The Law of Attraction Page 15

“Why don’t we have a little chat later, Drew?” Braden asked with a smile.

“Love to,” Drew answered, looking not unlike the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. Just then Claire appeared at the door.

“Lunch is ready, everyone.” She smiled. “Let's go in.”

We got up and Braden continued to hold my hand as we walked to the dining room. When we sat down his hand found a comfortable resting place on my thigh. There was more chat about the movie and the club that Beth and Drew had visited, but he and I were distracted by other things, like smiling stupidly at each other. Eventually it was Drew again who broke into our happy little reverie.

Yo! Braden, dude! Mom's talking to you! Stop falling in love for a minute and pay attention.”

“Yes?” Braden asked a little tersely.

“I was just letting you know that you'll need to be ready and downstairs by five. And I wanted to let Gabrielle know that we have a hair stylist and a make-up person coming if she'd like to borrow them.”

“Thanks,” I said with a smile. Claire was so nice.

“Fine. Hey Dad?” Braden said to Tyler. “I was wondering if maybe I could talk to you about something later.” Tyler immediately appeared attentive.

“Why can’t you talk to him now?” Drew asked.

“I have some questions I want to ask him.”

“Don’t you think you should have asked him about that last night?” Drew smiled.

“Drew!” Tyler looked at his younger son menacingly. “That would be fine, Braden. Why don't we take a walk after lunch?”

“Gabrielle!” Claire said, smiling brightly. “We should talk more and I would love to show you some baby pictures of Braden.” Drew looked at his mother curiously and then turned to his sister.

“Uh oh, you don't think he got her…” he began quietly to Beth.

“They've only been dating for a week. Didn’t Dad have that talk with you?” Beth cut him off, whispering through clenched teeth with a smile.

When lunch ended Braden reluctantly took his hand off of me and followed his father out of the room. Claire led me back to the parlor as Beth and Drew headed off in their own directions.

“Bye, Gabrielle,” Drew called out with a smile. He was being very exceptionally friendly this morning. Inner-Gabrielle decided that sometimes it was best not to contemplate things too deeply. I made myself comfortable while she settled in and fixed me with a warm happy maternal gaze.

“So Gabrielle, Braden is obviously quite smitten with you. We've never seen him act like this before.”

“Oh.” I smiled. “Well, I'm quite smitten with him too,” I said, a little surprised.

“Let me get those photos. Braden was such a cute little boy.” She got up and walked over to a bookshelf, taking down a thick leather-bound album. For the next forty-five minutes I looked at pictures of the most adorable tow-headed, precocious child I had ever seen in my life, taking his first steps, winning little league awards, earning first place in a spelling bee, starring as Ebenezer Scrooge in the church Christmas play, riding his big boy bike, splitting the atom and conquering small nations.

I felt like a chocolate bar sitting in the sun, all sweet and gooey. I was a goner. I was going to have to marry this guy someday because there was no way I was letting him go. Unless, you know, he really wanted to. Go, that is. I wasn't going to get all Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction and start playing the soundtrack to Madame Butterfly a thousand times and boiling people's bunnies, but I digress…

He and his dad came back in and both of them looked relaxed and happy. I wondered what it was that they had talked about. Braden offered me a tour of the place and I accepted. After seeing adorable little boy Braden I was eager to be touching my big boy Braden again. He seemed to share in that sentiment as he was at my side like a heat-seeking missile.

It was a beautiful, warm, clear day and outside I could see that a huge tent had been set up on the rear lawn. We exited through the French doors at the rear of the house and descended a flight of stairs that led down to a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi. A small pool house stood off to the side not very far from the tent. We walked down and checked out the progress that workers were making with setting up for the fundraiser. Everything looked lovely. Who knew you could do this with a tent? I wished that I could have brought these people with me when I was a Girl Scout forced to participate in Survivor: Camp Louisa in the Catskills.

