Easy Love Page 20

“You look wonderful, as always,” Kate returns and hugs my mom tightly. “Thank you for inviting me.”

“You’re family, babe. You don’t need an invitation. You’ll come for Sunday dinner while you’re still in town.”

I take a deep breath, but feel my blood boil. She was invited, but she didn’t call me to give her a ride? Instead, she chose to ride with Declan?

What the fuck?

Suddenly, Sam comes running in from outside, letting the screen slam loudly behind him. “Mama! I threw the ball way up high and it hit the oak tree and bounced off the trunk and hit the roof!” He comes to an abrupt stop when he sees Kate, pulls his hat off his head, and shuffles the toe of his worn sneaker on the hardwood floor. “Ma’am.”

“Sam, this is Kate,” Declan says, smiling at our nephew. “She’s a very good friend of the family.”

“It’s a pleasure, ma’am.” He holds out his hand to shake Kate’s, making us all grin. Gabby’s raising Sam very well.

“The pleasure is all mine, Sam. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“What were you saying about your baseball?”

Sam smiles widely, the excitement filling his dark brown eyes again. “It hit the roof and then rolled off and I caught it!”

“Good job,” Kate says with a smile. God, her smile kills me every time, even when it’s aimed at someone else.

“Don’t you hit any of my windows, now,” Mom warns and kisses Sam’s head as she passes back into the kitchen.

“No, Nannan,” Sam agrees. “I’m still working off the last window.” He cringes and glances at his mom.

“He broke another window?” Charly asks with a laugh.

“Hey, don’t laugh, that’s the third one in six months,” Gabby replies, but can’t help the smile that forms on her pretty, young face.

“I do chores to pay for them,” Sam informs us all. “When can we have pie?”

“Come on, shorty.” Declan snags Sam’s ball from his mitt. “Let’s go out and toss some.”

“You don’t have a mitt!”

“I’ll make do.” Dec winks at Kate, setting my teeth on edge, and follows Sam outside.

“Lance isn’t coming?” Beau asks Van. She just shakes her head no, and Beau’s gaze meets mine.

Yeah, he and I are going to have to have a conversation with Lance soon. Something’s going on there, and it isn’t good. Seeing Van hurting is killing all of us.

“I got some new shoes in, ladies,” Charly says with a sly smile. “Some really gorgeous, knock you on your behind, beautiful shoes.”

“I’ll be there tomorrow,” Van says and links her arm through Kate’s. “I’ll bring Kate too. We’ll clean you out.”

“Not fair,” Gabby says with a scowl. “This is what sucks about living so far out of town. I don’t get to just walk down the street and shop.”

“I brought you some in your size,” Charly replies and winks at our baby sister. “I can’t have you living in the Bayou with ugly shoes.”

“You’re my favorite sibling. You know that, right?”

“Hey!” Beau scowls at Gabby and wags his sharp knife at her. “I’m the one that lives out there with you, so you’re not alone, and commute in to work every day.”

“I’ve been telling you for months to move into town,” Gabby replies and leans her elbows on the counter.

“I don’t want you out there by yourself either,” I reply. “You and Sam alone in the Bayou makes us all nervous.”

“I’m not alone. I run a very successful bed and breakfast, thank you very much. There are always people around.”

“People we don’t know,” Charly replies, and Mama nods in agreement.

“We love you, babe,” Mama adds and cups Gabby’s face in her hand. “Beau’s keeping you safe.”

“Beau needs to get himself a woman and leave me alone,” Gabby replies, glaring at Beau, who just shakes his head and laughs.

“Tell me about the bed and breakfast,” Kate says and fishes a carrot out of the salad bowl. God, I love her appetite. She looks amazing today in a soft, flowy black skirt and a green button-down top with a black belt cinched around her slim waist. She left her hair down and applied minimal makeup, leaving her gorgeous freckles uncovered, and has clear gloss on her lips.

Fuck, I want to kiss those lips.

“I turned the family plantation house into an inn,” Gabby replies proudly. We’re all fucking proud of her. Inn Boudreaux is thriving and booked solid for months.

“Oh, that’s awesome,” Kate says. “I bet it’s amazing. Is it right on the river?”

“Yes. You can’t see the river because of the levy, but yes. Guests love the old oak trees, and we’ve restored some of the slave quarters and stuff so they can also wander around and learn about the plantation.”

“I’d love to see it,” Kate says, and I immediately decide to take her out there next weekend. She’ll love it. “Maybe I can get my parents to come visit and stay out there. It would be right up their alley.”

“Are they still in Ireland?” Savannah asks.

“Yes, and they love it there. But I miss them.”

“What about Rhys?” Charly asks, as Gabby and I set the table and Mama sets bowls and platters full of way too much food on the table as well. I still at Charly’s question and watch Kate.