Incandescent Page 23

“Out the back with Z,” he supplies, taking a pull of his beer.

“Thanks, Sy.” I smile awkwardly, leaving him alone. I’m not sure how his moods work, but I’d rather be out with Nix facing Z, then sitting with him. The guy is one scary man. Walking through the club, I look around at the men and women here today. Most of the men have been around the last few times I’ve been here. I smile and wave as I pass them. Walking outside, I spot Nix and Z with a ball and mitt throwing back and forth between them near a large metal shed. There are a few kids running around, people standing around in small groups, but my stare is lost on Nix playing ball with his son.

Jesus, if that isn’t a turn on I don’t know what is.

Unsure what to do, I hang back and wait for them to finish up. I spot Jesse and Holly talking to Brooks and a woman who must be his wife; their daughter, a spitting image of her mom, bounces up and down on his lap.

“Hello,” a woman with big hair and even bigger tits comes up to me before I can make my way over to them. The sway in her hips telling me she’s not shy at all. “You’re new around here,” she remarks, clearly not caught up on who I am. I nod and smile before discreetly looking her up and down. I have no doubt in my mind that this piece of work is Chrissie. The guys have warned me of her.

“Miss Turner,” Z calls out spotting me from his game. Dropping his mitt, he runs toward me. The woman narrows her eyes at me; I’m sure assessing me like I was just doing to her. I don’t react, just step around her to greet Z.

“Hey, Z,” I say, feeling less awkward than I thought I would. Z looks a lot older for his age. His tall frame stands a foot shorter than me. He seems happy to see me, and I can only hope today goes well.

"Hey, Miss Turner," he smiles.

“Hey, Nix,” Big Tits behind me calls out as he makes his way to us. She walks past me to him as he gets closer. I’m somewhat dreading how I will react if she touches him.

“You know the fuckin’ rules, Chrissie. It’s a family get-together. Leave now.” He steps out of her way, reaching out to grab me around the back of my neck to pull me into him. Bending at the neck, his lips seek mine in an act of dominance that I don’t fight, but take it for what it is. A claiming in front of his club, letting them all know that I’m his. I open up. A soft sigh comes from my mouth earning me a growl. His hands come to my loose hair, fisting and then pulling my head back to give him more control.

The kiss takes over, and I get completely lost to everyone and everything around us. Nix consumes me, surrounds me while taking everything from me. The sound of cheering breaks through the haze of our passion. Pulling back, Nix brings his forehead to mine, our breathing heavy as each other’s.

“Hey, honey,” I say, smiling at his smile. The gentleness of his features melts me when he shows me his soft side.

“You came,” he simply replies, no teasing; more disbelief.

“Of course I came. You told me to.”

“You’ve been known not to do as you’re told,” he reminds me before quickly kissing me again and then pulling back, his smile this time teasing me. The cheers calm down, and I come to my senses remembering Z is standing next to me. Shit!

I pull out of Nix’s arms and turn to face him, but he’s gone. For a second, I worry we’ve embarrassed him or upset him at our public display of affection.

“It's okay. He’s over by Brooks,” Nix calms me, sensing my panic. I turn, looking for him. His eyes find mine before he’s smiling over at me. I smile back, relieved that he isn’t freaked out by me being here.

“Had a word with him before you got here.” Nix leans down to my ear again so only I can hear. “He’s fine with this,” he tells me. A weight of worry lifts from my shoulders, relieved that he spoke to him.

“Want something to eat?” he offers, standing back from me. I nod, ready to move past the attention Nix just gathered us. “Come on. Beau is grilling today.” He takes my hand, walking me over to Beau. I’m still not sure about Beau. I wonder if his issue with me is more than me escaping.

“Hey, Beau,” I smile, hoping he warms up to me soon. He's Nix’s best friend and things could get awkward, fast.

“Kadence,” he replies in his way of greeting. Okay, so maybe not today. I grab a plate ready to move on.

“You speak with T?” Nix asks Beau.

