Bad for You Page 23

“Krit never takes girls backstage while he sings. I mean, he did with Jess, but she was different,” the girl said.

“You’re looking at Krit’s newest addiction,” Dewayne said to the girl, then winked at me. “Got a load of those claw marks on his back. I’m impressed. You don’t look like the type.”

“Dewayne! Shut up! For tonight, please stop talking,” Trisha said, glaring at Dewayne then looking at me with an apologetic frown. “Sorry about him.”

“You thirsty, Blythe?” Rock asked me from across the table. “I’m gonna go get Trisha a refill if you want something.”

I hadn’t brought my purse because we had been running late and I’d hurried out the door. “No, thank you,” I replied, and smiled at him, not wanting to be rude. It was nice of him to offer.

Rock headed off to the bar, and Trisha grinned over at me. “He’s watching you like a hawk. I don’t know what he thinks I’m gonna do with you.”

Turning around, I looked up at Krit, and sure enough, his eyes were zeroed in on this table. He winked at me, and that giddy feeling was back. When I had first seen him performing shirtless, I had been mesmerized. Now that I knew how those muscles felt under my hands and how his arms flexed as he moved in and out of me, seeing him up there like that, I got flushed all over The sweat shining on him made me want to go up there and feel his damp skin.

“You keep eye-fucking him, and things should get interesting,” Dewayne drawled.

I spun and jerked my gaze off him, embarrassed at being caught, and turned back around.

“Stop teasing her,” Trisha scolded him, which only made me blush harder. I studied the table and wished I had stayed backstage. Spending time with Trisha had sounded fun, but being under a microscope was uncomfortable.

The girl sitting next to me starting pawing at Dewayne and whispering in his ear. Thankful for that distraction, I looked back up at Trisha. She was watching the stage. “Go ahead and watch him. Ignore Dewayne. He just likes harassing people. Krit wants you watching him. He thrives off it,” she said.

I didn’t need any other encouragement. I turned back around to watch him, and just like before, I found his eyes on me. Then a pair of panties hit his chest and fell to the ground at his feet. I tried hard to ignore the jealous fire that started burning in my chest. Krit’s eyes dropped down when someone called his name loud enough to get his attention, and a bra was slung at him. He caught it then held it up before letting it fall to his feet.

I knew this was his world, but I wasn’t doing well dealing with it tonight. Turning back around, my eyes met Trisha’s. She was watching me closely. I forced a smile because I didn’t want her to know how it all made me feel. She’d tell him, or worse, she’d tell me I couldn’t handle it and needed to back away.

“That’s his life. He’s encouraged it for years. They think that’s what he wants and will be their ticket into his bed. But he’s never acted about anyone the way he acts about you.” She leaned forward. “Please give him time to figure this out.”

I nodded. I couldn’t leave him. I wasn’t strong enough for that. He was everything I’d never had or thought I could have. Letting him go would be impossible. He would have to push me away.

“And here he comes. Didn’t take long,” Dewayne said, grinning over the head of the girl who was doing something to his neck.

Trisha’s smile grew, and I turned around to see that Krit was off the stage and headed my way with long determined strides. The rest of the band was talking to fans and just now stepping down, but he was almost to me.

He invaded my personal space, but I soaked him up. His arms caged me as he rested a hand on each side of the table behind me. “You good?” he asked simply.

“Yeah,” I replied a little too quickly. It hadn’t even sounded real to my ears.

Krit’s eyes narrowed, then he looked up at his sister. “I’m taking her,” he said, then his arm was around my shoulders and we were walking back to the stage door.

“Where are we going?” I asked, confused. He was on a break.

“Back to the greenroom. I need you alone,” he said as he shoved open the door and led me inside. He took us down a hallway and then opened another door. The lock clicked behind us, and I turned to look around. There were two leather sofas, and a bar with beers and a few bottles of liquor. A flat-screen television was on the far wall, and some signed posters of bands covered the other walls.

“It bothered you,” he said, backing me up to the closest sofa.


