance at him quickly, trying to hide my smile, my enthusiasm evident.

Well, I was thinking how good it would be to travel the world once I graduate. I have the rest of this year and next, but after that, I’d definitely want to do it. How stunning would it be to see all the different architecture and lifestyles and meet people from all different walks of life? I mean, even for a year, it would be amazing.

“A whole year?” he asks, his voice soft.

I nod and type, Then I realized something…

“What’s that?”

My amazing boyfriend travels for a living…

Josh’s entire body tenses and he smiles against my shoulder. “He does, huh?”

And he has money to support my artistic dream…

He chuckles lightly, “He sounds like a great dude.”

He’s the best! I spin around until I’m sitting opposite him, my excitement evident. “So, Josh Warden,” I sign, grinning widely at him. “Will you save me? Take care of me?”

His weight slams into me, then lifts as he eases me onto my back, his eyes holding mine, while his smile brings me back to the first hotel room we ever stayed in, the first time he made me his, all those years ago. He kisses me gently, his lips warm against the frigid air. “I would love nothing more than to be your hero, Becca Owens.”

*     *     *

I awaken the next morning to a cold and empty bed. Outside my bedroom door, I hear movement, shuffled steps and the television blasting. I reach for my phone on the nightstand, wondering where the hell my boyfriend is. There are no messages on my phone, so I send him one.

Becca: Way to make a girl feel special, Warden.

Josh: Had errands to run.

Becca: What’s her name?

Josh: Why? You gonna go all trailer-park on her?

Becca: If the situation fits.

He sends through a picture of him and Tommy holding a random stick.

Josh: I promised I’d take him to the park to throw sticks at people rollerblading.

Becca: Why?!

Josh: Because rollerblading is for losers. Duh.

Becca: I do not want to partake in those activities at all.

Josh: You were a rollerblader, huh? Loser.

Becca: When can I see him?

Josh: Tommy?

Becca: No, the stick.

Josh: You’re such a cranky pants when you wake up. Go out and have a coffee with your old man. My mom organized a lunch date for all of us. He has the address and time to meet up.

Becca K.

Josh: Becs.

Becca ?

Josh: I may have accidentally stolen your underwear again.

*     *     *