Easy Kisses Page 51

“I’m thirty,” I remind them all. “And this isn’t some sort of weird approval thing. This is just lunch.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Eli replies and holds Kate’s hand.

“Neither do I,” Beau says. “We’re just here to enjoy a meal with our sister and her…friend.”

“Men,” I mumble and smile apologetically at Simon, who just squeezes my thigh reassuringly.

“I’ve seen you on television,” Beau says, breaking the ice after the waitress takes our orders. “You seem to know what you’re talking about.”

“I hope so,” Simon replies. “People pay a lot of money to learn my techniques. I’d better know what I’m talking about.”

“Do you actually have a degree in psychology, or are you self taught?” Eli asks.

I try to kick him under the table.

“It’s good to hear you have your own money and aren’t after Charly for hers,” Beau says, earning a kick from me, which connects because I’m sitting right next to him. “Ouch.”

“Stop being an ass.”

“No, I’m not with Charly for her money. She has a successful business here in New Orleans, and I have a successful business as well. But frankly, that you would imply that her business is the only thing that a man would find attractive about her says a lot about your opinion of her.”

“I like him,” Kate says, grinning at me.

“Head Over Heels is not all she has,” Eli begins, but I cut him off.

“It’s all that matters,” I say sternly. I realize that I’ve never really gotten into my family money with Simon, and I’d rather talk to him about it alone.

“God, you’re stubborn.” Beau scowls at me.

“And yet, you love me anyway.”

“Sometimes,” Beau says with a half smile. “How long are you in town, Simon?”

“A couple more weeks. I decided to extend my stay,” Simon replies.

“How can you run a business from half way across the world?” Eli asks.

“The internet is a beautiful thing,” Simon says. “Video conferencing. Phone calls. I can really work from anywhere, unless I need to be somewhere for an appearance.”

“I see,” Eli says. “And what are your intentions with my sister?”

“Eli!” I exclaim. “Simon, you do not have to answer that.”

“Oh, I think he does,” Beau says, pissing me off.

“We didn’t come here for this.”

“You guys are being ridiculous,” Kate adds.

“It’s okay, ladies.” Simon holds up a hand and never flinches under the scrutiny of my overbearing brothers. “My intention is to continue pursuing a consensual, mutually respectful, and affectionate relationship with Charly. Where it goes from there is our business.”

Eli’s eyebrows climb into his hairline.

“I don’t think you understand the dynamic of this family.”

“I understand it just fine. I can respect and admire your need to protect Charly. But as she already told you, she’s an adult, and what we have between us is healthy. To be frank, it may be the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in.”

Beau and Eli both sit back in their chairs, studying Simon silently.

“For Godsake,” Kate mutters.

“If you try to make her move to London, I will beat you to a pulp.” Eli’s face is hard.

“And if you hurt her, I’ll also beat you to a pulp,” Beau adds.

“So noted,” Simon replies. “And likewise.”

Everyone looks up at Simon in surprise.

“Do you think it’s only non-family members who can hurt each other?” Simon asks seriously.

“No,” Beau says, looking at Simon with a new respect in his eyes.

“Charly,” Eli says, turning his attention to me. “I have papers at the office for you to sign.”

“Which papers?” I ask and take a drink of my sweet tea.

“Your new lease is in. I don’t know why you insist on it, but it’s ready for you.”

“Because it’s the right thing to do.” I shrug and glance at Simon. “Do you mind going over to my brother’s office after lunch? It’ll only take a moment.”

“That’s fine with me,” he says and smiles. “So you lease your building from Eli?”

“No, she leases it from the company,” Beau replies as he takes a bite of bread. “Boudreaux Enterprises owns the building, and Charly is a part of Boudreaux Enterprises, but she insists on paying rent.”

“We’ve discussed this,” I say.

“You’re so fucking stubborn,” Beau says.

“Gee,” Kate adds with a roll of the eyes. “I have no idea where she might have come by that. It’s not like it’s a family trait or anything.”

“Watch yourself,” Eli says and kisses Kate’s hand. “Punishments happen.”

“Excuse me?” Simon chokes out over his own sweet tea.

“He’s kidding,” Kate says, waving Simon off. “Honestly, Eli would never really hurt me. Been there, done that, had the hospital stay to prove it. Eli saved me from a lot.”

Eli kisses Kate’s hand again as she blushes. “I’m not sure why I told you that.”

“He has this weird thing about him,” I say, nodding. “He’s like a priest. You just want to tell him stuff. Except, he’s no priest, let me tell you.” I wink at Kate, then bust out laughing when Eli and Beau both scowl at me. “Oh, lighten up.”