Loving Cara Page 22

“I called her this morning. I had to talk her out of jumping on the first plane out of LAX.”

I rub my forehead with the tips of my fingers and sigh. “My parents are going to freak out.”

Josh has moved up behind me, rubbing my shoulders with his big, strong hands, and I lean back into him, absorbing his strength and warmth.

“I can call them for you,” he offers, but I shake my head and cover one of his hands with my own.

“I’ll do it. I guess I’d better get a new phone when we go shopping.”

“You’re going shopping?” Ty asks incredulously, then chuckles. “That might get Jill on the plane after all.”

“Screw you.” I glare at him, then laugh. “I needed some new things anyway. I’ve been putting it off.”

“Why do you hate to shop so much?” Seth asks. “Don’t girls live for that crap?”

“Not this girl.” I shudder and push my hands through my hair, enjoying the feel of Josh’s hands still kneading my shoulders. “I usually wait until Jill’s home or I go visit her and then I can’t avoid it any longer. She drags me.”

Seth’s eyes are now glued to Josh’s hands on my shoulders. “Why are you touching her like that?”

I go still just as Josh’s hands stop moving. Ty smothers a grin.

“Seth . . .” I begin as his hands form fists and he scowls at his uncle. Josh moves me easily aside and stands directly in front of Seth.

“What’s wrong?” Josh asks his nephew calmly.

Seth shrugs and looks at his feet, his hands crammed in his pockets, a scowl on his handsome little face.

“Talk to me,” Josh tries again.

Seth’s head comes up and he pins Josh with a harsh glare. “You shouldn’t touch her like that. She’s not like my mom.” He’s got tears in his eyes, but he fights valiantly to keep them at bay as his cheeks flush with anger.

I gasp. Ty swears under his breath, and Josh’s hands fist at his sides and his jaw clenches.

“Do you think I’m taking advantage of Cara?” he asks in a low voice.

“You better not.” Seth pushes his chin out defiantly and I want to hug him to me, so moved that he wants to protect me.

“Seth, Josh isn’t trying to take advantage of me,” I say. Seth watches us both carefully. “He’s being supportive and a good friend.” Dear God, what did he see when he lived with his mom?

“Seth, I care about Cara. Very much.” Josh relaxes his body and smiles down at the boy as he links his fingers with mine. “I like that you care about her too and want to protect her.”

Seth shrugs again and frowns.

I think I just fell in love with both of them.

“Just don’t do gross stuff in front of me,” he grumbles, and stomps off to the truck.

“Well, there’s more of his dad in him than he thinks,” Ty observes, and grins at Josh.

Josh looks over at me, his eyes roam over my face, and I’m not sure what he’s looking for, but I squeeze his hand with my own and offer him a small smile.

“Here are three words I never thought I’d say willingly: let’s go shopping.”

* * *

If he touches me one more time, I swear I’ll combust.

He’s had his hands on me all day: resting a hand on the small of my back to lead me into a store, holding my hand, brushing my hair behind my ear. And he keeps smiling at me, winking.


Dear God, I want him.

I finally have a few moments to myself, in the spare bedroom. I’m hanging the few new pieces of clothing I bought today in the closet, stuffing underwear, bras, and socks in a drawer and pulling tags off my new flip-flops and sneakers.

“What are you doing?”

Josh is leaning casually against the doorframe, his hands in his pockets. I take a moment to soak him in.

His long, jean-clad legs are crossed at the ankle; torso and shoulders are molded in a black T-shirt. His dark hair is messy and his lips are quirked in a smirk, his brown eyes happy and trained on me.

“I’m putting my things away,” I mutter, and turn back to the task at hand.

“You’re in the wrong room.” I hear him approach behind me, his bare feet quiet on the plush carpet.

“It’s better if I stay in here.”

He grips my shoulders in his hands and turns me to face him. “Why?”

“I’m much better, Josh. You don’t have to keep an eye on me.”

He jerks me up against him, pressing his pelvis—his erection—into my belly, and his hands grip me tighter.

“Me wanting you in my bed has nothing to do with your damn tree.”

I frown up at him and then look down, shaking my head.

“Why is it so hard for you to believe that I want you, sweetheart?” His voice is soft as he leans in and whispers in my ear. “Answer me.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe it.” My eyes flutter closed at the feel of his breath against my ear. “Hell, I can feel it. But we’ve known each other for ages, and now . . .”

“Now what?” His lips glide down my neck and back up to my ear.

“Now we have more to think about than whether or not we’re attracted to each other. There’s Seth to consider,” I whisper.

“Do you trust me?” He pulls back just a few inches so he can look me in the eye, and I swallow.
