Loving Cara Page 41

“No, you’re not.” She sighs and rubs her hands over her face. “You’re beautiful, and Josh sees it. He sees you. Men who just want to fuck you don’t call to check on you late at night just because they’re worried about you.”

You’re more than just a fuck buddy.

She’s right.

“Okay, fine, I’m fabulous.” I look back up to the ceiling and feel myself smile. “And my boyfriend is fucking hot.”

“Yeah, he is,” she agrees with a sigh.

“And Jilly?”


“He’s fucking awesome in bed.”

“God, I hate you.”

* * *

Knock, knock, knock.

A light tapping on the hotel door wakes me from a light sleep. I glance over at Jill, who is knocked out, still lying on top of the covers. Moving quickly and as quietly as possible, I peek through the peephole before opening the door wide.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper at Josh as he moves into the room and scoops me up into his arms.

“Couldn’t sleep without you,” he whispers into my ear. He bends to pull the blankets back on the bed and lays me down onto the sheets before disappearing into the darkness again. He reappears moments later with a spare blanket from a small closet and spreads it over Jillian before joining me in the bed, both of us fully clothed.

“How did you know what room we’re in?”

“I asked, baby,” he replies dryly.

“You have to work in just a couple of hours,” I remind him softly, both of us on our sides looking at each other in the darkness.

“Louie and the guys can handle it. Plus”—he leans in and kisses my cheek—“Zack’s back. He’ll pick up my slack today.”

“You didn’t have to come here.”

“Yeah,” he sighs, and pulls me to him, resting my cheek against his chest, and kisses my head. “I did, baby.”

“If you two have sex with me lying three feet away from you, I will cut you both in your sleep.”

Josh laughs hard and loud and hugs me close.

“She’s really violent,” I inform him with a giggle.

“I mean it.” Her voice is stern, but I can hear the smile on her face.

“Can I talk you into a threesome?” Josh asks over his shoulder, earning a punch in the arm from me and a pillow in the head from Jill. “Can’t blame a guy for asking.”

“Perv,” I mutter with a laugh.

“I’m just kidding,” he calls over his shoulder at Jill, who just waves him off and turns on her other side. “You’re the only one I want,” he whispers in my ear for only me to hear. I burrow down deeper against his chest, wrap my arms around his waist, and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

* * *

“Holy shit, your house is a mess.” Jill wrinkles her nose and holds her hand up to her brow, shielding her eyes from the sunshine as she gazes at my little white house, covered in plastic and lumber. We’re walking through town, on our way to Ty’s house to surprise him and to check on the progress of my own place.

“It looks so much better,” I inform her. “They say it’ll be done on Wednesday.”

And then I’ll have to leave him.

“Wow.” I’m suddenly wrapped in one of Jill’s superstrength hugs and I feel the air leave me in a whoosh.

“Can’t breathe,” I squeak.

“I’m so happy that you’re safe.” She loosens her grasp and rests her forehead on my cheek. “What would I do without you? What if you’d been seriously hurt?”

“I’m fine, Jill.”

“I wanna kick that tree’s ass.”

“We really need to discuss these violent tendencies of yours. I don’t remember you being this hostile.”

“I must be PMSing.” She smirks as we walk away from my house and toward Ty’s. It’s the Fourth of July, so most of the town is closed to observe the holiday, and we’re hoping to catch Ty at home.

Jill bounces up the stairs of his porch ahead of me and knocks on the door.

“You could just go in.”

“Nah, it’s better this way.” She winks at me and waits patiently for Ty to answer his door. After thirty seconds she knocks again.

“I’m coming!” Ty yells, and swings the door open with a scowl. At the sight of his sister, his face transforms into a big, wide smile and he scoops her off her feet into a big bear hug, turning her in a circle. “Oh my God, Jillybean! When did you get here?”

“Last night.” She laughs. “I wanted to surprise you.”

“Best surprise ever.” He smiles at her widely. “How long are you here for?”

“I go back Tuesday morning.”

“Quick trip.” He tugs on her braid.

“I’m here for the holiday.”

“So we’ll all be at the party at the lake?” he asks as we sit on his porch, Jill and I in the porch swing, and Ty on the railing, leaning his back against the pillar in the corner.

“Of course.”

“When do you get your house back?” Ty asks me, and crosses his arms over his chest. He’s in a T-shirt again today, a Van Halen one this time, with ripped jeans. The muscles under his sleeve tattoo bulge with the movement and I can’t help but watch.

Any red-blooded American woman would take notice.

“Wednesday,” I respond.