More Than Forever Page 36

He clears his throat.

I keep my eyes cast downward, not wanting to let him see the tears building in them. "You've always been a better dad than him, and I don't ever see that changing."

He clears his throat again, a little rougher this time. "Let's go home. You can pick up Lucy and cruise around a bit. I know this great, secluded parking lot. I used to take all the girls there when I was your age. We'd steam up the windows, if you know what I mean."

I look up at him now, his smirk in full force.

"I'm telling Mom," I state. Then I put the keys in the ignition, squeal like a girl when it turns over, and drive off... in my fucking Delorean. Bitches.


She moans into my mouth and pushes herself closer into me. She's straddling my lap while I sit in the driver’s seat. It's the closest we've ever been, but the space in this car doesn't give us much choice. I have to thank Marky Mark for that. I remove my hand from her breast and move it down her stomach, feeling bolder than I ever have. I run a finger between her waist and the band of her skirt, a sign of what my intentions are. She whimpers and circles her fingers around my wrist, stopping me from going further. She pulls back. I drop my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry," she whispers.

I try not to show my true feelings. I'm frustrated. Sexually. Mark was right, I'm gonna have to take care of myself tonight. "It's fine, I'm sorry for pushing it."

"You're not pushing it." She sighs and pulls as far back as possible. "I just have a thing about... you know?"

My brows pinch. "No, Luce. I don't know. What?"

She looks around the abandoned parking lot Mark told me about. "Vaginas," she whispers.

"What?" I laugh.

She slaps my chest. "It's not funny, Cam. Vaginas are weird."

I laugh harder. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"They're weird. They're like the ugliest things in the entire world. Floppy skin and flaps and holes."

"Oh my God." I'm holding my stomach now, unable to keep my laughter in check.

"Cameron!" she shouts. "I'm serious. I've seen the pornos under your bed!"

I should be ashamed, but I'm too busy laughing.

"Those vaginas aren't real! They can't be. And even if they are, they're still not something nice to look at. I can't even imagine what it would be like for you to see it, let alone touch it! TOUCH IT!" she scoffs. "I don't even want to touch my own. And believe me, I've thought about it." Her eyes are wide as she nods frantically. "Every night after these make out sessions we have... I want to touch myself. I really do. But all I can think about is floppy folds and random holes!"

My face falls. "Wait. What?" Shit's no longer funny. "You want to touch yourself?"

"Yes! All the time!"

I push her off me, shove my hands down my pants, adjust myself and take her home.

"It's not even curfew," she whisper yells as I push her out the door.

I drive home, faster than what's legal, run upstairs, lock my door, and... well... you can guess. The mental image of Lucy touching herself brings me to the point of explosion...yes, explosion, in less than a minute.

I call her as soon as I've cleaned up and don't bother lying about my actions. I tell her that I'm sorry for being vague, but not sorry for kicking her out, because if I didn't, something really, really bad could have happened. Or, something really, really fucking good.

In my goddamn Delorean.




"I need to pee," Lucy whispers. She wanted to get out of the house and spend some alone time so I took her to the movies.

I peel my eyes off the screen and focus on her. "Babe, it's like the fifth time since the movie started."

"I know." She kisses me quickly. "I'll be quick."

She's gone less that a minute before her seat is taken by someone not her.

"Tess." I nod, my eyes never leaving the screen. "What's up?"

"Was that Lucy?" she says quietly.

I roll my eyes. Before Lucy came along, Tess was my go to. When we were at parties, we'd always end up together. It never went further than kissing, although one time we got close. I've heard she tells everyone about me. Logan told me she still wants something to happen, even though she knows I'm with Lucy. I'm thankful word hasn't gotten to Lucy yet. She's made it clear more than once that she doesn't like sharing. "You know it is. What do you want?"

She leans in closer, her cheap perfume invading my nostrils. "You've been together a while now, just thought you'd be done with her already. Honestly, I don't know what you see—"

"Shut up," I bite out and face her. "Don't talk shit about Lucy. Ever. And you better go before she gets back. She's gonna be pissed if she sees you in her seat."

She smiles. Like she's suddenly won a game I didn't know we were playing. "So she knows about me?"

"No," I huff out.

"She has no idea about our past?"

I sigh. "We have no past. We made out a couple times. That's all."

Her smile gets wider. "Then she has nothing to worry about, right?"

"Cameron?" Lucy's voice pulls my glare away from Tess.

I try to act cool, even though I'm already afraid of how the rest of the night will play out. "Hey babe."