Easy Love Page 47

“He’s wishing he wasn’t, but yes.”

“Do you need an attorney?” I ask my friend since childhood. He shakes his head and swigs more brandy.

“Not necessary. He’s already turned himself in.”

“He’s turned himself in to the police?” Beau asks incredulously.

Ben nods and leans his hips on my desk.

“How did you pull that off?” Dec asks.

Ben simply smiles, a cold, hard smile that would make most grown men piss in their pants. “I made it very clear that it was either turn himself in, or I’d kill him.”

“You would have,” I say, with a bit of surprise, although it shouldn’t surprise me. Ben has been in love with Savannah since puberty.

“Without hesitation,” he replies coldly, and takes another sip of brandy. When his glass is drained, he slaps it on the desk and walks toward my door.

“Ben,” Declan says, stopping our friend when he grips the doorknob. “What exactly is Savannah to you?”

Ben glances over his shoulder at Dec, shakes his head, his eyes suddenly sad, and leaves without a word.

“Fuck,” Beau whispers. “This could turn into a shitstorm.”

“It won’t,” I reply. “Our people will take care of it. He’ll pay. Dearly.”

“What an idiot,” Declan says with disgust. “He did this over a piece of ass?”

“He did this because he’s an evil son of a bitch,” Beau replies. “It really has nothing at all to do with Savannah. It was never about her.”

“I’m going to go grab a shower and then head up to the hospital,” Declan says.

“I’ll go with you,” Beau replies, just as my phone rings.


“Hello, cher.”

“Hi.” Her voice sounds tired. “Gabby is here at the hospital with Van. She’s going to stay with her tonight.”

“They’re keeping Van overnight?” I ask and check my watch. Damn, it’s almost midnight.

“Yeah, it’s late, and she’s pretty hurt. They want to watch her. Can you please come get me? I wouldn’t ask, but Charly already went home and—”

“Of course I’ll come get you.” I grab my keys and head for the door. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”


I hate hospitals. The smell, the sounds. I fucking hate that Savannah is lying in a bed here.

I walk into her room and curl my hands into fists. Her face isn’t marked at all. The fucker was sure to not bruise up her pretty face. But her arm is in a sling, and she’s cradling it against her like it aches.

My own chest aches.

Gabby sees me first and runs to me, launching herself into my arms. Our girls are always so strong. So fierce. But they aren’t afraid to lean on their brothers when they need us.

And, as far as I’m concerned, that just makes them all the stronger.

“It’s okay, bebe,” I murmur and kiss the top her of head. Gabby is not just the baby, she’s also the smallest. The rest of us are tall, but she’s petite. And if you didn’t know her, you’d mistakenly think she’s fragile.

“I just need a hug,” she murmurs before pulling away and smiling reassuringly at Van.

“You’re a sweet girl, bebe,” I whisper in her ear. “Who has Sam?”

“He’s with Mama. She took him home with her. I called Cindy and asked her to watch the inn for tonight.”

I inwardly cringe, but nod. Cindy has been Gabby’s friend since grade school.

And she spent an out-of-control, mistake of a night in my bed.

“How are you feeling?” I ask, as I lean in and plant my lips on Van’s forehead. She’s cool to the touch.

No fever from shock or infection.

“Sore,” she says, and smiles as I pull away. Strong women. “I’ll be okay.”

I kiss Kate and drag my knuckles down her smooth cheek before sitting on the bed at Van’s hip.

The looks that Van and Gabby exchange aren’t lost on me. They’ll grill me later.

“I have news.” I take Van’s hand in mine and look her dead in the eye.

“Tell me.”

I exhale, wondering how much information I should give her. “He’s in custody.”

She closes her eyes in relief and her body seems to sag. “Thank God.”

“He won’t hurt you ever again.” She frowns and looks back into my eyes.

“Is he in custody, or in the morgue?”

I grin ruefully. “He’s not dead. Unfortunately.”

“But he’s hurt.”

Strong and smart.

I nod, but don’t elaborate.

“You’ve never lied to me, E. Not once.”

“No, ma’am.”

“So, why are you now?”

“I’m not lying.”

Gabby snorts and I send her a hard stare, shutting her up.

“You’re not telling me everything. How did you find him? Was he arrested?”

“I didn’t find him.”

She tilts her head to the side, and there she is. My Van. She narrows her eyes, and I know I’m in for it.

Thank Christ.

“What. The. Fuck.”

“Ben found him.” Her eyes widen, but I continue. “I haven’t seen him yet. But I saw Ben. Swollen knuckles, sweaty. A little blood.”
