Flesh Page 74

Dan and I forgot to use a condom the other day. What if one of you decides you don’t feel like sharing anymore and opts out? What if


She pressed a hand against his chest, turned her face away again. Finn’s heart beat reassuringly against her palm.

“Actual y, that’s it,” she said after a minute. “I’m al whined out.”

Silence. More silence. It was really quiet out there.

She dared a peek. Finn lifted a brow at her in response.

“I think I’l wait for both eyes.” He took his hand from her crotch, set an arm on either side of her head. The tangy scent of her lingered on his fingers. “Still waiting.”

Ali opened her eyes, stared back at him. He was so beautiful. Her defenses were shredded, lying in tatters around them, but she put on a brave face. “What?”

Finn frowned. “Where to start …”

Dan cleared his throat like a pretentious bastard. “I find chronological order works best. Clear, concise, that kind of thing.”

She snorted. They ignored her.

“Right.” Finn shifted against her, getting comfortable. The heat of his c**k rested against her inner thigh, hard and heavy. He made it near impossible to lie still. Fear and lust made for odd bedfellows, but lust was winning.

“Point one, Dan or I getting hurt? We’re both capable. We’re both on the alert. Point two, this town?” He turned to Dan, questioning. “Was it this place? Is that next?”

Daniel gave one judicious nod and got back to playing with her hair.

“Right, this town …”

“Hold it. You can’t just discount one of you getting hurt,” she said, her voice strained. “Not that simple.”

“Ali, I can’t promise you Dan or I won’t get hurt. I can promise you we’l try our best not to,” Finn said. His throat worked and his pale green eyes searched her face. “We’ll be careful.”

“Absolutely. I hate getting hurt,” Dan interjected, al sincere. “Pain does nothing for me.”

The hint of a smirk on Finn’s lips became a full-blown smile, as beautiful as the rising sun. Heaven sent. A dimple flashed and he licked his lips, the gesture doing things to her nether regions, even if it did nothing to soothe her nerves. “See? All due diligence.”

“Great. I’m so glad my concerns amuse you both,” she bit out, sounding the bitch. And not particularly repentant. Egotistical wankers, the pair of them. “Thank God we’re done with that.”

Dan rolled onto his back, finger stil entwined with her hair, tugging just enough to keep her attention. “Ouch. Babe, we just spent the night wondering if you were alive, unable to do a damn thing to help you. A little levity won’t hurt things. You haven’t told her you love her yet, either, moron.”

“Fuck’s sake,” Finn said. “I was getting there.”

Dan clucked his tongue. “You were taking too long.”

“Thought I was handling this.”

“Again, you were taking too long.” Dan rose up on one elbow, taking a strand of her hair with him. He stopped when she yelped and gently untangled it from his finger. “Oops. Sorry. Anyway, Finn loves you, babe. So do I. You already knew that, right?”

She held out a hand to him, and he took it, holding on tight. Yes, she knew it. Hell, she counted on it.

“Give me strength.” The voice against her neck was muffled. The tone, however, was perfectly clear. “I don’t suppose he’s a passing fancy?”

“Sorry.” Ali wrapped an arm around Finn, holding him close against her heart. Something she hadn’t been sure would happen again when she’d been stuck on the roof. It had been so dark, so lonely.

She clutched at him till the muscles in her arm ached, ignored the pain and hung on some more. A low rumble sounded his approval.

She was so wet, pinned to the bed beneath him, her sex throbbing.

Finn rubbed his lips over the sensitive skin below her ear.

“You know you’d miss him if he wasn’t here,” she said.

It earned her a sharp nip to the neck. The sort of sweet sting she associated solely with Finn. “If you say so.”

Daniel squeezed her hand. The three of them together thrilled her all over, inside and out. Already the scent of sex seemed to linger in the room. Her head swam with it.

Finn’s c**k rubbed against her. He swore fervently. “The only thing I can think about is being inside you bare. But you’re hurt.”

“Not that hurt.” Al pressed her short nails into his back in warning. “Don’t even think of stopping now, or I will definitely go for the guns.”

Daniel chuckled, sighed and rolled onto his back beside her. “So, children, are we making babies or sleeping? Just wondering.”

“Oh, we’re making babies alright.” Finn’s hand trailed down the side of her body with a happy hum. Fingers stroked the length of her thigh, then lowered to her knee where he dallied, delivering feather-light touches. She rolled her hips, rubbing herself against him. It felt so good, her heart racing for al the right reasons. “Put your legs around me and tell me again.”

“That you’d miss Dan if he was gone?” she said, smiling as Finn began to press into her. The slow stretch was perfect, the heat and hardness of him just right. A ragged groan slipped from her lips.

Utterly shameless.

“That you love me, and I can be inside you without a condom,” he corrected in a voice gravelly low beside her ear.