“Yeah, he can’t get a hold on him. Thinks he’s gone underground.” Nix nods, looking deep in thought.

“Still think they’re planning something.” He sounds annoyed.

“You okay?” I ask after a few moments of awkward silence. I don’t know what they’re talking about, but whatever it is has Nix worried.

“Yeah, just some club shit. Let's go find Z.” He takes my hand and leads me over to where he’s sitting with Brooks. After introducing me to Kelly, Brooks’ beautiful wife, and their adorable little girl, Mia, I start to relax.

“What did she say to you?” Kelly asks, bouncing Mia on her lap. Kelly is the only old lady around my age. After eating, Nix had to go off and deal with some ‘shit’ so he left me with Kelly. She let me in on the gossip regarding me putting Tina in her place and filled me in on the woman known as Chrissie, aka big hair and bigger tits. Apparently, I missed the words Nix gave her before I got there. Skanks like her aren’t allowed on family days, only on club nights. Why she even tried, Kelly doesn’t know.

“Just observed I was new around here,” I tell her, not concerned about the woman.

Kelly nods her head. “I don’t trust her,” she shakes her head. “You should have seen her storm off after she saw that kiss. The woman is delusional. Really close with Addi too,” she adds. “Which reminds me, how is Z doing?”

“Better. Since seeing the school counselor, I’ve noticed small changes in him. This morning, Nix and I talked about what could be bothering him and it all comes back to his mom,” I admit before I remember she was her best friend.

“Yeah, I think so too,” she agrees, making me feel less bad that I just blamed his mom.

Addison is one subject I don’t like to get into, especially with Nix. Letting Z know about our relationship is a big step for me. I wanted to wait until the end of next month, when school is out and he moves up a grade. I feel bad that Nix feels like he’s been hiding us from him, but the situation we are in can go either way. I’m Z’s teacher and the school doesn’t know about our relationship; I hope that if they do find out before the school year ends, they don’t make too much of a deal about it.

As the afternoon progresses, Holly continues to piss Sy off, ignoring him while teasing him at the same time. They’ve got this kind of sexual tension that seems like they are familiar with each other, yet they've barely held a conversation. Even Nix notices that something is up. I try to talk to her about it, but she just keeps blowing me off.

Z shows no signs of feeling uncomfortable with my being in his dad’s clubhouse. He even hung out with us most of the time. The day was a success. It also solidified in my mind that I really want things to work out between Nix and me.

Until his ex-wife walks in.

I’m sitting next to Z talking with Kelly and Brooks when I realize something is wrong. Z freezes next to me. His happy, normal self sinks further in his chair and I’m instantly on alert.

“Are you all right, Z?” I ask, reaching out and lightly touching his arm.

“Bitch, get your hands off my son,” Addison’s voice yells out across the back courtyard.

“Addison!” Nix warns, calling out from across the huge area where he was talking with Jesse. He begins stalking closer with long steps.

“Sorry, Prez.” Hunter comes up behind Addison, obviously the one to let her in. “She fucking said it was an emergency.” He shakes his head, clearly realizing he fucked up.

“Z, come with me,” Kelly says, jumping into action, standing from her spot next to me and holding out her hand.

“Z, it’s time to go, now!” Addison yells, walking closer to us.

“I’m warning you, Addison,” Nix comes up, standing in front of us.

Everyone is quiet around us, but my brain is trying to keep up with Nix and Addison yelling at each other and Kelly trying to convince Z, who refuses to leave, watching his father and mother stand up against each other.

“Z, go with Kelly, would ya, bud?” Nix turns to look at his son.

“Like fuck,” Addison spits out, still being a pain in the ass and only pissing Nix off more.

“Z, look at me, buddy.” Z’s eyes find his dad’s. “Go inside.” He nods to him, letting him know that it’s going be okay.

“Z, get your ass in the car. We’re going, now. Get your shit together.” Z stands locked in their battle, unmoving, stuck between who to listen to. Reaching my hand out to his shoulder, I squeeze it to get his attention. I feel sorry for him, standing there watching his parents go at it with each other and fighting over him. I’ve never experienced anything like it before.

