Easy with You Page 21

“Will be fine.” I turn back to her. “Do you honestly think that I’d willingly put my daughter in danger? She’s safe, just like you will be if you come with me.”

She chews on her lip, giving it some thought, and if I wasn’t already completely in love with her, her concern for Casey would have pushed me right over.

“Okay,” she says cautiously. “But when you’re not home, Casey should stay with Mike and Fran.”

I frown, but she continues before I can say anything.

“Not because I don’t love spending time with her, but because no one would follow her to Mike’s house. If you’re not home to protect her, she shouldn’t be alone with me. Just in case.”

I cup her face in my hands and everything in me is screaming to tell her I love her.

“Thank you,” I say instead.

“You won’t be thanking me when I use up all the hot water and burn toast.”

I grin. “I already burn the toast.”

Chapter Seven


It’s been two weeks since Cheyenne was killed. Two weeks without so much as a leaf blowing the wrong way in the trees. Spring has bloomed in New Orleans, making the city seem fresh and bright.

I’ve attended four funerals in the last month, and the sadness of the loss of the girls hangs heavily around me, despite the brightness of early summer. The killer has been quiet—too quiet—and I can’t help but worry that something could happen at any moment.

Classes are out for the weekend, and Asher’s friends, Matt and Nic, from Seattle are coming to visit for a few days. In fact, their plane should have landed not long ago. They’re going to meet us at home.

I mean, Asher’s townhouse.

Except, it’s come to feel like home over the past two weeks. Most of my clothes have managed to migrate there, much to Casey’s delight. She thinks it’s awesome that every night is a sleepover, and she’s loved getting to know Kate and Eli, who have been invited over for dinner several times.

I’ve refused the four hundred and twenty-three offers to sleep in his bed from Asher. I don’t feel comfortable sleeping with him with Casey there. I don’t want to confuse her.

Hell, I’m confused enough for both of us.

That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t sneak into the spare bedroom with me after she goes to sleep. There have been a few times that he’s carried me into his bed to make love to me because he wants to have me there.

Jesus, I’m in love with him. With both of them.

Who knew?


I spin on the sidewalk to find Colin and Stacy, both from my US Women’s History class, running toward me.

“Hi, guys. What’s up?”

“We wanted to see if you’ve graded our essays yet.”

I grin at them and shake my head. “I’m sorry, not yet. I’m going to grade them over the weekend.”

“Do you ever take a day off?” Colin asks with the shake of his head. He’s just about my height, dressed casually in jeans and a plain white T-shirt.

Stacy, his roommate and best friend, is a plump girl with curly blonde hair and big brown eyes. They’re holding hands, as they always do.

College kids seem to be very affectionate with each other.

“Once in a while,” I reply with a laugh. “What are you guys up to?”

“I have a date tonight,” Colin says and wiggles his eyebrows. “New guy I met the other day at Starbucks.”

“I want to meet this guy,” Stacy says and pokes Colin in the ribs. “He’s probably not good enough for you.”

“They never are, darling,” Colin replies and kisses Stacy on the cheek. “Do you have fun plans this weekend, Lila?”

“Yes, actually. I have friends coming in from out of town.”

“Awesome.” Stacy grins and checks her watch. “Oh, hell. I have to go pick my baby sister up from school. Give me a ride, Colin?”

“You guys stick close together,” I add sternly. “I want you to stay safe.”

Colin’s eyes grow sad. “If I’d stayed with Cheyenne longer, she wouldn’t have—”

“You don’t know that,” Stacy says and kisses his cheek. “It’s not your fault. The police even told you so.”

His eyes narrow a bit at the reminder of being interrogated after Cheyenne’s death.

“She’s right,” I reassure him. “You couldn’t have known what would happen after you took her home. But be safe out there, you guys.”

“Sure. See you next week, Lila.”

“Bye guys.” I wave, get in the car, and take off toward home.

I mean, Asher’s townhouse, damn it.

When I pull into the driveway, I see a strange car parked behind Asher. They beat me here.

“You brought me strawberry cupcakes!” Casey exclaims as I walk through the front door. She launches herself into a petite brunette’s arms, hugging her tight. “I missed you so much, Nic!”

“I missed you too,” Nic replies and hugs her back, then catches my eye. “You must be Lila.”

“Guilty,” I reply with a smile. “And you’re Nic.”

“She makes the best cupcakes in the whole world,” Casey informs me and bites into a pink cupcake.

“I’ve heard,” I reply with a laugh.

“I brought about two dozen, all different kinds.” Nic shakes my hand, then simply pulls me into a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you.”