Loving Mr. Daniels Page 19

I grinned and held the daisies up to my nose. Breathing them in, I smiled. “You know bullies—they’re complicated.”

He laughed and slid into his seat. “Aren’t we all? Anyway, Hailey told me about this bucket list of yours.” I wasn’t surprised. He continued. “And from what I found out from snooping through your bedroom while you were in the shower…this Gabrielle girl sounded like a real babe.”

I smirked at his comment.

“I mean, if she were here, I would probably give up Tonys with a Y to have Tonis with an I.”

“You would date my sister,” I frowned jokingly, “but not me?”

“Uh, did you die and leave your twin sister letters for every occasion?”


“Then of course I wouldn’t date you. There’s something so sexy about ghosts leaving notes for their loved ones.”

Giggling, I nodded in understanding. “So you only get turned on by ghost girls, not alive girls.”

“Ohhh, I love when you say that. Say it again…”

I cocked an eyebrow. “Say what? Ghost girls?” He shivered with delight, loving the sound of it. I lowered my voice and moved in closer to him. “Ghost girls, ghost girls, ghost girls!” I whispered over and over again.

He closed his eyes and ran his hand up and down his chest as if he were extremely turned on. “Mmm! That’s how I like it.”

“You’re an idiot,” I chuckled.

“You love this idiot.” I did. “But back to the important things. Theo is having another party soon and I…” He grinned widely and reached into his back pocket. A plastic card came out and his smile grew bigger. “Have a fake ID.”

I snatched it from his hands and smiled. “Where the heck did you get this?!”

His eyes shifted back to Avery. “I know people who know people.”

“Burt Summerstone?” I asked, reading his name off the card.

He took it back from me and slid it into his pocket. “It’s not about the name, baby girl. It’s about the date. I am officially a twenty-one-year-old high school student. And we are officially getting drunk and crossing that item off of your bucket list. Bow down, bitches.” He pulled out a fake ID for me and I grinned.

Summer Burtstone. How creative.

“But I hate Theo,” I frowned. He had been the biggest jerk to Hailey.

“Even more reason to show up and give him a big middle finger,” Ryan smirked. “I do it all the time.”

Ryan had a way of always making people smile. It was a natural gift of his. I felt lucky enough to have moved to Wisconsin and be living with Hailey and him. I didn’t know if I would’ve made it if it hadn’t been for my built-in housemates.

I remembered back on how mean and harsh I’d been to Henry when I’d first arrived into town. How much I hadn’t wanted to be here in the first place. I hadn’t called it home since I’d arrived, but lately I’d thought it could be my home. Because maybe home wasn’t a location. Maybe it’s simply the people who you were surrounded with that made you feel as if you could be whoever you wanted to be.

Maybe home was friendship.

After class ended, I smiled at Mr. Daniels—who was really just Daniel in a suit. My Daniel. My blue-eyed, handsome, loving Daniel. He grinned back at me. The class filed out and I slid all of my books into my backpack. Tossing the bag onto my back, I stood from my desk.

“You’re not wearing one of her dresses?” Daniel asked, moving to sit on the front of his desk. His eyes traveled over my body until he met my stare and I felt warm all over. I loved the way he looked at me. As if each and every part of my being were perfect. As if I were imperfectly perfect for him.

“Nope, not today.” I was dressed in blue jeans and an oversized sweater that hung off my left shoulder. For the first time this school year, my outfit was actually mine…and it felt good to be me.

“This is my favorite look,” he said.

I glanced down at my outfit and grinned. “Mine too.”

“My roommate’s gone tonight.”

I chuckled. “Thanks for the random bit of information.”

“I want to make you dinner.”

Raising an eyebrow, I laughed. “You cook?”

“I cook.” His words were simple yet so dreamy, and I realized I would eat anything he would make. “I do a lot more than cook though…” My eyes fell to his lips. I loved those lips. I loved so much about him.

I bit my bottom lip and glanced toward the classroom door to make sure no one was walking by. “Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Daniels?”

His thumb brushed against his bottom lip and he eyed me up and down. “I guess you’ll have to wait to find out, Ms. Jennings.”

“Meet me behind the library after school?” I suggested.

“I’ll be there.”

The way his eyes danced across my body made me feel at ease, comfortable. What I loved the most was that he’d never looked at me the way he had today. Today he’d seen me for who I really was, and the way both his lips and eyes smiled toward me made me realize that he liked me the most when I was myself.

I was one hundred percent Ashlyn Jennings.

And I was one hundred percent his.

I’d never been to his house before. I’d never been in his Jeep before either. It was a day filled with firsts. I had to admit that lately my mind had been thinking about other things we had never done together. We’d never gone out on a date. We’d never danced. We’d never had sex. We’d never said ‘I love you.’

I stepped into his Jeep and my breath caught when I saw Daniel. He was wearing a baseball cap, and I blushed alone at my thoughts. I’d never seen him in a baseball cap until now. There were so many sides to him, looks to him, characteristics of him, that I hadn’t yet discovered. He smiled my way, took my hand, and kissed my palm. My eyes shifted to the floor mats and I chuckled lightly.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

My head rose and I shook it back and forth. “Nothing. It’s just—there’s so much to look forward to with us, isn’t there?”

