Home to Me Page 45

“And I told you about those.”

“And Desmond finally clued in to that and is now looking for anything else you may have ‘taken’ from your marriage.”

Erin stared down into her phone. “Taken? I sold my shoes. Not his!”

“And he realized, or was advised, that he wouldn’t get anywhere with the shoe debate. But jewelry obtained during your marriage is another subject.”

“They were blood gifts, Renee. Every earring, every necklace. I didn’t want them then, and I don’t want them now. I left everything in his home . . . our home.” The entire thing was ludicrous.

“They filed a motion and we have to respond. They’re prepared to bring in experts on this.”

“To serve what purpose? I’m asking for nothing. I want nothing from him. I just want him to go away. This isn’t about any money he thinks I’ve taken. You know that.” So she could get on with her life.

“No, Maci. This is about money he wants from you.”

Her head was starting to pound. “I don’t have any money.”

“No. You have something more powerful.”

Now Erin was completely confused. “Really? Because I’m feeling rather powerless right now.”

“Shares in the company, Maci.”

“What are you talking about? That was a gift from my father to Desmond on our wedding day. Like selling your daughter with a flock of sheep.” The whole thing was disgusting.

“I told you I had a colleague of mine look into Desmond to see if we could find another trail of abuse or coercion with your doctors. She stumbled upon some financials that you and Desmond jointly share, and the company came up.”

“The stock belongs to him.”

“It doesn’t. It belongs to both of you . . . I think. It’s actually murky. I’m leaning toward it belonging to you.”

“That’s not what Desmond told me.”

“This is the man who beat you, Maci. Do you think he wanted you to know that you owned a part of his company? He wanted you isolated and broke so you needed him. It’s classic. I’ve seen this a hundred times.”

Erin closed her eyes. “I don’t want the company. I want nothing from that man.”

“I understand. I do. But as your attorney, I’m going to advise you to learn exactly what you’re giving away. And here’s the deal. Desmond hasn’t asked for this from you as of yet. He hasn’t even hinted that you own any part of the company. Which leads me to believe that this jewelry bullshit is his way of setting you up to be forced to sign over your interest in the shares before the divorce is over.”

“I didn’t fence my own jewelry. I wouldn’t even know how.”

“I believe you. I have my investigator digging so he can testify in your defense when the time comes. For now, just do nothing.”

“Do I have a choice?”

Renee didn’t answer her.

“You might have your friend look up my father and ask how he gifted the shares. I remember handshakes and pats on the back and being told that I was going to be fine now that my husband owned controlling interest of the company. Daddy came out looking like a saint in the financial news world.”

“I’ll do that. And if you remember anything, call me.”

“I will.”

“How are you otherwise?”

Erin’s mind shifted to the good things in her life. “I met someone.”

“A man someone?”

She found her smile. “Yes. He’s nothing like Desmond.”

“I can’t imagine you’d make the same mistake twice.”

Erin had to laugh. “Most battered women fall into a pattern of abusive relationships. But that’s not something I have to consider when it comes to Matt. He’s kind and caring and a firefighter.”

Renee sighed. “I’m having a hot flash just hearing about him.”

If you only knew. “He reminds me that there are good men out there.”

“You deserve one. I have a call on the other line so I’ve gotta let you go. But call me with anything.”

“I will. And let me know when the asshole is back in town.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Be angry with the man, it’s more productive than giving him the power to make you cower and hide. I’ll be in touch.”

Renee hung up, and Erin sat there staring at the phone.

Cower and hide. Exactly what she was doing and had to do. But she didn’t have to hide from life or cower from the people in it now.


“It’s time to say yes to a dress!” Parker was pumped up on adrenaline and caffeine. Erin could see it in her eyes.

Grace leaned forward between the seats. “Take a right at the next block.”

Erin was driving. For the first time in years, her car was full. Parker took shotgun, and Grace and Mallory were in the back seat.

“You think we’re here for you, but really . . . we wanna make sure you don’t pick out bridesmaid dresses that look like Tinkerbell threw up,” Mallory said.

“Ha ha!” Parker’s fake laugh was aimed at her sister.

“She’s half right,” Grace added.

In the rearview mirror, Erin noticed Grace and Mallory fist-bump. The two of them were a lot alike. They said what they were thinking even if it wasn’t completely politically correct.

“You’re with me, right, Erin?” Parker asked.

Erin stopped for the pedestrians jaywalking in the middle of downtown Los Angeles. “You bet I am. Our dresses should complement yours. And if you want to float down the aisle with fairy wings and taffeta, we will, too.”

“Suck-up,” Mallory chided.

They all laughed.

“Take the next left and start looking for a parking garage.” Grace was their navigator. At first she suggested she drive since she knew the fashion district in LA and Erin didn’t. But then there was talk of toasting with champagne and a designated driver, so Erin volunteered to stay sober and drive.

Erin didn’t know the streets and found herself hyperaware of everything going on around them. The homeless sat at corners of buildings, while everyone else scurried around them doing their best to avoid their path.

Mallory tossed her hand between the seats. “Parking on the right.”

Erin hit the brakes a little hard to avoid missing the turn. “Sorry.”

“Better than going around the block again,” Grace said.

It was midweek and the lot was packed. They found a spot in the lowest level in a corner.

They jumped out of the car and started toward the elevators. Grace patted her oversized purse. Inside was the champagne. “Let’s get this party started.”

Parker was all smiles. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Me either,” Mallory agreed and dropped an arm over her sister’s shoulders.


It wasn’t even ten in the morning, and Grace popped open the bottle as soon as Parker headed into a dressing room with a dozen dresses.

They were on a budget, and it was tight, which was one of the reasons they were in the fashion district instead of some boutique shop being waited on hand and foot.

Erin recalled her experience and couldn’t help but compare the two.