Flesh Page 34

The smoke started to dissipate around her. She fired again and a bellow of outrage could be heard from the riverbank below. Al had managed to hit someone.

Her face broke into a self-satisfied grin as Daniel’s arm scooped her up and dragged her off.

The two bastards had made good on the threat of clearing the top. Bullets flew wild, care of the smokescreen, but a breeze stirred, their cover dispersing.

The big guy charged straight ahead with Ali tight against him, struggling to keep up. Her feet barely touched the ground.

Whatever had derailed the train lay up ahead. Here, the cars had buckled and tumbled, spilling their cargo of coal. The crash had wedged two big trucks together. Going over would leave them open and exposed. Going under was the only way.

The others had apparently reached the same conclusion.

Ali dropped to the ground and proceeded to burrow, pushing lumps of coal aside to make a tunnel between the wheels.

“You’re next.” Finn ducked down on one knee beside Daniel, making for a smaller target. He took another shot at the two who had climbed the mound, kept them tucked behind a beam.

“Nope, I win most likely to get jammed, so I go last,” Dan answered. Ali’s feet disappeared beneath the wagon and the big guy reloaded and fired. “Keep her close, Finn. You hear me?”

Finn nodded, then pushed his pack through the gap ahead of him.

The clearance was abysmal, and the going slow. He got a grip on the far railway line, dragging himself through the tight space. His fingers fought to keep their hold on the metal bar, and his shoulder throbbed in time with his heart. Coal dust choked him, making him cough. He tried to spit it out but it did no good. Everything in front of him was a dirty haze. The chances of Dan making it through were minimal to nil.

“This side’s clear.” Al grabbed his pack and pushed it aside, took a step back as he squirmed low on his belly between the bridge and the wagon. Something hanging low scraped painful y along his spine.

“Keep watch.” His foot caught on a beam, and he pushed off hard with the other, sending himself surging forward. His bad shoulder rammed into the edge of a metal wheel. Fireworks exploded through him. The world flashed white for a long, tense moment. He was not passing out. “Oh, you motherfucker.”

“Come on.” Her hands wrapped around his good arm and tugged, prying him out. Finally, his torso cleared the truck and his knees came into play. “Finn, you’re bleeding again. Take the shirt off. We’ll tie it around your shoulder.”

“Yup. Just a sec.” He really wanted to refrain from crying in front of her. Easier said than done. He covered the wound with his hand and applied pressure. It didn’t feel beneficial but had to be better than bleeding out beside the train wreck. “Okay.”

“You two get moving,” the big guy yelled from the other side. “Right now.”

Ali dropped onto hands and knees, gun clenched tight in her hand. “Come on, Daniel.”

“The kid barely fit. I’l need to go another way. Get moving, I’ll catch up.”

“No! NO!” Al screamed, skittered forward, then stopped as guns fired up on the other side. There was the sound of someone hitting the water, an almighty splash followed by shouting from the bastards left behind.

“He jumped in the river,” a helpful soul called out.

They heard the bastards shooting at the water, calling out to someone to come join them on the bridge.

Then nothing.

Ali didn’t breathe. Her shoulders hunched over like she was drawing inward, protecting herself from harm. The woman grew smal er before Finn’s eyes and there wasn’t shit he could do.

“You heard the man. Let’s move.” He grabbed her shirt, dragging her back. There was the sound of an engine revving up on the other side. His heart beat harder, faster, rattling his rib cage. “He’l catch up. Move, Al. They’re going to be searching for a way around.”

She stared at him with eyes blank as the dead. The material in his fist stretched and strained, ready to rip. The woman didn’t move an inch.

“Al. I need you to keep it together.”



Her gaze slid back to the wreck. A fine tremor worked through her, taking her over till she shook like she held a live wire in her hand.

Finn grabbed her chin. Beneath the dirt her cheekbones stood out starkly, as if the life was being sucked out of her. She bucked against him, trying to turn away. He got up in her face and prayed she understood. They didn’t have time for this. Not now. No time for pain in his shoulder making him dizzy. No time for her to mourn. “Listen to me. We have to go. Now. Do you understand?”


“No. Now!” he snapped.

“Yes. Alright.” Her movements were sluggish, deliberate. She lugged his backpack up onto her shoulders, her back bowing beneath the weight, but her feet moving forward.

He kept her in motion. People had survived worse, she would too.

They stumbled along beside the tracks until a break in the fence gave them their exit. Smoke drifted overhead, the smell of burning wood and worse filling his head. He just needed to get them clear of the scene. Then they’d be fine. Clear of the scene and clear of this f**king city.

No sound of engines getting closer. Nothing stirred. The sun had barely risen any further than when they had started out.

“God, Finn.”


She was looking back. Not the wisest thing to do. Didn’t she know how that had worked out for Lot’s wife?