More Than Her Page 7

"Logan can give you a ride later," Lucy chimed in. I could hear her smiling; she was so damn obvious.

"Yeah. For sure. I'll give you a ride. No problem," I rushed out.


Then I just stared, waiting for her to say something. She never even looked in my direction.

"It's fine. He's on his way already." She waved to everyone before quickly making her way into the house and out the front door.


I was in the kitchen, throwing away some beer bottles, when Cam came in. He leaned against the counter, arms crossed over his chest, smug smile on his face. "So...Amanda..." he trailed off, expecting me to finish his sentence.

I didn't look at him. I didn't say shit.

"You know, when I first saw her with Lucy, she looked kind of familiar. But I couldn't place her. But now—I think I remember her—she's that girl from the diner right?"

I froze mid movement and glared at him.

"It is!" He looked like he'd just won a prize. "Did you end up taking her out? What ever happened with her?"

I sighed, thinking about what to tell him. "Nothing, dude. Nothing happened." Lie.



The reinforcements.

Start of summer, pre College

I met up with Cameron at Lucy's house. He'd been watching her brothers and wanted to take them out of the house for a bit. "Let's meet up at that diner on Maine, you know the one with the fifties theme or whatever."

I agreed.

Lucy had six brothers, which meant they had to take two cars almost everywhere.

"What are high school bitches like?" the kid in the front seat asked as we followed behind Cameron.

"Who cares," a kid in the back cut in. "Bitches ain't shit but ho's and tricks."

"Whoa!" I turned to the back seat. I eyed the kid; he couldn't be more than eight. "Which one are you?"

"Logan," he said.

I tried to joke with him, "What? No way, but I'm Logan!"

He rolled his eyes. "I know, asshole." Kid had a potty mouth.

"Where did you learn to speak like that?"

He shrugged, stuck his middle finger up at me, poked out his tongue, and then continued to look out the window.



By the time we get into the diner, Cam had pulled three tables together and was settling the kids in their seats.

It took a good twenty minutes for everyone to order, and another thirty for our food to arrive. Within two minutes, shit was all over the place. Fries, nuggets, ketchup, sodas - everything, everywhere. Cam ate with one hand, the other too busy cleaning a kid, or wiping the table, stopping something from spilling, or picking something up off the floor.

"Great, you're here," our waitress rushed towards the door, already taking her apron off. "You have that table of eight. Good luck with that clean up."

"Thanks. Have a good day." I recognized that voice, and my head whipped to its owner.


She looked hot as hell in her uniform, which matched the theme of the diner. The skirt flowed outwards, but the top half was tight, showing of her killer tits and tiny waist.

I finally managed to peel my eyes off her and faced forward.

I'd spent the last week trying to call her. She never picked up. I tried texting. She never replied.

I smiled to myself. She couldn't ignore me anymore. Not when I was right fucking there.

"What's going on?" Cam pulled me from my thoughts. His eyes must've followed mine. They were focused on the front door, where I assume Amanda was still standing. "You know her?"

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'.

"But you want to don't you?"

"Challenge accepted, Cameron."

"Dude, I didn't-"

"Challenge accepted!" I interrupted.

He laughed.

I felt her presence before I heard her voice. "Can I get you boys anything?"

Her eyes circled the table, and then landed on mine. Her face fell. My heart rate spiked. "Hey pretty girl." I faked cockiness.

"Matthews," she greeted. "Didn't know you'd taken up stalking."

Cam stifled a laugh as he watched this play out. He leaned back in his chair, waiting for the moment of rejection. But I wouldn't accept it.

"I'm not stalking you, babe. Swear it. It's like fate brought me here."

She walked away.

One of the older boys gagged and rolled his eyes.


"What's the plan of attack?" Cam wore a shit-eating grin.

"Who cares," little Logan huffed. "Money over I right?" His hand was up in the air, waiting for one of us to high five him. We didn't.

I searched the table for the youngest kid.

"You." I pointed. "What's your name?"

"I'm four," he said.

"Buddy," Cam spoke, "he asked what your name is, not how old you are."

"Oh. I'm Lachlan."

I smiled at him. "Okay, Lachlan. Want to earn a quick twenty bucks?" I asked him. He nodded his head enthusiastically, eyes big, a huge baby teeth smile on show.

He walked over to Amanda who was at the counter, returning a tray. He pulled at her skirt, making her look down at him, and then he put on the biggest pout I'd ever seen.

"I'm sad," he said.

She gazed over at me for a quick moment, and then looked back down at Lachlan. She bent so she was at eye level with him. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Is everything okay?"