Easy Love Page 11

“Thanks.” Van grins. “Quite a step up from that apartment we all shared at college.”

“It wasn’t so bad,” I reply. “But, yes, this is great. I’m proud of you.”

“Okay, so tell me what happens now.”

“Well, not much for the next few weeks. I need my coworkers to believe that I’m just another assistant. Then, as things settle and I’m not being watched as much, I’ll start investigating. You know I’m good with the computer, I can hack and sneak around and no one will ever know I’ve been there.”

“Do we lie and say we don’t know each other?” Van asks with a frown.

“No.” I shake my head and smile ruefully. “This is new for me, in that I’ve never worked in a place where I know the owners, but I think that if anyone asks, I’ll just say that I went to college with you. Leave it at that.”

“Why do I think we won’t be having lunches together?”

“Because we won’t. I need people to feel comfortable talking to me, and they won’t if they think that I’m best friends with the boss.”

“You are best friends with the boss.”

I shrug. “They don’t have to know that.”

“This whole thing pisses me off,” Van says with a sigh. “I love having you here, but I hate that someone is stealing from us.”

“We’ll find them. It’s just going to take a little time.” I reach across the desk and grip Van’s arm reassuringly. “I promise.”

She nods and then frowns. “Okay, change of subject. I’m sorry I wasn’t available to meet you yesterday.”

I sit back in my seat and school my features. “I told you, it was fine.”

“Was Eli okay?”

“What do you mean?” I ask with a raised brow.

“I’m sure he was perfectly nice, but was he…too nice?”

“What are you asking me, Van?”

“Look, I told him to leave you alone, and then I practically dumped you at his feet yesterday.”

“Wait.” I hold my hand up and glare at my friend. “You told him to leave me alone?”

“Of course I did.”

I blink at her and then stand and pace across the room. So, was he just hanging out with me, kissing me, yesterday as a rebellious act against his bossy sister?

“Why?” I turn and face her, hands propped on my hips. She looks down at her desk, suddenly looking flummoxed.

“Well, because, you know Eli—”

“Actually, I don’t.” I cross my arms. “I’d never met him before yesterday. But I’ll tell you this,” I lean on her desk, towering over her, suddenly so angry on both my and Eli’s behalf that I’d be baffled if I stopped and gave it too much thought. “Eli was nothing but polite yesterday. He escorted me to my loft and to Declan’s show last night.”

“Look, Kate, I didn’t mean—”

“I don’t know why you think you had to warn your brother off me. I’m a grown woman, a professional woman, who certainly doesn’t flop down on her back for any man who smiles at her and crooks his finger, which your brother did not. So, I think you’ve misjudged both of us.”

“Wow, you’re pissed.”

“I am so bloody mad at you right now.”

“When you get mad, your Irish shows through.” Her lips twitch, but I’m not done being mad at her yet.

“I’m here to do a job, not start an affair. I won’t be here that long.”

“You like him,” Van murmurs with narrowed eyes.

“I don’t know him!” I repeat in exasperation. Yes, I like him! He kisses like a dream, and I want to climb his hot body and have my wicked way with him!

Not that I’m going to tell her that.

“I just didn’t want him to set his sights on you and have you eventually hurt. I know you’re still—”

“I’m fine.” I shake my head, not wanting to go down this road with Van, not today. I have a long day ahead of a new job, and bringing my own baggage into it won’t be productive. “I promise, I’m fine. Now, I need to get down to HR. I don’t want to be late on my first day.”

“I’ll walk you down.” She stands, but I shake my head.

“No thanks. No favoritism, remember?” I shoot her a grin and walk toward her door.

“Kate, if you want to talk about—”

“Do you want to talk about Lance?” I ask without turning around, and the room is suddenly filled with a heavy silence as I shake my head and open her door. “I didn’t think so. Love you.”

“Love you, too.”


“This is Hilary,” Linda Beals, the head of HR informs me as she leads me to my new office. “She’s been promoted to another position here in the company, but is going to stay with you today to show you the ropes.”

Hilary, a woman who looks to be a few years older than me smiles and stands, offering her hand to shake. “Pleasure,” she says.

“Hello,” I reply and smile at Linda, as she assures me that I’m in good hands, and leaves me with Hilary.

“So, you’re taking over as Mr. Rudolph’s assistant,” Hilary says, stating the obvious.

“It seems so,” I reply and sit in the desk chair next to hers behind my new desk. “How long have you been with him?”