Easy Melody Page 55

I push away from a brick wall that’s just appeared, and I slowly float into the air, but my feet are heavy, and I land just a short hop away, but there’s a pole, and I try to hide behind it.

Holy shit, I’m naked! And they’re laughing. And I can’t get away.

I’m sweating, and Adam keeps saying, “Stop it, Callie.” But then he laughs again, and points at me. My face is wet. Is it raining?


I’m shaken awake, and Adam is in the bed with me, holding me against him. “Come on, baby, wake up now.”

“Stop laughing at me,” I whimper, hating the weakness in my voice. The sun is up, shining in my window. I forgot to pull the blinds when I went to bed.

And Adam is wrapped around me. He took a shower, because he smells clean. I burrow into him, crying harder than I have in years as his hands rub circles on my back and he kisses my head.

“It’s okay, sweetie. You’re okay. It was just a dream.”

“It was horrible.”

“Shhh.” He’s brushing my hair back from my face. Half of it is stuck to both dried and wet tears on my face, and it feels good when he brushes it back. “Just a dream.”

“So cruel.”

“Who, baby?”

“Everybody.” The tears come harder. “Laughing at me. Telling me that I’m not lovable.”

“Well, that’s a load of shit,” he says and kisses my forehead. “Because I love you.”

“I love you too,” I whisper. God, it feels good to hear someone say it. “I feel so ashamed.”

“For loving me? No need, I’m lovable too.”

“No,” I say, smiling despite myself. “Because of Declan.”

“Stop it right now, Callie.” He takes my chin in his hand and tilts my head back so he can see my face. “Stop beating yourself up. Calm down and go back to sleep for a few hours.”

“Will you stay?” I ask, holding onto him like he’s a lifeline.

“Always, you know that.”

We both sigh as we cling to each other, and I feel him fall asleep, his chest moving rhythmically with each breath, and that makes my eyes heavy, and I follow him into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter Sixteen


I haven’t seen him at all since he walked me to my car Monday night. He’s called twice, and texted a couple of times, but that’s it.

He’s backing away, and I feel so powerless because there’s nothing I can do to stop it. He feels the way he feels, and that’s that. We have a standing dinner date on Wednesdays, so I’m looking forward to seeing him and really talking. It’s always been so easy to talk to him, this shouldn’t be any different. Is it going to suck? Yes. But damn it, this sucks too, and I’d rather have some answers.

I’m at the bar before noon to go over the books and to take a look at the space next door that just went up for sale. I’ve done well enough in the past three months that I am seriously considering an expansion. I’d like to add a dance floor and maybe even a full kitchen for a menu.

It’ll be expensive, and would require quite a renovation, which excites me. Adam arrives around one to look at the other space with me. I don’t say much to the realtor as we look, but I can picture it all perfectly in my mind.

It’s going to be badass.

When we say goodbye to the realtor and return to the bar, I turn and give Adam a wide smile. “I loved it.”

“It’s going to be a ton of work,” he says, returning my grin. “And I agree, it would be awesome. Can we afford it?”

“Here’s the thing.” We sit at one of the tables. “I don’t think I can afford it alone. I can probably get a loan, using the bar as collateral, but I’d rather not have to do that.”

“Callie, I have plenty of money,” Adam says. “I’m happy to loan it to you.”

“I don’t want a loan, Adam, I want a partner.”

He sits back and narrows his eyes. “A partner.”

“Absolutely. You’re just as invested in this place as I am. Probably more, actually.” I lick my lips and tuck my hair behind my ear. “I can’t run this place without you, and we already bounce ideas off of each other like partners. Let’s just make it official. I told you from the beginning, my dad should have left it to you.”

“Are you sure this is what you want? Absolutely positive?”

“I’m sure.” I nod and smile at my friend. “So, are you in?”

“I’m in.” We shake hands and then laugh, excited all over again. “Call the realtor chick and tell her she has a sale.”

I make the call, and she assures me that she’ll get the paperwork started right away. Just as I hang up with her, a text comes in from Declan.

I won’t be able to make it to dinner tonight. I’ll see you later.

And just like that, my bubble is burst. I sigh in disappointment, but before I can think on it too hard, my phone rings with a number from Denver.


“Hi, Cal,” Keith says, making me raise a brow. “It’s good to hear your voice.”

“Okay,” I reply, not sure what else to say. “What’s up?”

“Well, I’d like to see you,” he says, and I pull the phone away from my ear and stare at it.

“Wait, you called Callie Mills. You know that, right?”