Incandescent Page 9

“Shit,” she hisses, like her body didn’t listen to her. “We could get caught,” she says, shaking her head at what she’s doing.

“We’re here alone and I locked the door,” I tell her as my hand goes to her skirt. Lifting the material, I nearly blow my load seeing the sexy as fuck getup she’s got going on underneath.

“Oh, baby, you wear this for me?” My finger trails the lace of the top of her stockings. The white lace thong she’s wearing shows off the globes of her cheeks. Slapping my hand down on her skin, she lets out a deep groan at my contact. “Fuck, you like that?” I smile, leaning into her. It was one thing we didn’t do the other night. One thing I’m going to rectify right now.

She doesn’t answer me, so I pull back, bringing my hand down again harder. She cries out as I rub the red area. “Answer me, Kadence. You like bein’ spanked?” I bite out as I run my finger along the seam of her thong. I can feel her heat over the lace, and I order my body to take it slow before I rip the offending item off and bury myself home.

“Yes,” she cries, no shame in her admission.

“Good girl. Now tell me, did you wear this sexy outfit for someone else?” I ask again, bringing my hand down on her ass, hoping she doesn’t say yes.

“No.” She gasps as I press my body against hers, my hard cock letting her know what she does to it.

“Then who did you wear it for?” I question, pulling back and running my finger down her crack.

“Me,” she replies, but I don’t believe her. We both know she wore this for me; probably took her time finding something to tease me with.

Hooking my finger under the string, I pull back the elastic and slide my pointer down her bare center.

“Are you soakin’ for me, Kadence?” I already know the answer when my fingers find her arousal.

“God, yes,” she squeaks as my finger enters her in one forceful movement. Her wetness makes it a smooth entry, and I pull out, adding a second finger. Her hips jerk forward as I begin pumping her harder. Fuck, she is responsive; even the other night she caved to my every command. She might have fought me, but when push came to shove, she fucking caved.

“You like my cock the other night?” My fingers fuck her harder after every question.

“Yes, God, yes,” she pants out, riding my fingers.

“You want my cock now, Kadence?” I ask, feeling her tighten around my fingers. Yeah, she wants my cock, fucking greedy pussy.

“Yes, fuck me, Nix.” Her voice takes on a new tone as I build her up to the brink

“You sure you want my cock?” I ask as my thumb finds her clit.


“Keep your hands on the desk and don’t let go, okay?” I say, stepping back from her. My cock is straining in my jeans, and I’m sure she’s gonna fucking hate me for it but I have to do it. I have to fucking teach her a lesson.

“Sorry, babe, I gotta go,” I say, watching her head come up, turning to look over her shoulder.

“Don’t fuck with me, Nix,” she sneers, standing and turning to face me. Her eyes are inflamed with passion. Her hair’s slightly tussled in her pony. Her skirt’s hiked up, exposing her pussy, and the lace tops of her stockings are making my dick twitch harder, yelling out to not be an asshole and bury myself in her.

I lick my fingers clean, rolling my eyes at her sweet taste, I’m a fucking idiot; her taste has me questioning my sanity. “Why did you leave?” I ask one last time, her eyes watching my fingers. I need to know I’m not the only one feeling like it was a little more. She has to feel it too.

“Phoenix, get out,” she fumes, pulling her skirt down, pissed I played her. As much as I want to argue with her, demand that she tells me why, then make her beg me to fuck her, I don’t. I’m already on edge and probably shouldn’t have come back in, but seeing her again stirred the want in me and I knew I couldn’t fight it. I watch her, wondering if I have lost my fucking mind. Was I the only one to feel it? She takes a shaky breath, her eyes ablaze with irritation, but I see the need in them. I know she’s lying, but what can I do?

Her eyebrows rise, waiting for what I don’t know. For me to argue some more? I don’t. Tonight has pushed me too far. Instead, I turn and walk out of her classroom. I'm pissed that she’s just too damn stubborn, and hope like fuck next time I see her, she has her head out of her ass and is ready to admit the truth: that I’m not the only one feeling this fucking connection.

