Seducing Lauren Page 29

“How is that?” I ask, still shell-shocked to be here with these two women.

“I did it on purpose. I’m a bitch.”

“You’re not a bitch,” Cara insists, shaking her head furiously.

“I don’t think you’re a bitch,” I reply.

“That’s because I’ve never had sex with you,” Jill mutters.

“You had sex with Brad?” Cara squeals.

“No.” Jill scowls. “It was a first date. I’m not a hooker.”

I snort at that, worried that the margarita might come out my nose.

“I’m so confused,” Cara whines.

“Brad’s a nice guy. We had dinner. I’m not interested in seeing him again. That’s it.” Jill pins me in her ice-blue eyes. “Your turn.”

“Things are good.” I shrug, hiding my grin as Cara and Jill both scowl at me.

“We need more details than that, sweetie,” Cara informs me. “Do you need more liquor?”

“Yes,” I reply gratefully. Cara pours more into my glass from the blender pitcher.

“Are you sleeping with him?” Jill asks.

“Hey!” Cara exclaims with a laugh. “Dude, really?”

“You want to know too,” Jill points out diplomatically, and I feel my cheeks heat.

“Good point.” Cara turns to me and pulls her feet up under her, settling in for a good story. “Are you?”

“She is. She’s blushing.” Jill is grinning widely. “I don’t want details because, ew, he’s my brother.”

Now that I have a few drinks in me, I decide to play with her a bit. “He’s really hung.”

“Oh, God, stop,” Jill groans. Cara bursts out laughing.

“And, boy, does he know how to use it,” I continue with a straight face. “He’s got this one move where he grabs my leg and turns me so—”

“I don’t want to know this!” Jill laughs and covers her ears with her hands.

“You asked.” I shrug and sip my drink smugly.

“Speaking of good sex, Jill, are you still reading that book I gave you?” Cara asks.

“Dude, it’s so good!”

“What book are you reading?” I frown down into my almost-empty glass.

“You have to read it!” Jill jumps from her seat and digs into her handbag, pulling a familiar green-covered book out of her bag. “It’s called A Spark of Passion by Peyton Adams. Have you read these?”

I’m struck dumb. I don’t know what to say. I’ve never been in this position before.

“They’re going to be made into movies,” Cara continues, and grabs the book from Jill’s hand. “How far are you?” she asks Jill.

“I’m almost done.” Jill grins at me. “They are supersexy.”

“Oh my God, that’s an understatement.” Cara laughs. “Do you want me to read you some of it?”

“Sure.” I watch them with rapt attention. They love my books! “What are they about?”

“They’re about three brothers, Julian, Marco, and Stephan. This is Stephan’s book.”

“So, each brother has his own book?”

“Yeah, and oh my God, they’re all so hot.” Jill fans her face with her hand and rolls her eyes. “They are all sexual dominants, which I didn’t think I’d be too into, but holy hell, they are just so fucking amazing.”

“Oh! Here’s a good part.” Cara tucks her hair behind her ear and smiles widely. “Excuse my language in advance. Stephan has a dirty mouth.”

“I fucking love his dirty mouth.” Jill sighs dreamily.

I can only laugh. I love this so much!

Stephan tied my hands above my head to the metal headboard of his bed. I was already sweaty and heaving in exhaustion from the two orgasms he’d given me with his mouth.

His mouth was bloody fantastic. His lips and tongue were made to give a woman pleasure.

With my hands secured above me, Stephan smiled softly and dragged his hand down my torso, between my breasts, and rested it on my stomach, rubbing his thumb back and forth on my skin.

“Do you know how gorgeous you look tied to my bed, Elizabeth?” he asked.

I couldn’t make words form. Speech completely left me as his hand journeyed lower to my hip and the inside of my thighs.

“Answer me,” he admonished.

“No, sir,” I responded softly.

“I had no idea calling a guy sir could sound hot,” Jill informs me, interrupting Cara.

“Shh, I’m reading!”

“Sorry, continue.” Jill grins and bites on her straw.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby,” he whispered, and leaned down low to pull my nipple into his mouth. “I’m going to fuck you, all night, with you chained to my bed.” His nose glided over my chest to the other nipple, and he pulled it deeply into his mouth. “You’re mine, Elizabeth. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” I responded breathlessly.

“Holy hell, this is hot,” Cara murmurs.

“Don’t stop now!” Jill complains.

“No, by all means, keep reading,” I agree. I’ve never had a reader read my work to me before. It’s amazing. It’s humbling.

It’s freaking hot.

He spread my legs and clasped leather bands around each ankle, holding me wide-open to do with as he pleased. I’d never felt so exposed, so helpless, and yet so sexy in all my life.