Winning Appeal Page 15

“Okay, whatever. I guess you can’t help it if that’s all you do.” She got up and walked to the door. “Will you be at Paul’s party next Saturday?”

“Yes, he’s raising money for the Gerard Foundation, and so I think I should be there to show support from our organization. You’re going?”

“Yeah, I usually go to his parties. He was a friend of my grandfather’s,” she said as she opened the door to leave. “Oh by the way, that Mike’s really got some mad sexy skills doesn’t he?” she asked in a conspiratorial tone, wiggling her eyebrows at me. “Hey, does he have any friends he could fix me up with for a night?”

“His closest friends are married,” I said smiling through gritted teeth.

“Oh well, it’s okay. Not like it’s hard to find a player.” She snorted and left.

The only thing that prevented me from leaping over my desk and slamming the door behind her, was the knowledge that she was just an idiot, rather than intentionally cruel. Well, that, and the fact that I don’t think I could actually leap over my desk. I took a deep cleansing breath, and pictured my happy place, a peaceful deserted beach on a tropical island. And look, there was Mark in a bathing suit…

Wednesday 2:00 PM

I was getting coffee in the break room when Mark strolled in and my pulse immediately sped up. I had never met anyone who could affect my physiology so much just by entering a room. He was looking quite yummy in his navy suit and red tie. I could always tell when he had just gotten out of court. His stride was more forceful and his eyes had a certain shine to them. It was almost like he radiated adrenaline.

“Hey there,” he said with a smile. He paused and his gaze went to the steaming mug in my hand. I couldn’t say that I blamed him for being concerned. I put it down on the counter and he approached tentatively. Oh, and there it was, Armani Code. That stuff was becoming like heroine to me. I resisted the temptation to breathe it in deeply.

“Hey,” I said, returning his smile.

“So, how are you?” he asked with a slightly husky tone to his voice, staring at my body for a second and dragging his eyes back up to mine. I had on one of my favorite outfits, a lilac paisley dress that hugged my curves without being too tight. Just sayin’.

“Great, thanks. How are you?” If he sounded husky, I sounded like I had been drinking bourbon and smoking for fifty years. I started twisting my fingers together but I caught myself quickly and stopped. He twisted his head and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Great. Oh, hey, apparently, the Third Circuit judge who I chatted with the other night is going to appoint us to a big case. Braden was thrilled.”

“That’s wonderful. I have some good news too. First of all, I did get all of us into the mystery weekend. And secondly, my parents are going to be traveling a lot soon, and my mom has offered us use of the house in Bryn Mawr. I thought we could have a Justice Project pool party to really kick of summer.”

“A pool party…” He was starting to look a little flushed.

“Is something wrong?” Oh man, was I being too pushy?

“No, I was just remembering seeing you out by the pool at your parents’ place once, wearing this little white bikini. You had your belly button pierced, and I noticed what kind of looked like it might be a tattoo right about…” he reached out and gently touched my hip.

“You’re very observant. That was a tattoo,” I said, grinning. “I remember that you have one of Lady Justice in the middle of your back.”

“You remember that?”

“Yeah, it fascinated me.” I was starting to breathe more heavily.

“What do you have there on your hip?” He sounded really husky at that point.

“You’ll just have to find out for yourself someday,” I said and gave him a flirtatious look. His expression, in turn, took on a distinctly predatory quality. Steady, Beth. Don’t. Injure. Him.

“I’m going to be in my office for a while,” he said abruptly and left. Damn, I probably scared him away.

6:00 PM

It was six o’clock and I was about to head home. As I walked to my office door, I almost ran into Mark, who was coming down the hall. He stepped back just in time.

“Ha! No collision this time,” he said with a smile.

I didn’t answer immediately because I was busy noticing that he was dressed for the gym. His legs and his biceps were muscular, and there was the outline of a six-pack against the snug fabric of his t-shirt. Then there were the shorts. Tight shorts. And, oh wow. I felt like I wanted to cry. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I was openly checking out his equipment and I felt my face get hot. I looked up, and saw him trying not to smile.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to… ogle you.”

“It’s okay, I ogled you surreptitiously earlier.” He gave me the flirty smile. “I’m just headed for the gym, to work out and relieve some tension.”

“I’m going…” Suddenly, I couldn’t think straight. Where was I going again? “Uh, home. To relieve some tension,” I mumbled. “Painting! I’ll paint for a while to unwind.” I wandered out the door dazedly. He followed close behind and we got into the elevator together.

“Beth,” he said, a few beats after the doors slid shut.

“Hmm?” I asked, turning to look at him and willing myself to keep my eyes above his neckline, as elevator music played in the background. Just then the doors slid open on the floor below and a group of people got on with us.