Chapter Nine


I wake to the sound of Holly banging around in the kitchen. Fuck, kill me now; the woman wouldn’t know a sleep in if it hit her in the face.

It’s Saturday morning. Ten days since Nix spanked me and then left me laid bare on my desk, begging him to fuck me.

I have no idea what I was thinking letting him get to me.

Since our classroom meeting last week, I haven’t seen or heard from him. It’s not like I’d try to contact him. Sleeping with him the first time was a mistake. Bending over while he finger fucked me, well, that was something else. It’s like I can’t control the effect he has on me. Getting in my space and demanding to take me on my school desk was one of the hottest things I have ever done. Leaving me standing there horny and pissed off was not. The anger that flowed through me after realizing he played me has kept me grounded in my belief that I can’t stand the man, and I’m more of an idiot for thinking it would be an easy one-night deal.

Groaning into my pillow, I force myself not to think about the asshole today, just like every other morning this last week, but every goddamn day, I fail miserably.

My door suddenly swings open, connecting with the wall behind.

“You still sulking over your sexy biker daddy?” Holly walks in, throwing herself right onto my king-size bed.

“No,” I lie a little too quickly, moving over to let her lay down.

“I call bullshit.”

“You can call it whatever you want. Like I’ve told you every time you asked, it was a mistake.”

Holly pounced on me the moment I walked through the door Sunday morning. After giving her all the details, she then continued to pick apart everything that we did and chewed me out for leaving him. I promised I would think about calling him, but I was more concerned how she dealt with Ben after he ditched us at the bar. I knew she was going to dump his ass for leaving us. I felt a little bad that it was because of what Nix did but she didn’t seem to mind, claiming he was lousy in bed anyway.

I’ve kept my sulking on the down low or at least in the confines of my room, but you don’t get too much past Holly. I’m glad I managed to keep my second mistake with him from her. I already feel like a royal idiot. I don’t need anyone else knowing. Besides, she will probably encourage me to see him again, even going as far as inviting him over for a home-cooked meal, and that’s the last thing I ever want.

Lies. Yep, I’ve turned into the biggest liar.

If he walked in right now, I’d probably let him have his way, probably wouldn’t even care if Holly watched.

Getting to know him the other night, I realize I was such a judgmental bitch. He’s got great things going on with the club, a successful business owner, and he’s a great dad, not to mention he’s amazing in bed. His reaction to me leaving shouldn’t have surprised me. I knew it was coming, could see it in his stare. The air of electricity around him while I sat there had me on alert. I wasn’t expecting the disappointment in his eyes when he asked me for the truth and I lied. But Z is my student, and I should have never crossed that line. I can’t believe I let him get to me; I caved so easily.

Holly watches me carefully, but doesn’t say anything else; she simply shakes her head.

“So what're your plans for the weekend?” She changes the subject, knowing she won’t get anything out of me. I sit up, reaching for my Kindle laying next to my bed.

“The second book in the erotic series I’ve been reading went live this week. I’m planning to stay in and read.” I smile, excited for the kinky fuckery coming my way. I look up and watch Holly fake yawn.

“Blah, jeez, Kadence, you can’t get more cliché. Hot teacher spends her weekends reading sexy erotic novels.” She laughs and I throw my pillow at her head.

“Shut up, Holly. I read for educational purposes too,” I argue.

“Oh, yeah? Like how to hit your G-spot? I have no idea how you read them. Seriously I can’t get past how the guy will blow his load into the woman bare, and she gets up and walks a fucking mile without that shit falling out.” She rolls her eyes. “Seriously, Kadence, it’s bullshit. Some dude with super sperm blows his load in me, that shit is still coming out hours later.” She laughs, shaking her head. “Lies, it’s all lies, Kadence,” she yells passionately, before rising from my bed. I roll my eyes at her dramatics but can’t argue with her.