“The shit they threw at me. You turned away,” he replied, and then grabbed my waist and spun me around so he was sitting on the sofa and pulling me down onto his lap. I had to straddle him in order to sit in the position he wanted me to.

“You touched it.” The words fell out of my mouth before I could stop them.

His eyes slanted, and his hands came up to cup my breasts. “But these are the ones I wanna touch.”

I sucked in a shaky breath and sank down onto his lap. The hard ridge from his erection touched me through only my panties and his jeans as a barrier. I couldn’t stop the pleased sound that escaped me.

“Easy, love. Are you sore?”

I was, but it was a pleasant sore. “Just more sensitive,” I explained.

Krit ran his hands through my hair and wrapped strands around his finger. “I love that I did that. Makes me hard just thinking about it. Being inside you, you were so tight and hot.”

Okay, this naughty talk he seemed to be fond of did it for me. It wasn’t just sensitive—now it was throbbing.

“What I said to you earlier wasn’t because you had just shown me nirvana.” He grinned, and his dimples peeked at me. “I was f**king serious. I. Am. Obsessed. With. You.”

Obsessed. It wasn’t love, but it was more than I had hoped for. More than I had expected. He wanted me. Someone wanted me, and it was someone I wanted more than anything else in the world.

“I’ll learn to deal with the bras and panties thrown at you,” I assured him. “Could you not touch them though?”

A chuckled vibrated against his chest. “I won’t touch them,” he replied. “Didn’t mean to that time. It’s a habit. I wasn’t even thinking.”

I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Let’s break that habit,” I said teasingly.

Krit’s hands had been resting on my bare thighs where my skirt had ridden up. One of his hands moved until he was cupping me. “Only panties I care about touching.”

The desire to have him touch me again and feel him inside me was overwhelming. “How much time do we have?” I asked, shifting my h*ps so that his hand rubbed me.

His eyes lit up. “Not enough time. I can’t.” He swallowed hard. “I need more time with you than what I have left for that.”

Disappointed, I stopped teasing myself with his hand and nodded.

“Oh, hell,” he said, then slipped his hand under my panties and slid a finger inside me.

“Ah!” I cried, grabbing at his shoulders. I hadn’t been prepared for this.

“My girl wants me to give her pleasure, then I’m gonna f**king give her pleasure,” he growled, pulling my head down until his mouth captured mine. His finger began moving inside me, making me light-headed. My h*ps started moving with him, and I broke the kiss to gasp for air.

“That’s it, ride my hand, baby. Show me how much you want it,” he encouraged me in my ear as I kept my grip on his shoulders. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

The way his voice dropped and was laced with the same need coursing through me made my frenzy for release even stronger. I loved knowing I affected him. That touching me affected him.

A banging at the door startled me, and I stopped moving as Krit swore and held me tightly to him by wrapping his free hand around my waist. “Not ready yet!” he barked, then turned back to me. “It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere until you come all over my hand,” he said as he flicked the one spot that seemed to need him most.

“Ah! Yes, Krit, more,” I pleaded, and he pressed his thumb against the swollen are. Fireworks went off behind my eyelids as I chanted his name.

“That’s it, love,” he said as he held me against him, and I struggled to breathe. His hand slowly moved out of my panties. “I love watching you get off,” he said, then slipped his finger into his mouth. The wicked grin on his face made me shiver. He liked tasting me down there, and it should be wrong. It sounded wrong, but it made me feel all tingly.


“You’re gonna have to get a grip, dude. This shit ain’t gonna work,” Green started in on me first thing the next morning. “You can’t concentrate on the performance. You f**k in the damn greenroom, and sure, you’ve always done that, but when it was time to go back on, you dropped what you were doing to get out there. I get that you aren’t gonna treat Blythe the way you treated the others. I see that this time it’s different and I’m happy for you. But you’re acting like she’ll disappear. Save f**king her until you get her home and can finish it. When we’re working, we’re working.” Green had been standing in the living room, apparently waiting on me to walk.

