Easy Kisses Page 60

“I’m just thinking silly things,” I reply and set the glass aside. I turn and hug him tightly. “These past few weeks have gone by so quickly.”

“I know.” He kisses my head. “Come with me to London.”

I pull back and stare up at him in surprise. “What?”

“I know it’s asking a lot, and if you can’t, or won’t, I understand. But I’d love for you to come back with me.”

My mouth opens and closes but no noise comes out. He’s flummoxed me.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No.” I shake my head and hug him again, then pace the kitchen. “That’s not it. Thank you for inviting me. I guess I’m just surprised.”

“I can’t see why, love. In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t like being away from you. I would love to show you around London, to take you to my favorite restaurants, show you where I grew up.”

I would love that. I am dying to see the house he grew up in, to meet his parents, to see where he lives now. I’m curious about all of it, and I want to jump at his offer.

“I have a business,” I say, biting my lip.

“You were gone for a few weeks not long ago,” he reminds me gently. “Nothing fell apart then, did it?”

“No, they did well, actually.” I stop pacing and turn to him with a wide smile.

“I hope that means yes because I’m not ready to be apart from you, Charlotte. I don’t like being away from you.”

How in the hell can I say no to that?

He folds me in his arms and hugs me close. “Yes?”


Chapter Eighteen


We’re leaving for London tomorrow. The past week has flown by as I prepared to be away from the shop for two whole weeks and Simon worked more and more remotely. I know he’s ready to be home, and I couldn’t be happier to have the opportunity to see him in his own space.

I’m still reeling a bit that he asked me to go.

“Did you sleep at all?” he asks as he rolls over and wraps an arm around my waist, tugging me closer to him.

“No,” I admit with a smile and push my fingers through his hair. His face is soft from sleep, stubble sprinkled over his cheeks. I kiss his forehead. “I kept going over all of my lists.”

“You can sleep on the plane,” he says and kisses the ball of my shoulder. He scoots even closer to me, turning me on my side and tucking my ass against his hard cock. “I love waking up to you.”

“Mm.” I can’t say anything else. My mouth won’t work. He cups my breast, pinching my nipple into a hard bud.

“You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he whispers into my ear. “I want you to close your eyes, and just feel, Charlotte.”

I’m a step ahead of you. I can’t do anything but feel him. His hands, his hardness, the rasp of light hair on his thighs against mine. His stubble rubbing against my shoulder as he places wet kisses all over my back.

And then he’s inside me, and I’m lost in the rhythm of his hips and touch. I don’t know where I end and he begins.

Every nerve ending is on fire, every hair follicle standing on end. His breath is on my neck as he moves slowly, all the way in and then out again, taking his time with every stroke.

But even more than that, I can feel myself fall further in love with him. He’s tender and sweet. He’s solid and sure, taking charge without being an overbearing ass.

He’s mine.

Oh yes, I feel. I feel everything, and it’s new and wonderful and I don’t ever want this feeling to end.

“So sexy,” he mutters. “I can’t get enough of you.” He kisses my neck, making me clench around him. “You’re the closest to heaven I’ll ever be, Charlotte.”

I love you.

Tell him! Swallow your fucking pride and tell him how you feel!

But I can’t. Not now, in the middle of the best sex we’ve ever had. I need the first time I tell him to be when we’re not mindless with lust.

Instead, I cover his hand with mine where he’s gripping my hip and link our fingers as I bite my lip and ride out the sweetest orgasm of my life.

“You’re going to bloody kill me,” he says and rolls me onto my back so he can kiss me deeply. “But fucking hell, what a way to go.”

I smile and cup his face, the words on the tip of my tongue.

“I’ll come fetch you for lunch today,” he says.

“I can’t join you,” I reply, disappointed. “I have too much to do today to get ready to leave tomorrow. There’s a lot to see to since I’ll be gone for two whole weeks again.”

“I suppose I can survive one day without you,” he replies. “I see you’re mostly packed already.”

“Of course. We leave tomorrow.”

“I usually pack at the last minute.”

I stare at him, horrified. “Don’t you make lists of what you’ll need? I have spreadsheets.”

He laughs and tugs a piece of my hair. “Now I know what your sisters were talking about in the bar. You’re incredibly organized.”

“Of course I am.” I bite my lip. “So you’re just going to throw everything in your bag in the morning, just all willy-nilly?”

“I rarely do anything willy-nilly, darling,” he says with a laugh. “But yes, I’ll throw it in the bag.”

I cringe. “I can do it for you if you like.”

“You’re busy enough. Trust me, I’ve been packing this way for years. I won’t forget anything.”