“Get your hands off my son, bitch,” Addison yells again and I watch Z flinch.

That’s the second time she’s called me a bitch, the temper in me slowly rising each time she spits it at me, but I ignore it for Z’s benefit. He doesn’t need to see this, bigger things are happening.

“Z?” I softly call. He looks up at me, his eyes pleading with me.

“I don’t wanna go home with mom,” he whispers, just for my ears.

“It’s okay, Z. I won’t let her take you, but you need to go with Kelly so your mom and dad can talk, okay?” He nods his head and moves forward with Kelly, Mia in her arms. Brooks moves in now, standing closer to me.

“Z, quit being fucking stupid. I’m not gonna tell you again, get your fucking shit and get in the goddamn car.” She reaches out as he passes her. Z shrinks back like he’s frightened that she is going to hit him, the ugliness of her words settling around everyone who's here.

“What the fuck, Addison?” Nix’s voice takes on a coldness that I’ve yet to hear. I step in closer to his side. I know he wouldn’t hit her, but the tension in the air is so thick, who knows what’s about to happen. Everyone is on alert, Jesse, Beau and Sy, all moving closer.

“You speak to my boy like that? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Kelly takes Z’s hand and walks him past his parents, away from the shit storm that’s brewing.

“Why is Z’s teacher getting comfortable with our son?” Addison immediately begins when Kelly closes the door.

“I’m not telling you anythin’, woman. You think you can walk in, spewin’ your fucked-up shit. The only reason my hands aren’t on you, draggin’ your sorry ass out of here is ‘cause our son is sittin’ in the next goddamn room scared out of his fuckin’ mind,” Nix grates out, his temper riding the wave of the anger we all are feeling at her words and the way she spoke to Z.

“Don’t be dramatic, Nix,” she scoffs, like it’s no big deal she just tried to put her hands on her son.

“Fuckin’ tell me why I shouldn’t just do it? Speakin’ to our son like that, the shit you’re spewing is affectin’ my boy. What the fuck is your problem?” He asks the question that’s on everyone’s lips.

I go to walk past them, not prepared to be a part of it. Watching Z shut down like that, it’s not hard to see that his issue has to do with his mom. After meeting with them back at the classroom weeks ago, I would never have guessed that things could be this bad. Nix’s hand comes out, grabbing my wrist in his fingers.

“You’re stayin’,” he firmly states.

“What the fuck?” Addison screeches. Knowing that I’m not going to get very far arguing with the man, I nod, agreeing to stay.

“So you’re fucking Z’s teacher now? Is that it? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

I swallow past the urge to defend myself, to tell her it’s none of her business, but I kind of know it is so I just shut my mouth, knowing things will only just get more out of hand.

‘We’ll talk about that in a minute,” Nix says, letting go of his hold on me, and taking a large step into her space. “First we’re gonna discuss why you’re in my club. Then we’re gonna establish why you think speakin’ to my boy like that would ever be okay. ‘Cause I’m tellin’ you now, woman, I ever hear you talk to him like that again, we're gonna have fuckin’ huge problems.” He takes a step back but still stands in her space. Addison nods her head, swallowing loudly but with a scowl still on her face.

“What are you doin’ here?” he asks again, seemingly calmer than me. How he can seem so controlled, while I stand here overwhelmed with anger and a need to protect Z, impresses me.

“Heard she was here.” She points to me, hatred etched over her face.

“So? You think that gives you the right to walk into my club? What happens while Z is in my care is my responsibility.”

“You fucking her?” she hisses with disdain.

“That’s none of your business,” I say, interrupting them, forgetting I should keep my mouth shut.

“I’m not talking to you, bitch,” Addison spits out at me.

“That’s the last time you call her a bitch. You speak only to me. We have enough problems, Addison. Don’t create more.” Nix squeezes my hand, letting me know that he has this. Frustration and anger flow through me. Seriously, this woman is a piece of work.