More Than Her Page 56

I got to the diner, ordered a coffee and pulled out my phone.


"Where are you?"

"New York."

"I'll be there soon."

Nine hours later, he was there.


Ty called every day after my visit. At first it was quick check ups, and then slowly, it built to longer, deeper conversations. Initially, I answered because I knew he wouldn't stop calling if I didn't. And then one day I found myself looking forward to his calls. Eventually, without me knowing, he had somehow helped me heal. And by the time I moved to start college, I was almost back to normal.

Until the day I saw Logan at the library, and it felt like my past, my life, my world—all of it—came crashing down around me.

Like I said—Almost.



I barely saw her for two days. If we were home at the same time, she ignored me. The truth was I wanted to see her, more than anything. But I knew I shouldn't. So I didn’t. Instead, I let her believe that I was an asshole. I am. But not for the reasons she thought.

"Amandaaaa! Your boy's home!" an unfamiliar voice boomed from the front door. I could hear Ethan laughing, then Amanda squealing. I opened my door the same time she did, but she didn't notice me.

She practically ran down the hallway. I followed because I'm a nosy, jealous, asshole.

Some guy had his arms around her, spinning her around. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. It was like Tyson all over again.

"Dude," she said, as he placed her back on the floor. "E didn't tell me you were coming!"

"I wanted to surprise you."

She had a huge grin on her face. "How long are you here for?"

They talked for a few more minutes. Nobody bothered to introduce me. I just stood there with my hands in my pockets feeling like a loser.

"I gotta go to work," she said, "but afterwards, you're all mine, okay?"

He nodded, as she turned and went back to her room, brushing past me. She didn't even acknowledge me.

I watched the dick stare at her ass as she walked away. "Holy shit, Amanda!" he shouted, "Yoga must be working. You're ass is fucking incredible."

She laughed.

Fucking laughed.

Who the fuck is this dick?

Ethan went to the kitchen, Dick followed behind him.

I was still fucking invisible.

"Ethan, man," I heard Dick say, trying to keep his voice low. "Amanda's gotten hot. Like really fucking hot."

I cleared my throat as I entered the room, glaring at Dick as I did.

"Oh hey, man," he had his hand out, "Tristan."

I looked at his hand, ignored it, then open the fridge for a bottle of water. I glared at him. "You think it's okay to talk about your friend's sister like that?"

His eyes widened slightly, then slowly, a smirk appeared. This dick was actually smirking at me.

"Aah," he said, nodding his head.

What the fuck did that mean? I crossed my arms over my chest. "Maybe you should have a little more respect, don't you think?"

I don't care who this guy was; he couldn't talk about Amanda like that.

I heard him chuckle, then Ethan walked up to him, pat his shoulder a few times, and left the room.

Dick straightened up and squared his shoulders.

I sized him up. I could take him.

I took a step forward.

He did the same.

"I've known her since we were five," he started, "then through her teenage years. You know, when her body started to develop." He motioned tits with his hands, because clearly he was twelve fucking years old.

My eyes narrowed.

He continued. "She was cute in high school, but she was Ty's. Now though..." he trailed off and licked his lips.

"Watch your next words asshole." I ground out. I cracked my knuckles with my thumbs. I wanted him to continue. I wanted a reason to hit him.

His smirk got wider.

I wanted to remove it with my fist.

"Now though, I bet she'd be fucking dynamite in the sack."

I shoved him. Hard.

He fell back and hit the wall.

Ethan walked in.

Dick started laughing.

Ethan shook his head.

"Tris, don't fuck with him like that."

Dick, aka Tristan, continued to laugh. I shoved him again.

"Logan," Ethan warned. "He's being an asshole. He's just fucking with you. He's gay."

"What?" I looked him up and down. He didn't look gay.

"Don't look at me like that," Tristan said, "I might get the wrong idea."

Ethan chuckled.

"You don't look gay," I stupidly said.

"We're not all fairies and feathers you know?"

Ethan chimed in, "I'm taking Amanda to work. I'll be back soon."

"Looks like it's just you and me," Tristan said, blowing me a kiss.

I couldn't help but laugh.

I grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and handed one to him. We spent the time Ethan was gone getting to know each other. I remembered his name from Ty's story. And even though he fucked with my head, I couldn't not have respect for him.


"I didn't come out to my parents until the day I left for college."

"Yeah? That must've sucked."

"Yeah," he said, shrugging. "I spent most of my high school years so far in the closet I was having adventures in Narnia."