Naughty King Page 2

I slide my teeth along my bottom lip then bite down as I suck in a quick breath. My eyes snap open, making direct eye contact with Margo as I come hard, shooting my load down the blonde’s throat as my employee watches with a scowl on her face.

A shudder rips through me as I bask in the afterglow of one fine orgasm. I smile as the blonde unwraps her mouth from my cock and licks the tip of my dick to make sure she swallows down every last bit of come.

Margo continues to shoot daggers at me. This is all kinds of wrong and a fucking sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen, but I honestly don’t give a shit.

All I care about is making sure my point is crystal clear with my new bitch of an employee—she is here to serve me. Not the other way around.

I sit up, stuffing my cock back inside my underwear before zipping my pants up. “Margo, pay the lady.”

Margo’s plump lip curls in what I’m sure is an expression of thorough disgust. “Pay for your own fucking whores.”

Her words shock me at first, but then I find myself highly amused. I burst out in a deep laugh, which only makes Margo’s face even redder before I fish my wallet from my back pocket. I lay two hundred-dollar bills on my knee for the hooker while never taking my eyes from my heated secretary. “You’re free to leave now.”

Relief floods Margo’s face as she turns, but I stop her. “Not you, Margo. I was talking to my . . . guest here.”

The hooker stuffs the money down in her bra and then winks. “You tasted yummy. Request me anytime.”

Margo rolls her eyes behind the woman and shakes her head, but I simply nod at the woman. “What was your name again?”

“Candy.” She grins.

“Of course it is,” Margo scoffs.

I push myself up from the couch and button my jacket, putting myself back together. “Sorry, Candy. I never request the same girl twice. More than once and you bitches get clingy and forget I hired you just to get me off, not to talk. Matter of fact—” I glance down at my watch. “—it’s time for you to get the fuck out. I’ve got a meeting to prepare for.”

Candy’s nostrils flare. “You can’t treat people like this.”

“Of course, I can. I’m Alexander King, and I can do whatever the fuck I please. Now leave before I call security and have you forcibly removed from the property.”

“Asshole,” Candy calls over her shoulder as she leaves without another word of protest.

You would think being called that would cause me to flinch, but no, I revel in the name. I like that women hate the way I treat them. It ensures they keep their distance.

The door slams and Margo points her gaze in my direction. “I assume you’re done with me now that the show’s over?”

Since we’re alone, I take my time to rake my eyes over Margo. She still appears angry enough to chop my dick off.


I want her to hate me.

I want to make it clear that we are not friends.

“Margo . . .” I can’t help smirking as I adjust the cuff of my jacket. “I’m just getting started with you.”

She arches a perfectly manicured eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I laugh. “You seem like a bright girl—I mean, not just anyone earns two degrees from Harvard. You know that sooner or later you’ll be on your knees before me.”

She laughs bitterly. “You can’t be serious. I would never be one of your two-dollar whores.”

I take a step toward her, reducing the gap between us to mere inches. She’s close enough that I can feel her breath coming out in warm little puffs. “Don’t pretend like that didn’t turn you on. I saw you watching—waiting your turn like a good girl. Don’t worry, you’ll get your chance someday.”

“Fuck you,” she spats.

“Not yet, but you will.” I trace the exposed flesh on her chest with the tip of my finger. “You’ll beg me for it. You’ll beg me to fuck you, hoping that it’ll be you who changes my asshole ways and makes me fall in love.” She opens her mouth to protest, but I press my finger to her lips, cutting her off. “You will. I have that effect on women, but you’re smart enough to know that if you do that—if you let me have you—you’ll quit when you don’t get your way like the spoiled little brat your father has raised. And we both know that you quitting will piss off Daddy, don’t we?”

“I needed a secure job that will pay the bills after my family goes bankrupt. You know that. It’s part of the deal with my father,” she argues, but I’m not stupid enough to buy into that.

“Don’t lie to me,” I scold her roughly, and she stiffens. “We’re both highly intelligent human beings so let’s not play dumb. You’re here to spy on me—to figure out a way to stop me from buying your father’s company for pennies and then sell off everything he’s worked for piece by fucking piece, in turn making me an even richer man.”

She lifts her chin. “You’re a bastard, you know that?”

I shrug. “Maybe so, but I’m honest and just to show you that infiltrating my business doesn’t scare me one damn bit, I’m going to allow you to stay. But know this: I’m going to make your life a living hell while you’re here. I’ll have you dying to fuck my brains out or needing to walk away before you kill me with your own bare hands. Either way—you’re fucked.”