Seducing Lauren Page 67

“They know, Lo.”

“I hope so.”

“So where do you think this is all leading?” A romantic twinkle is in Emily’s eyes.

“One day at a time, Em.”

“Seriously, I want to know. I’m going to be two thousand miles away again in a few hours, so I need to get all the face-to-face dirt I can while I’m here.”

“I love him,” I reply hesitantly. “And that’s unexpected, especially after my past.”

“I get it.” She nods. “What if he asked you to marry him today?”

“I highly doubt that will happen. He just said the L-word a week ago. This isn’t one of our romance novels.”

“How can you write such beautiful stories and be such a cynic?” She tilts her head, studying me.

“I’m not a cynic, I’m a realist. We don’t live inside a romance novel. I learned that lesson the hard way.”

“You’re right.” A slow smile spreads across her lips. “But when you do get married, I get to be in it, right?”

I chuckle and shake my head. “If I say yes, can we change the subject?”

“You’re no fun.”

“I am too. I just think we’re jumping the gun a bit to be picking out cakes and bridesmaids dresses.”

“I refuse to wear teal.” She grimaces. “And no chocolate fountain. It’s not classy.”

“Oh my God, Em, stop!” I laugh and clutch my injured ribs. “Ouch.”

“Oh, I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay.” I sigh and take her hand in mine, holding on tight. “Thank you for coming, and for being such a kick-ass friend.”

“You’re welcome. You can repay me by bringing me onto the movie set with you when the gorgeous men start acting in your movies.”

“Done.” Then I get sober. “I guess this means I can start telling people that I’m Peyton Adams.”

“You should have done that from the beginning.”

I shake my head sadly. “It’s going to be weird to see myself in photos and give interviews and all the other things my agent has been begging me to do.”

“It’s going to be a lot of work.”

“I know, but I’m tired of hiding who I am.”

“Good girl.”

The doorbell rings.

“That must be Cara and Jill. Cara’s taking me to the airport and Jill is staying with you until Ty gets home.”

“You’re all a bunch of mother hens,” I grumble, and follow Emily to the door.

She turns and pulls me gently into her arms, despite our vast height difference. “I’m so happy that you’re okay, my friend. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Tears of gratitude and love prick my eyes. “Safe travels.”

She pulls away and opens the door for the girls. “She needs to go back to bed,” Emily informs them as she gathers her bags. “And she won’t take the pain meds anymore.”

I roll my eyes and push her out the door. “Good-bye, Mom.”

“Take care of her, Jill!” Em calls right before she sits in Cara’s Honda and waves through the window.

“How are you really?” Jill asks as I close the door and set the alarm.

“Tired. Sore.” I shrug. “The usual.”

“Why no pain meds?”

“Because I’m sick of sleeping all the time, and I’m ready to get back to my life.” I prop my hands on my hips and glare down at her. “Are you going to lecture me too?”

“Nope.” She grins. “You’re a big girl. But promise that if you need them, you’ll take them.”

“I will.” I yawn widely and then chuckle. “Ironically, I think I will go nap until Ty gets here. I’m sorry I’m such a horrible hostess.”

“I’m used to fending for myself. You go nap. I’ll be down here answering e-mail and setting up appointments.”

I nod and wave as I trudge up the steps to my bedroom. Jesus, I’m exhausted just from climbing this flight of stairs. My ribs are singing and my head is pounding as I strip out of my clothes and lie on the soft bed.

I’ll just nap for a few minutes, until the headache goes away.

“Wake up, my love.”

Ty is kissing my forehead gently and brushing his fingers down my cheek. This is the best part of the day, waking up next to him, feeling him beside me.

“You’re home,” I whisper without opening my eyes.

“Mmm.” He kisses me again. “And I need you to wake up. I have some things to show you.”

“Would rather just feel you,” I mumble.

Suddenly, I hear something purr and I open my eyes to find a tiny, orange kitten curled up in the crook of Ty’s elbow. “Who is this?”

“This is your new friend.” Ty grins. “I figure he can hang out with you while you work and be a companion for you when I’m not here.”

“He’s not much of a watchdog.” I scoop him out of Ty’s arm and snuggle him down against my neck. “He’s so soft!”

“You don’t need a watchdog. You just need someone to brainstorm story ideas with.” Ty’s lips twitch as he watches me with the kitten.

“What’s his name?”


“Why?” I chuckle.

“Because he’s fuzzy.”