Infatuation Page 62

“What?” I greet, not giving one fuck Nix is probably about to lay me out. The last three days of having a naked Mackenzie anytime I want was worth it though.

“You missed the meet.” He pushes the door further open and storms past me.

“Sorry. Forgot.” I’m surprised his fist didn’t greet me. Not giving up on it still happening, I close the door and follow him into the kitchen.

“You forgot?” He practically scoffs. “You forget you cut some fucker’s fingers off, then left me with the fallout.” He flicks the coffee machine on and moves to the fridge, making himself at home.


“I know, shit.” I rub my face in frustration. Probably not my best move leaving the club with all my shit.

“You’re fuckin’ her.” It’s not a question, but a statement, one that pisses me off.

“Not your fucking business, Nix.” I step up to the coffee machine and take over, getting the pot started for a fresh brew.

“It’s my business if you’re gettin’ your priorities messed up, Beau.”

“I missed one meet. Don’t get your panties twisted.” I press the brew button then turn back to him.

“You’re too busy gettin’ your dick wet to know this shit with the club is fuckin’ important.”

“Don’t go there, Nix.” I force myself to stand down. I’d love nothing more than to take the three steps toward him and fucking knock him on his ass, but I remember Kenzie is here, probably about to come in here and the last thing she needs to see is me raging.

“I’m fuckin’ already there, brother. You’ve been off the grid for three days. Must be some pussy.” His remark pushes me too far, and before I can think of the consequences, I manage to step into his space and connect my fist to his jaw, knocking him back against the counter.

“The fuck, Beau?” He recoils, his hand wiping the small amount of blood from the corner of his mouth. “You’re out of fuckin’ line, Beau.” He steps forward, pushes me back and returns a fist to my nose. Pain spreads across my face. Blood spills instantly, but I don’t have a chance to stop it before he locks me in a headlock. I don’t give him the upper hand for too long before I twist out of his hold and take another swing at him. This time connecting with the side of his head.

“You really wanna do this?” Nix grins as I twist my fingers into the front of his shirt.

“You went there.” I hold him steady in my grasp, weighing up my options. I could hit him again, but he’ll only fucking come back at me.

“Beau? Wh-what’s going on?” Mackenzie’s panicked voice breaks the tension, pulling me back to the room.

“Fuck.” I twist my face to my sleeve, wiping the blood from my face, before pushing Nix back and spinning to face her. “Darlin’.” I step toward her and watch fear wash over her face.

“Beau? Did you cut someone’s finger off?” She steps back, her eyes dodging between me and Nix.

“No, darlin’. Nix is fucking around. Right, Nix?” I turn back to Nix and watch him smirk.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I was just messin’ with him.” He backs me up, but I’m not sure it’s enough.

“Relax, darlin’.” I force my voice louder, trying to pull her out of her head. She’s scared. No fucking mystery there, but she needs to know she’s safe.

“Of course you’re joking.” She takes another look between us both before visibly relaxing. “Is everything okay?”

“All good, darlin’.” She holds my gaze searching for truth, but I don’t give it to her.

“I might go have a shower.” I look down and see she’s thrown on one of my shirts and an old pair of shorts.

“No problem, darlin’.” I give her what I hope is a reassuring smile then watch her retreat out of the kitchen. After hearing the bathroom door close, I turn back to Nix.

“You’re an asshole.” I level my stare at him.

“You done?”

“Yeah, I’m done,” I hiss, letting out a breath past my teeth.

“Good.” He shakes his head then moves back to the coffee machine. “You got yourself in deep over some pussy, brother.”

“I’ll hit you again, you call her pussy one more fucking time,” I seethe, knowing I’m only working myself up again.

“Didn’t think I’d ever see it.” We both know he’s full of shit. This has been a long time coming.

“Just don’t fucking talk about my woman’s pussy again, we won’t have a problem.”

“Your woman?” One brow lifts and he tries to stop himself from grinning. He fails miserably.

“Yep,” I admit, knowing this is where I’m heading. I never did see myself settling down.

Until her.

“Well, about fucking time.” He claps me on the back then hands me my cup filled with freshly brewed coffee. The shower turns on just as I take it and then move to the table to sit.

“What the fuck’s been going on anyway?”

Nix follows me over and pulls out the chair next to me.

“Clubhouse is cleaned up. No, thanks to you.” I ignore his dig and wait for him to continue. “Had a meet with the Warriors. You missed that clusterfuck, too.”

“I take it T received my package?”

“He wasn’t happy. But Baz has been giving him a headache since you took his woman. And after this shit, he owes us.” I nod, glad we’re not in debt to the assholes anymore. After the marker Jesse pulled for Paige, I was sweating what we might have been pulled into.