More Than Her Page 35

"Knows what?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing, man. Just—never mind." He put his leg up on the coffee table and started kneading his hip with his hand. "I can't fucking believe Ma got fired again."

And there it was.

"So she lost her job and that meant Amanda had to go home, and what? Work? Look after your mom?"

"Unless a miracle happens, yeah. I guess so."



I'd been laying in my bed, in a dark room, for who knows how long, feeling sorry for myself, when really, things could be a lot worse.

The thing is, I just don't want to go home. I already gave up a year of my life to stay there and make sure everything was okay. I get that Ma was upset and that she lost it a little, and honestly, she had every right to.

But it was hell.

It wasn't just the schoolwork added with the full time work at a crappy diner, and then the coming home to a borderline alcoholic mom. It was also because somewhere between the day Dad walked out on us, and the night it happened, I lost myself. I lost who I was as a person and became something else. Someone weak, and stupid, and pathetic. Someone completely not me at all, and I don't want to be reminded of that.

There was a light tap on my door before Logan popped his head in, "You decent?"

It was too dark to see anything, "Uh huh."

"Dammit!" I could hear the smile in his voice, and for some reason it made me happy, and so did the fact that he was in here right now.

"What are you doing?" He moved closer to the bed.

I sat up a little. "Sitting here feeling sorry for myself. What about you?"

"Can you please turn a light on? Contrary to your obvious perception of my body, I'm not superhuman. I don't have night vision."

I laughed and did what he asked.

He stood there, bowl of ice cream in one hand, Gummy Bears in the other.

My eyes went big as a gasp escaped my mouth, "Did you go out and get me these?"

He nodded.

"You didn't!"

"I did." He smiled, that beautiful smug smile of his.

He sat on my bed, and watched me scoff down the ice cream, which surprisingly made me feel better. "So I have an idea," he said.

I put the bowl on the nightstand and gave him my full attention. "And what's that?"

"Let's go a little crazy and beat the shit out of Ethan."

I laughed so hard I snorted. It's my most attractive quality.

He watched me, that panty-dropping smile of his on full display.

The thing with Logan was that he had that power over me. His presence could make me forget all the emotions I felt before he entered a room. Because the second he's here, it's all him.

I hated it.

And I loved it.

"What was that about anyway?" He mocked as he scooted closer so our legs touched. "I felt bad for the kid. I felt like yelling at him to tap out. How the fuck did you even get him to the ground?"

I threw my head back with laughter.

"So I have my two truths for fifteen question, are you ready for it?" he asked.

I nodded, still smiling.

"I don't know why I didn't ask you this earlier—but why the hell does Ethan call you Dimmy?"

Shit. I didn't want to answer. "Pass."

"You can't pass." He had that shit eating grin on his face. "This story must be good." He moved closer again, until his hands were on my knees. We were face to face, sitting cross-legged on my bed.

"I pass. There has to be a 'pass' rule. You can't answer every question truthfully."

"Yes, there is a pass rule, it's that you're not allowed to pass."

"What? You have to answer every question? So if I asked you; 'How many girls have you had sex with?' you'd have to answer?"

He nodded, but he was unsure, "Is that your question?"

Did I want to know? I think I made a gagging face because he chuckled.

"No. That's not my question."

"So why does he call you Dimmy?"

I pursed my lips tight and shook my head.

"I'll find out," he said, eyebrows raised in a challenge.

I continued shaking my head.

He sighed out loud, slumping his shoulders, like he'd given up. He dropped his head forward, causing his hair to fall into his face.

My hand shifted to move it out of the way. I didn't know I was doing it until it was done. But when I go to pull back, his hand held it in place, linking our fingers together.

Then he looked up at me, and slowly, a smirk pulled at his lips. He took in a deep breath, and then it hit me, what he was about to do. "Yo, Ethan!" he yelled, before I got a chance to cover his mouth.

Ethan walked into my room, and took in our position, before leaning on the dresser, "What's up?" He looked at us suspiciously.

I didn't care.

"Why do you call her Dimmy?"

"Don't you dare tell him!" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He crossed his arms over his chest with a smug grin on his face. The exact same one Logan wore. I looked between the two of them.

"Amanda the Demander," Ethan sang.

"Shut up!" I ground out.

"She was a little brat when we were kids. You know that girl from Willie Wonka?"

Logan thought for a beat, "The 'I want it now' girl?" he said through a laugh.

Ethan joined him, "That's the one. She was exactly like that. Mom, Dad and I used to call her Amanda the Demander; eventually it just got shortened to Dimmy. It stuck." I threw a pillow at his head. He blocked it, chuckling to himself.