I saw that a stage had been set up. They would be having an auction that evening and a band would be playing later. I thought that it might turn out to be a fun evening. We strolled back out and across the grounds and then circled around to the front of the house again. Braden gave me a tour of that too. It was really a beautiful home. In addition to the parlor, family room and dining room I had seen, there was a huge kitchen and a cozy library on the first floor. The basement held a work-out room and a game room that had a full private bar and opened out onto a patio by the pool. As I had guessed there were six bedrooms upstairs. The whole place was beautifully decorated with classic pieces and obvious good taste but it still managed to create a warm atmosphere that felt like a family home.

“It's getting late,” he pointed out. “How long will it take you to get ready?”

“Probably no more than an hour. I wanted to get your opinion about whether I should wear my jewelry though. You said that this was formal but I don't want to look like I’m trying too hard.”

“What kind of jewelry did you bring?” He was giving me a curious look.

“My good stuff,” I replied and he looked amused.

“I’m sure it’s fine but I’ll give you my opinion if you want it.”

We went upstairs to his room. Now, in the daylight, when not distracted by other things, I saw that his walls were covered with framed photos of the Harvard rowing team, along with plenty of awards and even a set of oars. Braden really liked boats. I would have to remember that. I went over to my bag and removed the box to a lovely necklace that my mom and dad had given me.

“This was my graduation gift from my parents when I finished law school.” I held it up to show him. I glanced up and saw that he looked a little surprised.

“Are those diamonds?”

“Aren’t they pretty?” I loved seeing the stones sparkle in the light.

“They’re beautiful. You just tossed them in your overnight bag and brought them along?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Just asking.” He gave me a look I couldn’t interpret. “Do your parents worry about you a lot?” he asked out of the blue.

“Yeah, as a matter of fact they do,” I admitted. “Why?”

“Just wondering. Why don’t we take a trip to New York soon?”

“Maybe my parents should come to Philly. I told you that I have some rather eccentric relatives? Like my bubbe for instance. That's my grandmother. She's kind of…blunt.”

“She'll get along well with Drew.”

“My cousin Rachel, is a bit bitter about her divorce. She’s thirty-two and sleeps with guys in their early twenties.”

“She’ll get along really well with Drew.”

“And there's my uncle Ira, the King of Dry Cleaning. And my Aunt Ruth. She’s something like Fran Drescher, but with a more nasal voice and heavier New York accent.”

“Everybody has embarrassing relatives. You should meet my cousin Derek, the Larry Flint of the Main Line. Actually, on second thought, you shouldn’t meet my cousin Derek. Ever.”

“Braden, you’re going to meet these people and never want to even consider having children with me. I need to wait until you’re madly in love with me before I inflict my family upon you.”

“Gabrielle, don't worry so much.” He laughed. “I don’t care if you have eccentric relatives. I’m dating, and potentially breeding with you, not them.”

“Okay, okay we’ll take a trip to New York soon but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Going back to my original question though, is the necklace too much?”

“No. It'll be fine. It's very beautiful and tasteful. Just like you.” He smiled, walked over and cupped my face in his hands, leaning down to kiss me gently. I heard a knock at the door and Beth called out.

“Gabrielle? I’m sorry to bother you but the hairdresser and the cosmetologist are ready for you now.”

“Go ahead,” Braden encouraged me. “I’ll get dressed while you go see them.”

“Okay, I’ll be right there,” I called out. I quickly undressed and found my robe. I wrapped it around myself and I went out and followed Beth down the hall to her room. The stylist and the make-up professional worked on me for about half an hour and I had to admit that the results were very nice. My hair was piled on top of my head with loose tendrils flowing down and I had the “smoky eyes” that Jessica was always talking about. When I got back to Braden’s room he was in his bathroom and I stepped into my evening gown. Occasionally, I did splurge, and I had known from the minute that I had seen this dress that I had to have it. It was a shimmery light beige color with strips of fitted silk charmeuse making up the bodice and a flowing chiffon skirt. It was so soft that it felt almost sensual against my bare skin.