I closed the door behind me and glared at him. “Don’t refer to what I do with Blythe as f**king.”

Green’s eyes went wide, and he ran a hand through his hair then laughed. “Holy shit,” he said, then threw up his arms in the air. “What is this with her then? You gonna tell me that you love her? Because, man, I know you. You don’t do that. You don’t act like this.”

I wasn’t that guy anymore. “I do with her,” I replied, then dropped my keys on the table and walked toward the kitchen. I had made Blythe coffee and walked her to her car this morning. I made her promise to wake me up when she got up and she had. Seeing her first thing in the morning was even better than I imagined. Green was not going to ruin this for me. I had held her sleepy body against me and kissed her face.

“Not done talking,” he called out after me.

“Nothing to talk about,” I replied, grabbing the coffeepot to pour myself a cup. I was exhausted, but I had some things to handle today. First thing was Britt. She had called and texted me fifteen f**king times last night before I’d had to turn my phone off. I hadn’t wanted Blythe to see that. Britt needed to know I was unavailable, to back the hell off and go find another booty call.

“Are you in love with her? Just answer me that. Because if that’s it, I get it. But if this is some insane obsession you’ve got, then you need help. Because the way you’re acting is whack”

“I love her. She fills the void. She’s my soul.”

Green leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen and stared at me. I turned back to my coffee and took a sip. He had wanted to know. Fine. Now he knew. Nothing was going to be the same. I was different, and I never wanted to go back.

“Well, I’ll be goddamned,” he muttered.

“Probably,” I agreed, and smiled at him over my coffee cup.

He laughed. “Fucker.”

Banging on our door almost caused me to spill my coffee. Green froze then glanced back at the door. “What the hell? You piss your sister off again?” he grumbled, then headed for the door. Setting my cup down, I followed him. I hadn’t done anything to bring Trisha beating on my door again. That couldn’t be her.

He jerked the door open, and Britt came barreling past him with a tear-streaked face and wild eyes. “You!” She pointed at me. “I called you over and over, you motherfucker! I left you messages, damn you. Did you listen to any of them? Or were you too busy with your shiny new toy?”

“Oh, shit,” Green said, and stepped away from Britt as she flung her arms around, yelling.

“Shoulda took the hint,” I replied, annoyed that she was causing such a scene. We were never a f**king couple. She was easy and she wasn’t clingy. This shit was not okay.

‘Took the hint?” she spit. “Took the f**king hint? Are you kidding me?” she continued yelling.

“It’s early, babe. Could you bring it down a notch or ten?” Green said from the spot across the room he had moved to.

She held her hand up as if to block him out. “Don’t act like I am crazy. Don’t look at me with that stupid annoyed glare. Do not treat me that way. I never asked anything of you. You were Krit freaking Corbin. I was lucky you f**ked me more than once. I knew that, and I was pathetic enough to take what I could get. But now you think you can toss me out and ignore my calls. That’s not gonna fly this time, asshole. You finally f**ked up.” Her yelling had turned to a cold, calculating tone. She took a step toward me then she placed a hand on her stomach. “You got me pregnant. Now it’s time to grow up.”

Fear was too weak of a word. Unadulterated terror was more like it. I was having a nightmare. This wasn’t really happening. Not now. Not now. “No!” I roared, slamming my fist into the wall and glaring at the woman standing between me and the only thing I wanted in the world.

“That condom that broke two months ago? Remember that? I’ve not slept with anyone but you in two months. Just you. Face it. You’re gonna be a daddy, Krit Corbin.” The pleased tone in her voice made me want to grab her around the neck and squeeze until she couldn’t breathe. She was reveling in this. I hated her.

“Get her away from me,” I snarled, moving from her. I was going to snap if she didn’t shut up. I didn’t hit women. I never had. But the terror clawing at me had me wanting to destroy everything in my path. I picked up a lamp and slung it across the room, then turned back to look at Green. “Get. Her. Away. From. Me.”