More Than Her Page 32

I felt her body turn to me, but I never took my eyes off the asshole in front of me. "Bit close aren't you?" I bit out.

I could feel Amanda roll her eyes, she was that Goddamn dramatic.

Asshole cleared his throat. "Is this kid bothering you, Amanda?" He looked me up and down, trying to size me up.

I wanted to punch him.

I turned to face her and lifted the box of condoms and lube. "This should do us for tonight, babe, but I think we have to order online if we want them by the carton."

Her eyes went wide; a shocked expression overcame her face. She started slowly shaking her head at me. "What is wrong with you?" she whispered, as she walked away.

I followed after her, forcefully bumping shoulders with Asshole as I did.

She stayed silent while I paid for our stuff, huge box of condoms and lube included. Once we were out of the store she rushed towards my car, taking long strides. I jogged up to her and pulled on her arm to stop her. "What's wrong?"

"You can't do that, Logan. You can't just come into my life and pretend like we're something when we're not. Tony—he's a good guy. You didn't need to be like that with him."

I let go of her arm, and took in her words. "What? That guy—Tony—are you into him?"

She shrugged. "Maybe. And so what if I am?" Her chin lifted as she spoke.

I walked past her and towards the car.

"He's kind of a douchebag," I said over my shoulder.

"You don't even know him."

"Whatever. I don't need to know him. Did you see the way he was looking at you?"

She moved so she was in front of me and started walking backwards, blocking my path.

"Yeah. I did. And who's to say that I didn't like it?"



We got home and she went straight to her room. She didn't say a word the drive home and neither did I.

I was in my room, sitting on the Goddamn floor, setting up my new computer when I heard yelling from the living room.

I went out to check what the fuck was happening. The last thing I expected to see was Amanda sitting on Ethan, while he was on his back on the floor. She was slapping the shit out of his head while he was yelling at her to stop.

What the fuck?

I didn't know whether to laugh, cheer, leave, or throw money at them.

"Hey!" I yelled.

They both turned to me—only for a second—before Amanda turned back around and started slapping his head again.

"Fucking quit it, Dimmy!" Ethan yelled, trying to squirm out from under her. She was sitting on his stomach and he couldn't get out.

"I'm not fucking going back!" she yelled. "You fucking do it!"

She started slapping him harder, not just on his head, but his chest, too. His hands were covering his face to block the hits.

"Quit it!" he yelled again.

I just stood there, hands in my front pockets, confused as all fuck.

"Dude!" Ethan said, blocking her hits and moving so he could see me. "Get this crazy bitch off me!"

I lazily pulled my hands out of my pockets and walked over to them.

"Bitch? You just called me a fucking bitch?" She started hitting him harder.

He cussed some more.

I finally pulled her off him.

I held her, facing away from me, with her arms pinned to her sides, then lifted her off the ground while her legs kicked wildly.

What the fuck?

Ethan finally got up, straightening his clothes.

"Screw you, Dimmy!" he spat out. "I have to be the man of the house and support a family one day. What are you going to do? Just marry some asshole and be a mom. You don't even need college for that!"

I swear to God, what happened next, actually happened.

She roared. All out roared. Like a lion. Not even joking.

She tried to squirm out of my hold and I let her. Ethan deserved at least one hit for that comment. She got in one slap, before I pulled her by her arm and brought her back to me, so she was facing me, her arms pinned to her sides again.

"That's it!" Ethan said. "I've had enough of your fucking shit, Dimmy! Ma said you weren't allowed to hit me anymore! I'm calling her and you're going to be in so much trouble!"

He left, slamming the door behind him. Seconds later, I heard his piece of shit old jeep peel out of the driveway.

Then I looked at Amanda, her hair was wild, and her face was red. She was pressed against my body tightly.

"You can let me go now," she said, breathing heavy.

"Are you sure? You're not going to hit me are you?"

She shook her head. I slowly loosened my hold on her, until her arms were free.

But they went around my neck.

There's fire in her eyes. I don't know whether it's from anger or—

"Fuck it!" she said, before her mouth was on mine, her tongue was in my mouth, her hands gripped my hair and her legs were around my waist.

Fuck. Yes.

I started kissing back, my hands on her ass.

The kissing was frantic and sloppy at first, until we calmed ourselves down. Then one of her hands pulled the bottom of my shirt up.

"Take me to your room, now!" she panted against my lips.

So I did.

We hit walls, corners and furniture as we made our way there, our lips never parting. I open the door and then I remembered— there's fucking nothing in my room.

"I don't have a bed," I said, mouth still on hers as she took my shirt off.