Home to Me Page 32

“Before you say no, I have an idea that won’t mean a ton of people.”

“It’s Austin’s graduation, remember? Parker asked me to go with them.”

Matt’s eyes narrowed. “You ready for a stadium full of people?”

“I won’t have to talk to any of them.”

“Saturday it is,” he said.

“I don’t remember saying yes.”

“In the absence of a no, the answer is yes.”

She laughed. “I’m not sure that’s how that works.”

That grin. Matt had this boyish charm when he was trying to be endearing, but the sheer size of his shoulders and the way they tapered to his waist was a complete contradiction. The very thing that scared her before about the man was fast becoming the thing she liked the most. It was as if he was a chameleon, strong and protective when he needed to be, soft and gentle when he wanted to be.

“Someone’s lost in her thoughts.” He stepped closer.

“A little.”

“Wanna share?”

His soft gaze created a fluttering of butterflies in her stomach.

“You used to scare me,” she confessed.

His brow furrowed. “Was it something I did?”

She touched his arm. “No. Of course not. I’ve connected attraction with fear and pain. I’m trying to work through it, I’m just—”

He placed a hand on her hip, looked her directly in the eye. “I would rather cut off my own arm than hurt you.”

Erin pointed to her head. “I know that here. But I’m not always in control of my impulses.”

“I know that.” His voice was so calm, so quiet.

“I’m a mess.”

“I don’t think you’re as big of a mess as you think you are,” he said.

“I wouldn’t date me.” Erin was delivering her disclaimer.

That made him smile. “Probably a good idea. Dating yourself might make people think you’re crazy.” When she looked at her feet, he gently brought his hand under her chin and forced her to look at him. “I understand what I’m getting into, Erin. And I’m still game. You’ve told me your secrets—”

She flinched.

Matt hesitated. “Some of them, anyway. I’m hopeful that you trust me enough to at least explore this thing we have working between us to see where it leads. What’s the worst thing that can happen?” he asked.

The answer to his question appeared in her head like a news ticker during a newscast. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to step back.

Matt loosened his grip but didn’t let go. “Talk to me, Erin. What are you thinking?”

“We shouldn’t—”

“I can’t assure you of anything if you don’t tell me your fears.”

Her life was so unfair. She took a deep breath and released it. “What if we get involved and he finds me and I have to leave?”

Matt placed both hands on her shoulders and sighed as if he had the perfect answer to her problem. “As far as I’m concerned, we’re already involved. I’ve tasted your brownies and I don’t think I can face life without them again.” He was grinning. “And if, if, he finds you, he’s going to have to go through me to get to you.”

“And if this attraction between us doesn’t work out?”

“Is that what you’re worried about?” He stepped closer until she had to tilt her head back to look him directly in the eye.

“Attraction fades. People change their minds.”

He licked his lips, looked at hers.

She swallowed. Oh, damn . . . there was nothing boyish about the man looking at her as if he wanted a bite for lunch. Erin was pretty sure she leaned in. Her tongue slid out and licked her bottom lip.

Matt caught the movement. “Let’s try it before we give it up.”

His lips were warm, his breath hot. There was no hesitation this time. No question of was this really happening. It was. Matt was devouring her mouth with his, laying claim to her tongue.

Butterflies swarmed in her and built with every movement.

Her eyes closed, her thoughts fled. They’d been talking about something important but none of it mattered. He was touching her, his hands slid down her back and stopped at her waist. The way he pulled her into the frame of his body made her keenly aware of how long it had been to be handled with such care.

She felt his hand reach for hers and guide it around his waist. She took his guidance as permission to touch, and she did. Strong back and sculpted hips. Probably shouldn’t move any lower, so she let her fingertips travel up. It was then she realized that his hands were following the same path on her as she was touching him.

Even now, while he kissed her breath away, he was letting her lead the way. No forcing or sudden movements. Just a slow, steady pressure of his tongue against hers, their chests molded to each other. And yeah, she could tell Matt was aroused. Jeans could hold only so much from the public eye. And right now that was pressed up against her but he wasn’t satisfying himself with any movements that eased and excited. He didn’t have to. His kiss was enough.

At least while they were in his parents’ backyard.

It was then that Erin heard voices drifting to them from the party.

Matt’s lips left hers, moved to her chin and the edge of her ear. “Through me to get to you, Erin.”

His words were a promise.

One she wanted to trust.


“There you two are,” Colin called out when Matt and Erin walked back into the house.

One look and Parker was shaking her head. “The bridesmaid isn’t supposed to run off with the best man until the reception. You two are starting early.”

Matt felt Erin stiffen beside him. He looked over at her, noticed the smear of her lipstick for the first time.

He wiped his mouth, and several people in the room started laughing.

Erin buried her head in his shoulder. Her cheeks were crimson.

“Art project, my foot,” Aunt Beth boasted from her perch at the kitchen counter.

Matt noticed his mother watching the two of them with a wide smile. It was then that he placed an arm over Erin’s shoulder as if to say, Yeah . . . we’re a thing.

God, he hoped they were a thing.

Anything. Something. More than just a passing thing.

Yeah, she had baggage. Luggage big enough and full enough to make you pay double for it to be loaded onto a plane. But she kissed like an angel that needed someone else’s wings to fold her in and keep her safe.

Matt had a distinct feeling he didn’t really know Erin all that well, that maybe she didn’t even know herself. Because while she was telling him they shouldn’t start anything, her lips had an entirely different conversation. Her tongue was singing a different song until she started to let her fear take over. What would happen when the fear was gone and she was free of the ties to the past?

He didn’t know, but he wanted to be there when it happened.

“So what do you guys think?” Colin asked.

Matt swiveled his mind back to the room and realized he wasn’t following the conversation. He glanced down at Erin. She had the same confusion written all over her face.

“Come again?” Matt asked.

Colin pulled Parker into his side. “Best man?”