Easy with You Page 26

God, how am I going to get out of this?

“Colin, I like you.”

“Do you?” He smiles, then all expression leaves his face. “Is that why you flunked me out of your class last semester?”

“You failing the class had nothing to do with whether I like you.”

“I didn’t fail!” he yells angrily. “You flunked me!”

I swallow hard as I watch him reign in his temper.

“I’ve never failed a class before, you know.” He begins laying tools out again, perfectly calm. “I am in pre-med. I don’t fail classes. I had to pay for that fucking class twice.”

“Really? All of this because you failed a class?”


“Why did you hurt those girls?” I ask, trying to distract him by changing the subject.

“Because I was trying to scare you.” He smiles smugly. “And it worked. Eventually. At first you didn’t seem very scared, so I just made more of a mess and got your attention.”

“You tortured them?”

“Of course.” He shrugs, like it’s no big deal. “Well, I didn’t torment the first one the way I wanted to. I was nervous with her. So, I fucked her, then I beat her until she died.”

I swallow hard, wanting to throw up again. Jesus, what those girls went through, all because of me.

“But, hey, live and learn, you know?” He winks. “It was so easy to fool all of you. Did you seriously think I was gay?”

“I didn’t really pay attention.”

“Sure you did.” He sits back on his heels and tips his head to the side. “I told you I had a date with a boy.”


“Now you’re just trying to hurt my feelings. I know you’ve been paying attention to me.” He shakes his finger at me. “You’re a naughty girl.”

“Colin, you don’t have to do this.”

“I begged you not to fail me.”

“I asked you to come to study group so I could help you,” I remind him, stalling for time.

“Your study group is a fucking joke,” he replies. “But, I found some fun playmates that way. That last one? Cheyenne? What a cock tease.”

“She was your friend.” And sweet, and young.

“She led me on,” he replies sharply. “She wanted me.”

I take a deep breath, praying that Kate has heard this and called Asher. Where is Asher? What if this maniac kills me and I never get to tell Asher that I love him?

What about Casey?

Tears fill my eyes, making Colin laugh. “Tears don’t work on me, Lila. All of the others cried too.”

“Are you going to rape me, Colin?”

“Of course.” He shakes his head like I’m an idiot. “Did you get my notes? I’m surprised you didn’t know this was coming. I sent notes for you.”

“With the victims.”

He simply raises a brow.

“I saw the last one.”

“See, that’s where I fucked up.” He sighs dejectedly. “I should have sent them to you directly and not left them with the girls. But, I thought it was more dramatic that way. It didn’t occur to me that the cops wouldn’t show them to you.”

“Is that why you named me specifically in the last one?”

“Yeah. But then you had to spread your legs for that fucking cop and he took you away.” He glares at me. “God, you’re such a whore. What was the purpose of moving into your building, knowing your schedule better than my own, if that dick was just going to suddenly decide to protect you and take you away?”

He’s been living in my building?

“I thought you lived with Stacy.”

“I rented this place under my mom’s name.” He smiles, proud of himself again. “I come and go as I please, and watch you. Well, I watched you until that fucker of a cop moved you in with him. You must be an amazing fuck.” He grins. “I’ll find out for myself soon enough.”

“He’s going to come looking for me, Colin.” Bile has risen in the back of my throat.

“True. So we better get started.” He claps his hands gleefully and reaches for a syringe. “I planned this all perfectly. I didn’t leave even one clue for the cops. Why do you think I shave my head? I shave my whole fucking body so I never leave any hair behind. No DNA. No prints.”

“So you’re just going to murder me in your apartment?” I ask calmly. “You’ll get caught.”

“I’ll claim I found you.” He shrugs carelessly. “Everyone thinks I’m weak and sweet. They’ll overlook me.”

He comes at me with the syringe.

“What is that?”

“Oh, don’t worry. It won’t kill you. It’ll just make you really groggy so I can have fun with you without you fighting me.”

“Colin, please.” I try to scramble away, but he sticks the needle in my arm and shoots it into my body.

“See? Otherwise you’ll fight me.” He smiles and walks away. “Don’t worry, it’ll make you sleepy, but I’ll keep you awake.” He grabs hedge trimmers and inspects them. “I think that after I fuck you, I’ll take your fingers off first.”

Jesus, I’m going to be sick. I’m sweaty now, panting, and already starting to feel fuzzy.

“Please don’t do this,” I whisper and feel myself start to slip into sleep, but suddenly Colin slaps me across the face.