More Than Forever Page 85

Her brows bunch, but her lips curve at the corners. "You guys have been together how long? Do you think he cares how you look?"

"I know," I say, almost sheepishly. "But I still want to look cute for him. But not over do it, you know? Just cute-casual."

"Lucy," she laughs. "Are you nervous?"

I nod. "So nervous. And to kiss him? I think it would be like kissing him for the first time, you know? We've never gone this long without each other." I shake out my hands, trying to calm myself.

"You look cute," she comforts.

I go back in the bathroom and take one more look. Tank tops and frilly skirts—that's the way he'd always described how I dress, so I make sure I'm wearing my best ones. And cowboy boots. I know he loves those.

A sharp shooting pain goes through my stomach. Like cramps, but worse. Actually, it's been happening a lot lately. I've ignored it, but the last one was the worst yet. I grip the edge of the counter, trying to breathe through the pain. "Shit," I whisper. The tightening in my stomach is unbearable. And then I pee myself. What the hell? I start to look down at my legs, wondering what's happening. The pain gets worse. My eyes shut tight. My breathing stops. And then I pee some more. I can't control it. Just like I can't control the cry that escapes me. I hear Claud say my name, but she's far away. Everything seems distant. The pain stops. I open my eyes. My gaze already pointed at my legs. But it's not pee. It's blood. I release my breath, feeling tears flowing down my cheeks. "Claud!" I try to shout, but it comes out a whisper. And then the pain comes back. Like a thousand knives stabbing my stomach. I fold over myself, my arms crossed over my waist.

And then it happens again.

The blood.

"Claud," I cry out.

I collapse to the floor. My pretty white frilly skirt now soaked in blood. I run my hand up my leg, covering it in red. So much red. "Claudia! Help!"

The bathroom doors swings open. "LUCY!"

"I don't know what's happening!" I scream. "What's happening?"

The pain takes over. I can't keep my eyes open...

"LUCAS!" I hear her yell.

I can't stop crying.

I can't breathe.

I can't...





I check my phone for the third time, making sure that I got her flight details right. The plane landed forty-five minutes ago. I watched everyone get off, everyone but her. I've tried calling. Six times. Her phone rings out. If she were delayed, surely she'd call me.

I ask the woman at the airline desk, but she won't tell me if Lucy even boarded the flight. I'm starting to get worried that maybe she changed her mind. Maybe she doesn't want to come back. Or even if she does, maybe she doesn't want to come back to me.

Then my phone rings, and Lucas's voice fills my ears. "Cameron." His voice is strained. "It's Lucy. She's in the hospital. You have to come. Now."

I tell him to text me the details as I rush back to the airline desk. I try to pay for a ticket to New Jersey, but my card gets declined. I even try the emergency card Mom gave me. Declined. I call Minge—I'll sell him the fucking Delorean if it means getting me to Lucy. He doesn't answer. I sit on the floor in the corner of the airport, shaking from crying so hard. I try my dad. His assistant tells me he's in a meeting. I curse her until she hangs up on me.

Lucas: Princeton Hospital. I'm scared. Please hurry!

I drop my head between my shoulders, dial a number, hold the phone to my ear, and I wait.

He answers first ring.

"Cameron? What's up?"

"Mark." My voice breaks. "I need your help."

That's all it takes.

An hour later, Mom and Mark arrive. He pre-purchased tickets on the way and an hour after that, I was in the air. We all were.

"Do they know anything?" Mom asks.

I shake my head, trying to keep everything together. And I do—until she pulls me in her arms and whispers, "It's okay, baby. You'll be with her soon."



Lucy doesn't talk about her mom's death often, but when she does, she tells me that the wait was the worst part. The not knowing. I always thought it was strange—but now, after sitting in the waiting room of the hospital for twelve hours—I get it. I completely get it.

The nurses at the desk said that it was family only beyond that point. I begged, I pleaded, I even tried to bribe them with Mark's money. Nothing worked. And then I got angry, beyond angry, and was asked to leave and cool off.

"I am her family!" I shouted at Mark while I paced back and forth outside the entrance.

"I know."

"We've been together longer than some married people and apparently that's not good enough!"

"I know," he said again.

After five minutes and me kicking the shit out of a trashcan, I was finally calm enough to go back in. Mom tried to be strong, but she was struggling just as much as I was.

I sit on the floor with my head between my knees and I wait. And wait. And wait.

Then I feel someone sit down next to me. I think it's Mark so I don't bother looking up. "Cameron." Tom's deep voice echoes in my ears.

My head lifts and my eyes snap to his. "Is she okay?"

His eyes are red and tired, like the time we sat on his porch and talked for hours. It seems like forever ago. "You can all come back now, but she only wants to see you."