More Than Her Page 69

"Oh, fuck it!" he grunted, before lifting her over his shoulders. He bumped fists with me on the way out.

"I want you to fuck me rough tonight," we heard her say.

The second we heard it the door shut, we all let go of our laughs.

A minute later Ethan came home with James in tow. Jake stood up, "We're out." Micky just shook her head, following behind him.

"Have a good night." She smiled at us.


We were both a little wasted by the time we got into bed. She stripped of her dress and was sleeping in her bra and panties and that’s all. I was doing everything I could to not touch her inappropriately.

"So are you likely to get more game time now?" she asked, settling under the covers.

"No. I'm done. I'm telling them tomorrow. I quit."

She gasped. "Really?"

"Uh-huh. What a way to leave the game, huh?"

She just smiled. "It sucks that I wasn't at the game today, but I'm glad I still got to share some of this moment with you."

I brought her into my arms. "I'm glad I'll get to share all my moments with you."



He wasn’t in bed when I woke up the next morning, but there was a text from him. He was in a team meeting and would be home soon. I jumped in his shower, but forgot my clothes so I put on his jersey that was lying in his hamper. When I opened the bathroom door, he was there, sitting on the edge of his bed with his back to me.

His jersey barely contained my ass, and even though he'd seen me like this before, the fact that I was completely naked underneath had my skin feeling hot. I knew I was blushing. I cleared my throat. He looked up surprised.

"Hey," he said. "You just getting up?"

I nodded, nervously pulling the hem down further.

His eyes narrowed in confusion, then went from me to the bathroom door and back to me again.

I stood in front him.

He was looking down, I assumed at my legs. I've seen him do that a lot. He wet his lips and sat up a little straighter. His hands twitched at his sides. He hadn't said a word. "Logan?" I tried to get his attention.

Slowly, his gaze travelled from my legs, up my body, and rested on my face. His eyes were hooded, burning with lust. He bit his lip as he moved forward; his hands reached and cupped the back of my thighs, bringing me closer to him. His touch was soft and demanding, all at the same time.

He blew out a heavy breath before dropping his head forward and letting it rest on my stomach.

And I let him.

For a few moments, I let him stay there. Not moving. Not saying a thing.

Then slowly, and so fucking lightly, his hands moved.


And higher.

And I knew that I wanted him there.

I wanted him to touch me.

My legs rubbed together. A moan escaped before I could control myself. Because I couldn't. I couldn't fucking control myself around him.

He cleared his throat.

My eyes darted to see him looking up, watching my face.

My hands clenched at my sides, my eyes fluttered shut. I needed him to touch me.

One hand cupped my bare ass. He didn't grab, he didn't squeeze, he just held it there. He finally lifted his head to meet my eyes. There was a question on his face, but he didn't need to ask. Not anymore. I was his. My fingers started undoing his jersey. I started from the top, slowly parting the material. His eyes followed my fingers, waiting. When I undid the last button, his free hand splayed flat on my stomach. He started moving the material aside. His mouth came to my belly button, as his tongue tasted my skin. My muscles tensed at the sensation. When he pulled away, he looked up at me. His eyes were dark and penetrating. "Fuck," he breathed out, before pushing his jersey off my shoulders. It easily fell off my arms and onto the floor. Then I stood there, naked in front of him, for the first time. He stayed silent. His eyes raked all over my body for so long I started to feel self-conscious. My arm shifted to cover myself but before I could, both of his hands were on my ass, pulling me closer to him. I stepped forward the same time his mouth covered my nipple. At first he was slow, and gentle, but it didn't last long before the gentle kisses turned to sucks and my knees began to weaken. His mouth was warm on my skin. He kept moving from one, to the other, making sure they got the same treatment. My hands moved to his hair, gripping tight, trying to hold on. Then he slowed down, his mouth pulling back slightly so that his tongue could make slow circles around my nipples. It drove me crazy. I needed more. But he wouldn't give it to me. He just kept going, from one, to the other. I was panting. "Logan," I pleaded.

"Shh," is all he said.

He pulled away; all the way away, and then blew a heated breath on each wet nipple. My knees buckled but he held me up with his arm around my waist.

Then his mouth was on me again.

Kissing. Licking. Sucking.

I needed more.

My legs squeezed together, trying to ease the tension that was building. Then I felt his hand in between them, trying to part them. And then his finger—oh my God—His finger gently separate my folds. He started at the top of my slit, and moved down, then back up again. He repeated the motion over and over, but never enough to push me over the edge. I started squirming but he just held me tighter.

"Logan, please," I begged. My eyes were shut tight. I'd lose my fucking mind if I saw him. I tried to move my pelvis down so I could take more of him, but he wouldn't fucking let me. Just when I was about to yell at him to do something, anything, his finger was inside me.