If I Were You Page 35

Remembering my last visit and the juggling act I’d pulled, I decide to leave my purse in the car so I have less to carry when I leave the unit. With my keys in hand, I step out of my car and under a flickering light, noting the absence of anyone else around. “Cue scary music,” I mumbled as I start walking, mocking my ridiculous nerves.

The exterior doors are open and I make my way to Rebecca’s unit and unlock it, reaching inside to flip on the light. Goosebumps lift on my skin as I stare at the neatly packaged personal items. Everything seems as I left it.

After considering shutting the door, creepy images of getting locked inside make me think better. With no time to spare, I head to a box and use it for a chair, wishing I had on a pair of jeans.

I’m digging through some papers when I hear a loud pop. I frown and still, listening. There is a sudden chill in the room, and I stand up, every nerve ending I own on edge.

Another popping sound and the lights go out. It’s pitch black and I open my mouth to scream but some instinct makes me bite it back.

Another pop.

A footstep.

Someone is in here with me.

The exciting conclusion

Being Me


Revealing Us

Coming soon!