More Than This Page 14

“Fuck you!” he yells and reaches for her again.

So I punch him.

Right in the face.

Like I should have the first time I saw him hurting her.

He falls to the ground.

Cops start coming over but they’re shooed away by his friends that peel him off the ground and start to carry him away.

“Asshole,” I mumble under my breath.

Then I hear her gasp and her grip on my arm tightens even more. I turn to face her, all the blood has drained from her face. Her whole body gives out and I struggle to catch her on the way down. I try to fall to the ground gently, her small frame enveloped by my body. Then she wails, a scream so deafening it makes the murmurs of the crowd instantly silent.

I look to the house and that’s when I see it.

Three gurneys. Three body bags. One so small it can only be a child.


Chapter 8


Somehow I end up in the back of an ambulance. I hear voices and smell Jake all around me. I must have passed out. I sit up, a little dazed, and realize I’m wearing Jake’s Tuxedo jacket, I sniff it once.

And then I remember.

My entire family is dead.

I close my eyes and pray that this is a dream, a nightmare. But when I open my eyes, I’m exactly where I was. I feel my heart pounding harder against my chest. The ache so big it’s like a volcano about to explode from the inside. I can’t breath. My vision blurs as my throat closes. I need to find a way to make this better. I need James. I need Megan.

And then I remember more.

How can everything, EVERYTHING be taken from me instantly? Anger consumes me, my body trembles with the need to release something from within. I pick up the first thing I see and throw it. Sounds of metal hitting metal echo in the back of the ambulance. I pick up more things and throw, spinning in circles pushing and shoving everything in my way.

I want to die.

I want to be with them.

There’s nothing else.

No one else.

Nothing can hurt more than this.


My face burns, and my voice is hoarse from crying. My legs can’t hold me anymore and they give out underneath me. Strong arms wrap around me from behind, their body falls to the ground with me, cradling me and rocking me like I’m a child, soothing my hair away from my face and shushing me in comfort. “It’s going to be okay, Kayla. I promise.” He kisses my temple.

I open my eyes and look up at his midnight blue ones, red raw from his own tears. “Jake…” my voice breaks before I silently sob in his arms.

We stay like that for what feels like hours but is only minutes. My mind is empty, completely void of any thoughts. I’m a shell of a person.

“Miss Jones?” A young cop tries to get my attention.

I bury my face further into Jake’s body.

“Have you got somewhere to stay tonight?” he asks cautiously. “The house is going to be a crime scene for a while…uhh… you’ll need to find somewhere until we clear out all the evidence.”

I still have no idea what happened to them.

“What happened?” I whisper, as I look at Jake.

“It’s okay, we’ll talk later,” he assures me. To the cop he says, “Yeah, she can stay with me.”

“And what’s your relation to Miss Jones?” Cop sounds suspicious.

“I’m her boyfriend.”

“I don’t know if that’s appropriate, has she got any friends she can stay with?”

I small sob forms in my throat and escapes from my mouth, I grip onto Jake tighter.

“Seriously, dude?” He sounds pissed. “Were both adults! And do you really think I’d be here right now if I didn’t care about her! What the fuck?”

Jake’s accent is so thick right now, I don’t know if I understood him correctly.

“Jake?” a timid females voice comes through the open ambulance doors.


“This is your mother?” cop asks.

“No shit, Sherlock!” Jake growls.

“Jacob!” His mom reprimands.

“Ma’am,” cop begins “your son here says that he’s Miss Jones’ boyfriend. He says she can stay with him tonight? I just want to confirm that this is suitable.”

Jake’s mom doesn’t miss a beat. “Officer, my son is an adult. I am here for moral support, not to write out permission slips. It’s obvious my son cares for Miss Jones or they would not be in the position they are in.” I’m still cradled in his arms, on the floor of the ambulance. “Now, maybe you need to take a step back and re-evaluate your level of sensitivity to the situation.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” cop replies.

I hear his footsteps walking away.

“Jake, honey, let’s go home.”

Jake pulls back from me so he can see my face, he has to hold my head up because I can’t seem to function at all. “Mikayla?” I blink. “I’m going to carry you into a car, and you’re going to stay at my house tonight, okay?”

I nod once.

“Okay,” he says, pulling hair away from my eyes and planting a kiss on my forehead. Then I’m being lifted and carried into a minivan. He sits in the back with me and resumes his cradle hold. His mom drives to their home, in complete silence.

I must fall asleep, because the next thing I know I’m being carried up stairs and being tucked into a bed. “Jake…” I whisper. “Where are you going?”