“Yeah, I think there is.” He didn’t let go of my hand after he kissed it. He held it as he pulled away from the curb of the library.

“Tell me the boring facts,” I said, growing comfortable in my seat. “Tell me the things that would put most people to sleep.”

He arched an eyebrow. “The boring facts?”

“Your favorite color, your favorite ice cream, your favorite movie. You know, the boring things.”

“Ah, of course. My favorite color is green. Um…” He furrowed his brows, deep in thought. “My favorite ice cream is the one with the waffle cone chunks in it and the chocolate pieces. Don’t ask me if I’ve ever eaten an entire container in one sitting—you don’t want to know the answer. And my favorite movie is a tossup between Lethal Weapon and The Hangover.”

“I love the waffle cone ice cream, too,” I said breathlessly.

He squeezed my hand. “What else? What else do you love? What’s your favorite animal, your favorite season, your favorite breakfast food?”

“Panda bears. I watched a show on Discovery Channel once, and I guess there’s a place in China where you can pay a crap-ton of money and pet baby pandas. My favorite season is spring. I get some of my best writing done during thunderstorms, I think. And if you were to put a bowl of Cap’n Crunch cereal mixed with marshmallows in front of me, I would probably orgasm from the sight.”

He laughed, and I felt his finger tracing the inside of my palm. “That’s the dirtiest thing I’ve ever heard you say,” he muttered.

“What? Orgasm?” I bit my bottom lip and tugged on it.

His blue eyes shifted over to me. “No. Petting baby pandas.” I pulled my hand away from his and smacked him hard, but I was laughing harder. “Ow!” he huffed dramatically as if I’d really hurt him, but I knew I hadn’t. He held his hand out toward me again, and I took his hold.

We pulled up to his house, which he told me was his parents place, and I gasped at the beauty of the property. The lake house looked as if it had been very much a home to someone, rather than just a house. There was a lot of love put into the property.

The front porch was crafted from earth-toned stones, with pebbled steps. On the porch rested two oak chairs and a matching rocking-bench. Daniel didn’t allow me too much time to study the home. He walked me around to the backyard and I sighed at the view. The sun glistened off the lake. I walked across the dock and ran my fingers through the chilled water.

“It’s beautiful,” I said, looking out into the distance. I sat down on the edge of the dock and took off my shoes and socks. My toes trailed through the water, making slight ripples.

“Yeah,” Daniel said softly. He sat down by my side. “It is.”

He took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his slacks, and put his feet in the water, too. We both waved our feet back and forth, creating big waves.

“Tell me the awkward facts,” he said. “Your worst date. Your oddest favorite book. Your weirdest turn-on.”

“Hmm…” I inhaled the fresh smells of autumn by the lake. “I haven’t dated a lot, but my last boyfriend took me to the movie theater for our first date. He thought it would be romantic to show me his...” I blushed. I couldn’t believe I was saying this to him. “His penis. And I giggled and asked him for his 3D glasses to magnify it, because it definitely wasn’t coming to life.”

“Ouch,” Daniel whined, grabbing his chest. “You’re brutal!”

“He showed me his penis! On the first date!” I cried.

“Note to self: don’t show Ashlyn my penis tonight.”

I blushed and gave him a coy smile. “We kind of already had our first date at Joe’s bar. You can pretty much show me anything.”

A wide, toothy grin landed on his face. He flicked some of the water toward me. “Continue.”

“My oddest favorite book is a random one about zombies. In the end, the zombies just turned out to be corporate America, and the people they were trying to turn and corrupt were the creative individuals of the world.

“They turned Steven Spielberg into one of them, and he documented his whole transformation before letting the pull of the Zom overtake him. Then they turned Ellen Degeneres, but the joke was on corporate America because she was just as funny being a zombie as she was being a human. And she made the other zombies laugh, too. Sometimes they laughed so hard they would lose their noses and their arms would fall off due to how funny she was. It was actually a beautiful coming-of-age book that explored the realms of truth, acceptance, and being comfortable in your own skin—even if it was rotting.”

“Wow,” Daniel sighed, listening to my story.

“Yeah. I know right?” I paused. “They all died though.”

He inched closer to me, our legs lying against one another. “The Neighborhood Zombie.”

“No way,” I breathed. “You’ve read it?!”

“Junior year of college. Best book ever.” He smiled. I swooned. “Now. Your biggest turn-on?”

“Oh, that’s easy. My biggest turn-on is a boy who reads to me.”

His finger brushed against the side of my face. “I read.”

“You turn me on, I guess.”

His hand wrapped around my waist and he lifted me into his lap. “You guess?” He took my bottom lip between his teeth and lightly tugged on it. My body responded instantly to his touch. My hands fell against his chest, and when he released my lip, I gave him a soft kiss.

“Well, you haven’t read to me yet.”

He smirked, and as he lifted both of us up from the dock, my legs wrapped around him. “Let’s go make dinner.”