Loving Cara Page 46

He suddenly lifts me off him and crawls quickly off the bed, turning me so my legs are dangling off the side and I’m facedown into the covers and pillows that have been scattered about.

“My feet can’t reach the floor.” My voice is breathless as he plants himself behind me and grips my hips roughly in his callused hands.

“Wrap your legs back around my thighs.”

He slams inside me as my calves clench the backs of his thighs, and he grips one wrist behind my back and pulls my hair with his other hand, holding me down against the bed as he fucks me blind.

It’s the most savage he’s ever been with me, as though he’s reminding me with every thrust just whom, exactly, I belong to.

After just a few thrusts, he slams into me and stills, coming hard. He groans my name and releases my wrist and hair and then bends over and plants wet, openmouthed kisses across my shoulders and on the back of my neck.

“Mine,” he whispers before pulling out of me and helping me back onto the bed. He wraps himself around me. “I think we could both use a nap,” he murmurs, and kisses my cheek.


He brushes my hair back off my neck and kisses that tender spot just under my ear.

I sigh deeply, and before I know what’s happening, the words “I love you” leave my mouth.

Josh tenses up behind me, and my eyes go wide as I realize what I’ve said aloud, my body also stiffening.

Fuck, what do I say now?

Josh suddenly pulls me onto my back and leans up on his elbow to look down at me, watching my face carefully.

He’s not saying it back.

He’s not saying anything at all.

His eyes narrow on my face and he gently brushes a single strand of hair off my cheek.

“Say it again.”

I feel tears fill my eyes; tears of frustration and embarrassment and love as I shake my head no.

He catches a tear with his thumb, and his eyes soften as he continues to watch me.

“Say it again, Carolina.”

Oh, how I love the sound of my name on his tongue. That alone almost makes me cave, but I resolutely shake my head no.

He glides his hand down my face, down my neck to a breast, where he brushes his thumb across my already-puckered nipple, making me gasp. His lips twitch as his hand moves farther south, over my stomach to my center. But instead of sinking his fingers inside me or worrying my clit with his thumb, he just cups me in his hand and leans in to kiss my cheek in that soft way he does that makes me sigh.

“Cara,” he whispers, and moves over me, his cock already hard once more, and slowly slips inside me. “Say it again.”

“You say it,” I whisper so softly I’m not even sure if he’s heard me.

With his body filling mine, covering mine, his eyes holding mine, he leans on one elbow and grips my hand with the other, holding it between us.

“I love you, Carolina Donovan, more than I ever thought was possible.” He nudges his nose against mine and then rests his forehead on my forehead, sighing deeply. “I don’t remember what my life was like before you.”

“I love you,” I murmur, with more conviction this time, and sigh as he begins to make long, slow movements with his hips, building us both back up slowly.

“You’re so beautiful.” He kisses one cheek and then the other. “So damn smart.” Kisses my jawline and down my neck, then over to the other side and back up again.

“Josh,” I whisper, the sensations running through me making it hard for me to form coherent thought.

“Yes, love?”

“I need you.”

“You have me, baby.” His pace doesn’t change, but the intensity of the thrusts do, and before I know it, I’m on the precipice of another amazing, teeth-numbing orgasm.

“Oh, God!” He plunges inside me and holds himself there, watching me as I shatter beneath him.

“I fucking love it when you massage my dick like that.” And with that he comes again, loudly, shuddering over me.

I run my fingertips up and down his back, absorbing his weight as I kiss his neck and shoulder softly.

He pulls back, his dark hair falling over his forehead, and I brush it back with my fingers. “You’re so handsome.”

“You destroy me, Cara.”

Just like that, I’m thrown. I can only stare up at him as he tries to pull his thoughts together.

“You. Destroy. Me.” He swallows hard and cups my face gently in his hands. “I love you and respect you so much.”

“Josh”—I lift my head and kiss him softly—“I love you too.”

Chapter Twelve


She loves me.

I unconsciously rub my stomach, as if that will clear out the butterflies, while I lean on the doorframe of my large master bathroom and watch Cara dress for our night out with our friends. Since Jill’s in town, we’re all going downtown to play pool and dance.

Well, the guys will play pool and the girls will dance.

Cara pulls a sexy tank dress over her head and down her amazing, curvy body. It’s black and hugs her breasts and hips, the hemline hitting her midthigh. Her honey-blond hair is down, falling in gentle waves down her back and around her sweet face. She’s worked some magic with a few pieces of makeup, and her lips are pink and pouty.

Just like her pussy.

I was inside her an hour ago and damn if I don’t want to boost her up onto that countertop and take her again. I don’t know what the hell she’s doing to me, but I hope she never stops.