Easy Melody Page 71

“She does.”

“I’ll fetch the ring from the safe,” she says as we walk back inside.


Dinner is loud and chaotic, which is pretty usual for our clan. There’s always lots to say, and it seems we all want to say it at once.

“I’m telling you,” Savannah says to Charly. “You should go.”

“Go where?” I ask.

“So there’s this guy, Simon Danbury.”

“Sounds British,” Beau says, interrupting her.

“He is,” she replies and wiggles her eyebrows. It’s fun to see Van’s sense of humor returning. She’s healing, and that makes my heart happy. “He has the sexy accent to match. Anyway, he’s a motivational speaker, and I think that Charly should go to one of his workshops.”

“Why me?” Charly asks with a frown.

“Because I can’t go, and I want to know what it’s all about,” Van replies, as if it’s the most reasonable request in the world. “It’ll be fun. You might learn something.”

“I don’t think so,” Charly replies. “I have a business to run.”

“You’re no fun,” Van grumbles.

“I’m learning stuff in school,” Sam says.

“What kind of stuff?” Eli asks him.

“About bugs and stuff.” Sam shrugs, as if it’s no big deal. “And there’s this girl, Amanda, that says she likes me.”

“You’re nine,” Gabby says, panic lacing her voice. “No girl talk until you’re at least thirty.”

“Right.” Sam shakes his head. “I didn’t say I liked her back. Plus, she keeps throwing these stupid notes at me, then running away.”

“What do the notes say?” Rhys asks, obviously enjoying his wife’s discomfort.

“Stupid stuff, like, Do you like me? Check yes for yes and no for no. As if I can’t figure out what to check.”

“What did you check?” Van asks.

“I didn’t check anything.” Sam shakes his head. “My best friend Louie likes her, and I don’t poach on another guy’s girl.”

“Where did you hear that?” Gabby demands, glaring at her husband, as we all laugh.

“Dad says not to poach on another guy’s girl,” Sam says and Rhys nods.

“I did. It’s good advice.” He looks at the rest of us guys for back up, and we all nod.

“Good advice,” Beau agrees. “So you didn’t say anything to her? You just left her hanging?”

“I told her I’d take it under advisement, but that as of right now, I’m not accepting any applications for a girlfriend because I don’t like girls very much.”

“He’s going to make an excellent CEO one day,” Beau says proudly as the rest of us laugh.

“I have something to say,” Eli announces, tapping his water glass with a spoon.

“You always have something to say,” Savannah says sweetly, but Eli just smiles and turns to Kate.

The room quiets as we all watch as Eli clears his throat, looking nervous for the first time in… ever. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she replies cautiously.

“You know,” he continues, “It’s amazing how someone can come into your life, and you expect nothing out of it, but suddenly, right there in front of you is everything you’ll ever need. I don’t need much in this life, although I’ve been blessed with more than I’ll ever want. But at the core of it all, it’s quite simple. I need my family, and I need you, Mary Katherine O’Shaughnessy.”

Kate swallows hard, unable to look away from Eli’s face.

“Oh my,” Charly says with a sigh.

“I spoke with your father this morning, and he gave me his blessing. I also had a long talk with Rhys.” He glances at our brother-in-law, who smiles and nods as he rocks his sleeping daughter on his shoulder. “So,” Eli continues and lowers down to one knee as he pulls a blue box out of his pocket. “I’m going to ask you, here, with every person who means the most to me in one place, to be my wife. Grow old with me. Build a family with me. As long as you’re mine, I’ll have everything I’ll ever need. And I promise you this: I will protect you, respect you, and love you every minute of every day.”

Tears spill onto Kate’s cheeks as she smiles up at Eli. Finally, she nods vigorously and launches herself into his arms. “Of course. I’m already yours.”

“Yay!” Sam yells and as the others applaud, Mama slips something in my hand, then winks at me. I glance down and see the antique sapphire with diamonds sparkling in my hand, then reach over and silently slip it on Callie’s finger. She looks up at me in surprise.

I lean in and whisper in her ear. “We’ll share our news later, but I want you to have this. It was my grandmother’s, and her mother’s before her. And now it’s yours.”

She looks down at it, touching it reverently, then looks over my shoulder and smiles. I glance back in time to see Mama smile back, and nod, proudly surveying the table where her family is all gathered, and so much happiness lives.

I wish Daddy was here to see it. He’d be bursting with pride.

Chapter Twenty-One

Six Months Later…


“Oh my God, I’m so damn nervous.” I’m standing in a room in the inn, shaking my arms out at my side. “I can’t feel my fingers.”