Winning Appeal Page 12

Okay, don’t think about her tongue too much. Oh fuck, too late. Well, the answer was that I could get even harder. I adjusted myself. It was going to be an uncomfortable ride home. I was going to have to check out these injuries too. I reached up and rubbed the knot on my forehead. When I finally got her there, I might have to tie her to the bed for my own protection. Oh don’t picture that, Mark.

The elevator doors slid open and my car Heidi was waiting. I got in and put on my seatbelt. Before I hit the ignition, though, I just sat there for a minute and I thought about how Beth had just melted against me when I rubbed her back. And I thought about how adorably dazed she looked after we kissed. Even just dancing with her had been great. She said we fit together well. I smiled. Don’t think about it, Mark.

Let’s face it, I wanted her and I was going to go insane if I didn’t have her. For the first time, though, I felt something, more than just turned on. I felt warm, like I wanted to hold her all night, even if I didn’t fuck her. Well, okay, I would rather fuck her and then hold her all night. I adjusted myself again. Okay, Mark, Hallmark moment over. Time to go home and get rid of this problem.

Later, after I had jerked off, and showered, and jerked off again, I lay in bed thinking again. I was a regular Descartes these days. I couldn’t believe my luck. What were the chances I would run into a former hook-up? Well, the chances might not be that bad, I had hooked up a lot, but what were the chances Beth would know her? Beth had been so classy about it though. She let it roll of her back and she didn’t judge either one of us.

So, why had I been so defensive? I didn’t feel like I had to apologize for being a single guy who didn’t lead women on, but I couldn’t shut up about it. The answer was that I didn’t want her thinking I had some kind of weird commitment issues. I cared what she thought. Oh man, this was uncharted territory. I was finally going down… dressed like Jay Gatsby.

Sunday 7:00 PM

Sunday nights, Adam, Braden, Cam and I always got together to watch whatever sport was in season, eat pizza and drink beer. We called it Game Night, and it was a long-standing tradition. As soon as I walked in the door of Braden’s place I knew I was in for it.

“So, Mark, jaywalking on the Ben Franklin Parkway, huh?” Adam started.

“I took a shot to the eye. I was wounded and disoriented.”

“I appreciated your effort to help Beth,” Braden said, sounding sincere. “And I also thought it looked like the two of you pulled it together really well afterward. At least in the pictures.”

“Did you have fun?” Cam asked.

“Actually, I did. It wasn’t bad at all. There was this really good orchestra that played Big Band music…”

“Did you dance?” Adam cut in with a smile. This was another one of those moments when I wanted to beat the shit out of him. He was still getting back at me for yanking his chain when he was dating Lily.

“Yes, we did, and she asked me if I wanted to go with her next week. There’s this Great Gatsby party.” No sense delaying the inevitable.

“The Great Gatsby! Ah, the Roaring 20’s. You’re going to wear a costume, aren’t you?” Adam looked so happy.

“I believe it is a costume event, yes,” I replied through gritted teeth.

“So, how was Friday night?” Braden asked. Adam had obviously waited to share the news.

“I didn’t see anyone who interested me, and I was kind of tired…”

“And the last man goes down!” Cam laughed.

“You didn’t hook up?” Braden asked, looking happy.

“No. I didn’t hook up. And, I didn’t last night either; I assure you. My one month streak is undisturbed.” I shot Adam a resigned look.

“Have you said anything to Beth?” Braden asked.

“We haven’t discussed it in detail, but we did, I think, acknowledge the fact that we were interested in dating.” Our tongues in each other’s mouths, and the fact that we decided it was a date, were a dead giveaway.

“Okay.” He nodded, looking like he was processing that information. “No pressure. I mean you’re just dating. That’s all. We all understand that. Look at Cam; he and Jess have been together almost a year and he’s not engaged yet.”

“They do live together, Braden,” Adam pointed out.

“And, well, um, I am planning to pop the question soon,” Cam replied.

“You are?” Braden asked. “That’s great! Gabrielle will be thrilled.”

“Hopefully, Jessica will be too,” Adam added.

“Congratulations, Cameron, and we’ll have to celebrate, but back to the part where you give me your blessing, Braden,” I broke in.

“This is definitely a monogamous relationship?” he asked.


“And you’ll take her out to nice places, and let her bring you home to talk to my parents, and all the stuff that I’m sure she’ll want to do eventually?”

“Yes,” I repeated.

“And you’ll make sure you don’t let her get caught up in anything that could create gossip or put her in danger?”

“Like what?” I asked, not sure I knew what he meant.

“Like anything Braden’s wife might put her up to,” Adam piped up.

“No underground sex parties, or digging through garbage cans, or following call girls around town,” Cam put in.

“No cocktail parties for gangsters, or breaking into people’s apartments,” Adam went on.