Easy with You Page 16

“That’s your dad. Your uncle Mike is going to come get you.”

“Already?” she asks with distress. “But we’re having a spa day!”

My lips twitch. “You’re right. I’ll take care of it.”

Can you give us at least an hour? We are having a spa day. And don’t get mad at me for putting makeup on her.

“You’re really pretty,” Casey says as she watches me text. “Like, really pretty.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

No problem. Thank you for being so patient.

There is no need to be patient with this adorable girl. She’s funny and smart and enjoys the same things I do. Why would I need to be patient with her?

My pleasure. Really.

I tuck my phone away and make the finishing touches on Casey’s makeup, and it occurs to me that for someone who doesn’t do kids, I’ve taken quite a shine to this sweet girl.

And what’s not to love? She’s smart and respectful and funny. Asher has done an amazing job with her.

They’re both special. How could any woman have left them?

“Okay, you can look now.”

“Oh!” she exclaims when she turns around. “I’m so pretty!”

“Yes you are.”

“I haven’t had this much fun since my mom died.”


I school my features, trying not to let her see that she’s shocked the hell out of me. Her mom died?

She chooses some colors and goes to work on my face.

“I’m sorry that your mom passed away, sweetie.”

“Yeah, it was a long time ago.” I cringe when she chooses the blue eye shadow and begins brushing it on. She doesn’t talk about her mom anymore, and I decide not to press her, but I do need to talk to Asher. How horrible for both of them.

When Casey is finishing up with me, the doorbell rings.

“That must be your uncle.”

“Oh man,” she whines and hops down from the counter. “Can’t I just stay with you?”

“Your dad wants you to go hang out with your uncle.”

I open the door to find a man that looks almost exactly like Asher in my doorway, with a beautiful woman at his side.

“Hi. I’m Mike.”

“Lila.” I shake his hand and invite them in.

“This is my wife, Fran.”

“Why can’t I stay with Lila?” Casey whines. “We are having a girls’ day.”

“Your daddy doesn’t know how long he’s going to be at work today,” Fran says with a smile. “You look beautiful.” She glances up at me. “I think Casey got the better end of this deal.”

“She did good,” I reply with a laugh. “Here, let’s send a selfie to your dad.”

I pull my phone out of my pocket, snap a photo of the two of us, and text it to Asher.

“We’re going to go pack your bag, munchkin. You’re gonna stay with us tonight,” Fran says.

“Sleepover!” Casey exclaims. “You should come too, Lila!”

“I have work,” I reply. “But maybe I’ll see you again soon.”

“Thanks for keeping her,” Mike says with a grin. “Asher said he’ll come over here when he’s done. Lock your door.” His face sobers and he pins me in a I’m an authority figure and you’ll do what I say look.

“Let me guess, you’re a cop too?”


“I will lock the door. I will not let anyone in unless they have the password and know the secret handshake.”

“You’re a smart ass,” Fran says with a smile. “I like you.”

* * * *

I can’t run. Why can’t I run? I can hear someone coming for me, and it’s dark, and I have to run, but my feet won’t move. Heavy breathing is getting closer. I’m sweating, and trying to scream, but no sound comes out. Suddenly, it occurs to me that it’s a dream. Wake up!

Banging on my front door finally rips me from the nightmare. I sit up, my heart racing, eyes searching the room, and realize I must have fallen asleep on the couch.

“Lila!” More banging. I check my phone to find three missed texts and a missed call, all from Asher.

I pull the door open and am immediately tugged against him, his arms wrapped tightly around me and his face buried in my neck. He walks us inside and kicks the door closed, all without loosening his grip.

“Hey,” I croon and hold on just as tight. He needs this. I can feel it. “Asher, are you okay?”

“I just need a minute.” He takes a deep breath, and suddenly I’m in his arms and he’s carrying me to the couch. He sits, with me in his lap, and continues to hold on tight.

“You’re kind of scaring me,” I whisper. My fingers brush through the soft, thick hair at the back of his head soothingly.

“I just want to hold you for a minute,” he whispers. God, he’s strong, and solid and…safe. His big hands rub up and down my back, as if he’s reassuring himself that I’m here. His breathing is choppy. “We need to talk.”

“Yes, we do.” We so do.

“Are you okay?” He pushes me away, just far enough to look in my eyes. He brushes my hair away from my cheeks, his eyes worried.

“I’m fine.”

“You didn’t answer me. My texts or call.”

“I fell asleep.” I cup his face in my hands. “I just fell asleep.”