Easy with You Page 11

God, the way he moves should come with a warning label.

Warning: May cause brain loss during movement.

He moves effortlessly, as though he’s completely comfortable in his own skin. And he should be.

His skin is pretty damn impressive.

His dark hair is messy, as usual, as though he’s been shoving his fingers through it. He shaved the stubble off his chin, probably when he showered after his run.

He’s dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt, and I want to rip them off of him. Right here, right now.

What the hell is up with my hormones?

He has a daughter!

And probably a wife.

“Hey,” he says with a smile.

“You really don’t have to walk me home,” I reply. “It’s not far.”

“It’s not here in the library, is it?”

I smirk. “Of course not.”

“Then I need to walk you home,” he replies and places his hand on the small of my back as he leads me out of the library. He takes my computer bag from me and carries it for me.

And if he wasn’t married, that might be the swooniest thing I’ve ever seen.

“It’s nice tonight,” I comment as we walk across campus and into the nearby neighborhood where my apartment is. “It’s warming up.”

“It is,” he agrees. “Summer will be here before we know it.”

“This is me.” I gesture to my building and take my bag from him. “I’ll be fine from here.”

“I’d like to walk you in,” he replies seriously. I glance up to see his mouth firm.


“I want to make sure your place is empty.”

I roll my eyes. “Look, I understand that young girls are being killed, and it’s heartbreaking and horrific, but I hardly think that the killer is waiting for me in my apartment.”

“Lila.” He stops me on the sidewalk and takes my shoulders in his hands, his hot gaze on mine. “There are things happening with this investigation that I can’t tell you about. I need you to trust me. I need you to cooperate with me.”

“Okay.” I back out of his touch, making him frown. “But your wife might have an issue with you coming into my apartment. Especially after last summer.”

I turn to walk ahead of him, but he pulls me to a stop again, and this time he looks… angry.

And maybe a little confused.

“I’m not married.”

I blink, but before I can speak, he continues.

“Did you think that because I mentioned Casey this morning that I’m married?”

I shrug.

“I’m a single dad.” And with that he turns and walks ahead of me.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” But then he stops again and scowls at me. “No, it’s not fine. Do you seriously think that I’d fuck you the way I did last summer if I were married?”

“I don’t know you.” I’m surprisingly calm now that I know that he’s not married. “It’s not like we’ve actually had conversations about ourselves.”

“Well, let me make myself perfectly clear; I’m not a cheater. Casey’s mom is gone. I’m not married. I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Okay.” I nod as he steps a little closer. He drags his fingertips down my cheek, but doesn’t kiss me. He’s really good at the sexy, get really close and make me want it thing.

And he’s single.

Thank God.

“Let’s get you inside,” he whispers and kisses my forehead, sending electricity from my head to my feet, then takes my hand and leads me to my door. “Stay here.”


“Stay here,” he repeats, and waits for me to unlock the door before he walks in, leaving me on my doorstep.

This is ridiculous.

I step inside and shut the door, toss my purse and keys on the nearby table, and lay my computer bag on the dining room table.

“So help me God, Delila, if you don’t start listening to me, I’ll spank your ass.”

I twirl at his angry voice, my jaw dropped. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“One: how do you know my full name?”

“I’m leading this investigation. I know more about you than you’re probably comfortable with.”

Well, that fucking sucks.

“Two: try to spank my ass and I’ll knock you on yours.”

His lips twitch. “Good girl.”

“You’re an arrogant ass.”

“I’m not arrogant, I’m doing my best to keep you safe.” He advances on me and pins me against the door, his hands flat on the wood, on either side of my head, his mouth inches from mine, stealing the breath from my lungs. “Nothing is going to happen to you, Lila.”

“I’m safe, Asher.”

“Yes, you are. I’m making sure of it.” Just when I expect him to kiss the ever-loving hell out of me, he gently cups my face in his hands, his thumbs trace circles on my cheeks, and he lowers his face to mine. He nibbles the corner of my mouth sweetly. “I’ve dreamed of this mouth,” he whispers.

My hands find their way to his ribcage, bunching his T-shirt in my fists.

Jesus, I want to fucking climb him.

“The chemistry between us is crazy,” I reply.

“I know.” He swallows hard and kisses down my jaw to my ear. “You’re so damn beautiful, Delila.”