“Will you zip me, Braden?” I called out. He walked out of the bathroom and my mouth went dry. He was wearing a tux and he looked drop-dead gorgeous. This man was born to dress in formal wear. His eyes roamed over me from head to toe appreciatively.

“You look so beautiful.” He walked over to where I was standing and eased my zipper up slowly. Then as he helped me to fasten the clasp on my necklace there was another knock on the door.

“Yo Braden! Mom and Dad want to know if you’re ready,” Drew yelled.

“We’re not deaf,” Braden said swinging the door open.

“I thought you might be “otherwise occupied.” He snickered. Then he caught sight of me. “Whoa! Gabrielle, you look smokin’ hot in that dress, baby.”

“Did you just call her baby? Do that again and I’ll hurt you. Badly. Now stop ogling her,” Braden said, pushing Drew back into the hall. “We’ll be down in a minute.” There was some grumbling as Drew left.

“He’s right though. You do look smokin’ hot in that dress, baby and I’m allowed to ogle you,”

Braden said, smiling and kissing my hand.


He held onto it as we headed downstairs, where the rest of his family was waiting in the family room with a guy named Alan, who was Tyler’s press aid. Apparently, there were journalists from Main Line Today, Philadelphia Magazine, Vanity Fair, the Philadelphia Inquirer and a few other smaller papers waiting to ask some questions and snap some photos. I guess that happened when your dad was a Senator and you had a party.

We went into the parlor where the journalists and photographers were waiting. Braden hovered next to me protectively, keeping his arm around my waist. At first the questions were all about the foundation and the work that it did but then out of left field came a question from the journalist from the Vanity Fair.

“Ms. Ginsberg, aren’t you the daughter of Ben Ginsberg, the CEO recently mentioned in the Times?” I saw the other magazine journalists perk up and pay attention. The newspaper people didn’t look as interested. Even other reporters probably found that article a little out there.

“Yes, he’s my father,” I answered before Alan jumped in.

“The Senator hasn’t had the opportunity to meet Gabrielle’s parents yet.”

“Does your dad like Senator Pierce’s politics?” the guy from Main Line Today asked.

“Well actually…”

“I don’t think that Mr. Ginsberg has made any official endorsement or statement on the matter,” Alan answered for me in political speak.

“Off the record then,” a woman from Philadelphia Magazine chimed in. “Might this be the joining of a political dynasty and a business empire?”

“Empire?” My dad had an empire? First he was a kingmaker, now he was an actual emperor. Did these people know my dad? He could barely match his socks without my mother’s help. Now my grandfather, he was more of an emperor. He was probably up in heaven financing major expansion as we spoke.

“Now, now,” Alan laughed. “Don’t you think that’s putting a little pressure on the kids?”

“Their kids would be among the wealthiest people in the country,” said the journalist from Vanity Fair. Did my parents have that much money? But they were so… average. Jesus, I really should have taken the money lectures more seriously.

“Gabrielle, is your father hoping to see you married to the son of a president?” asked the guy from Main Line Today. Was he kidding? My dad would be happy if I just didn’t become a crazy cat lady. This whole conversation was surreal. Alan looked like he was about to stroke out.

“Okay folks, we’ve got to wrap this up,” he said with a smile and a slight twitch. Why did I get the feeling that nobody had mentioned it to Alan that Braden was dating a kingmaker’s daughter? They snapped some last minute pictures and I smiled dutifully, wondering if I would become one of Braden’s Google Girls now. At least I would add some variety.

We headed down to the tent. The Pierces would stand in a reception line as guests arrived and I was left to my own devices, to a certain extent at least. Alan was hovering around to make sure that none of the journalists tried to corner me and I recognized the fact that the private security team members were watching me along with the Pierce’s. That was nice of them. I guess they figured Braden’s dad would be rather annoyed if the only woman his son had shown an interest in actually dating in two years got knocked off at his own party.