“Breakfast is almost ready,” she sings, exiting my room. “We have big plans today,” she yells out as she makes her way back down the hall. Yeah right, the only plans I have are with my trusty Kindle.

Ignoring her is always the best route. Instead of biting, I make my way down to our shared bathroom. I use the toilet first, and then brush my teeth.

When I first moved in with Holly, she was living uptown with her older brother Sam. In the beginning, it was temporary. I had just lost my house, and it was going to take time to get me back on my feet. We soon realized my life was going to take a while to get on track. The surgeries, the money, it was all adding up. As much as I love my mom and dad, I didn’t want to live with my parents outside of town, so Holly decided we needed our own place, like back in college. We moved out, got a place closer to town, and also closer to work, and I focused on moving past the shit Zane had done.

At the time, I had no interest in going back to work. My life was falling apart around me; half my house burnt to the ground; my safety was in jeopardy and my body was fighting to heal. I didn’t know who to trust. My fiancé had cleaned out my savings; a group of very dangerous men were after him, and he simply left me to pick up the pieces. It took time, but eventually, I came out on the other side stronger for it.

Finished with my morning routine, I walk down the short hall to the kitchen ready to argue with Holly about our so-called plans. Our unit is small but still has a kick ass kitchen with state of the art appliances, open plan living and an amazing view. Furthermore, living on the third level in the building makes us a little safer than the lower levels; something I was adamant about when looking for a place. I needed to feel safe, knowing that people can easily tear down your defenses.

Holly is frying bacon at the stove as I make my way straight to the coffee machine.

“So tonight I’m heading into the new club Liquid that just opened,” she mentions as I pour cream into my coffee.

“Mmmhh,” I say, turning to face her, looking over the rim of my cup. I know what she is about to say next. It’s the same thing she asks every Saturday morning.

“Wanna come?”




“I wasn’t expecting that answer.”

I roll my eyes and tell her, “You know it’s not my thing.”

“Kadence, nothing is your thing,” she points out. I know she’s right, but hey, I’m a hard one to please.

“Just come for a few hours, a few drinks. Then we can go home and you can spend the rest of your night with your book boyfriends.”

I don’t know why I agree but I do, and then I regret it the moment she starts planning the rest of our day with shopping and lunch. As much as the thought of walking around all day shopping for a new outfit sends me into an instant headache, I could go for a new pair of heels. Oh fuck it, I need to get out of the house and stop thinking about Nix.

“Oh, and I booked you an appointment at the salon. I'm thinking a new do for you,” Holly calls out as I walk out of the kitchen. I groan at Holly’s idea for a new do.

Once we finished college, Holly decided to put her degree in child psychology to good use and become a hairdresser. I don’t even know what happened. One day she came home and told me she was going to cut hair, and she did. She’s always on me about changing my style. I'm not sure how I’ve managed to do it, but I’ve seemed to keep her at bay with chopping my locks off. Color? Well, that’s another story. I like the way my hair is at the moment, but a change might be nice. I wonder what Nix would say if I changed it? Who the fuck cares what he would say, Kadence.

Heading back down the hall, I again remind myself that I need to get my head on straight. I can’t let him get to me anymore. I need to keep our relationship completely professional and not bend over at his every request, especially over my desk. Thinking about him as more than a parent has got to stop; in fact, thinking about him all together needs to end. Turning the shower on, I realize that the task is going to be one hell of a mission. Nix Knight has a way of staying with you.

Chapter Ten


Ten days.

Ten motherfucking days since I’ve seen Kadence. Ten days since I had my fingers inside of her, my hand coming down hard on her ass, and I still can’t stop thinking about her.




I don’t date; sure as fuck don’t go back for seconds, but something about the sexy, dirty-talking teacher has me wanting to break all my rules. After seeing her again in the classroom, I didn’t want to leave but I had to come up with something to get the stubborn teacher to open up to me more. A lot of fucking help that did. I can’t believe I walked away from her bending over waiting for my cock.