Easy Charm Page 56

“Honestly, I didn’t feel like I was missing anything in that moment. My family was there, loving us so much, and I had him. At the end of the day, he was all that mattered.”

Rhys nods and leans over Sam to kiss my lips gently. “You should sleep too, baby.”

“I know. Are you staying?”

“Do you mind if I do?”

I glance down at my son and his sleeping puppy, then back up at this strong, sweet, loving man. “I don’t mind at all.”

“Good, because you were going to have a very difficult time getting me out of here.”

Chapter Sixteen


I haven’t just laid in bed and enjoyed the quiet in…I don’t remember the last time. Eva’s been with me long enough now that I feel comfortable leaving the inn in her hands. I heard Sam get up with Rhys about an hour ago, and it sounded like they were headed to the barn to work out.

That Sam enjoys working out with Rhys makes me smile. It’s been two days since he had the nasty bug, but it was gone by morning, and he was back to his old self yesterday.

And now, lying here, I feel like I’m catching it.


I haven’t thrown up yet, but I feel a bit queasy. Thankfully, his only lasted about eight hours.

I hope I’m that lucky.

I’m scrolling through my phone, pinning recipes on Pinterest, when it suddenly starts to ring.

Unknown number.

“Ugh, give it up already,” I mutter as I accept the call. “Hello.”

There’s a pause and I’m about to hang up when a man’s voice says, “Gabby?”

“Yes. Can I help you?”

“This is Colby.”

My mouth drops open, and a cold sweat immediately breaks out over my skin. “What do you want? Are you the idiot that’s been hanging up on me lately?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mutters, clearly lying. “Did you get my email a couple months ago?”

“I did.”

“Why didn’t you respond? I want to see my child.”

“I didn’t respond because you signed your rights away, Colby.” I swallow hard and close my eyes, determined to stay bad-ass during this conversation. “There was no need to reply to your email.”

“Look, this doesn’t have to be difficult, Gabby. I was young when I did that, and now I’m curious to meet him.”

“How do you know it’s a him?”

“Because I’m not an idiot. I’ve kept tabs over the years. He should know his father.”

“No. He shouldn’t. His father wanted to have him killed before he was born.”

“We were children, Gabby.” He’s raising his voice now, and I’m simply seeing red.

“We were old enough to have sex, Colby. I was adult enough to get pregnant and raise that baby by myself for seven years. Sam doesn’t ask about you. He’s fine, and you have no legal right.”

“I’m going to see him.”

“No. You’re not.”

I end the call and drop my phone on the bed, cover my face with my shaking hands, and take a long, deep breath.

What I said is true; Colby has no legal right. My father’s lawyers made damn sure that the documents he signed were airtight. He can’t hurt me, and he can’t get to Sam.

But damn it, I haven’t heard his voice since that day in the garden. Back then I couldn’t get enough of his voice.

Today it makes me ill.

In fact, I think I’m going to be sick.

I run for the bathroom and lose last night’s dinner, and then dry heave for long minutes. My eyes are watering, and my stomach muscles are screaming when it’s finally over.

It’s just a combination of the adrenaline from the phone call and this bug that Sam had, and it attacks once more. Jesus, there’s nothing left in me, but I keep heaving uncontrollably.

I lean against the toilet seat, and my boobs cry in protest. Holy hell, they are sore.

When the heaving stops, I drop back on my haunches, breathing hard, and feel the sides of my breasts. Oh my God, they hurt. I must be about to start my period. It’s surely due, I haven’t had a period in…

Holy fucking hell.

That can’t be right.

I stand, rinse my mouth out, splash cool water on my face and stare at my reflection as I mentally count back again. I don’t think I had a period last month.

How in the hell did I miss that?

My phone. I need my phone. It’s still on the bed. So I run out and grab it, then run back into the bathroom, lock the door and call Van’s number.

But it goes straight to voice mail.


So I call Charly.

“Hey, sugar.”

“I know you’re probably super busy, but I already called Van and I got her voice mail.”


I glower at the phone. “Of course this is Gabby.”

“Why are we whispering?” she asks in a loud whisper, matching my tone.

“Because I need help.”

“Are you in danger?” she screeches.

“No. I need a pregnancy test, and I don’t have one, and I need you to go get one and bring it here. But don’t tell anyone.”

“Gabby, are you kidding me?”

“Shhh!” It’s too damn hot in here. I’m starting to sweat. “If you’re too busy, I understand.”

“Fuck that, I’ll be there in one hour.”