Forever with Me Page 59

“What’s wrong?” she asks, as she comes into my office.

“I have to leave for Italy this evening.”

“Is everything okay?”

“No.” I swear and pace behind my desk. “I’ll need you to stay this evening for the event. I want someone here to supervise.”

“I can do that.”

“Good. I’m going up to pack.”

“Do you want me to book the airline?”

“No, I’ll do it. You’ll be able to reach me in Italy if you need anything.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“I don’t know.” I sigh, already sick to my stomach at the mess that awaits me there. “It could be a few weeks. A month at the most.”

“Don’t worry about anything. Everything will be fine here.”

“Thanks, Celeste.”

I quickly gather my laptop, iPad, cords and pack my briefcase, pocket my phone and jog upstairs, taking two stairs at a time.

I dial the airline as I unzip a suitcase and begin filling it with clothes and essentials.

I’m an excellent multi-tasker.

“I need to be on a plane to Italy tonight, from SeaTac, first class.”

I can hear the agent get to work, her nails clicking on her keyboard as she works on finding me a flight, and I remember that Alecia tried to call while I was talking with Gianna.


Fuck, I have to tell her I’m leaving.

“I have a flight available at eight this evening,” the agent says.

I check my watch. That gives me an hour to finish up here before I have to leave for the airport.

And I need to talk to Alecia, preferably in person.

Or, I could just take her with me. She has a team of people who can manage her business without her for a few weeks.

I grin as the idea forms in my head.

“That works, but I’ll need two seats, please.”

“I have that,” she responds. I give her the passenger information, pay with my credit card, and finish packing, suddenly excited at the spontaneous trip back home. I’ve been eager to show Alecia where I come from, to see her face light up when she sees my grandparent’s land, or when I take her shopping in Rome.

With renewed energy, I check in once more with Celeste, then head out, driving toward Seattle.

I can’t wait to see her, but first I place a call to Steven.


“Hey, it’s Dom. I wanted to let you know that I’m heading to Italy rather unexpectedly.”

“Is everything okay?”

The concern in Steven’s voice always makes me pause. The way he’s accepted me, so readily, always disarms me.

“No, but it will be. There are issues at the vineyard, and I’m needed.”

“Of course. Be safe, son, and let me know when you get there, and if there’s anything at all that you need.”

“Thank you.” I nod and smile to myself. “I’m taking Alecia with me.”

“Is that so?” I can hear the smile in his voice as well. “So, not completely a work trip, then?”

“No, I want to show it to her.”

“Good for you. Be safe.”

I end the call and immediately call Matt, giving him the same information.

“You’re taking her to Italy? Is she excited?”

“She doesn’t know. It’s a surprise.”

“Now, that’s one hell of a surprise.”

“I know.” I laugh. “Chicks dig shit like this.”

“You sound more American every day, brother. Have fun. Call if you need anything.”

I end the call just as I leave the freeway, headed to Alecia’s condo. My Montgomery family is a special one, there’s no doubt about it.

I walk quickly into Alecia’s building, checking my watch. We have just enough time for her to pack a bag and to drive to the airport. I hope I don’t have to get her naked to convince her to go with me.

Not because I don’t want to get her naked, and sink inside her for the better part of the night, but because there’s simply no time.

I check my watch again. Okay, maybe I’ll just get her half naked.

I’m smiling at the prospect of taking her hard and fast in the kitchen when I approach her door, and open it without knocking, surprised that it’s unlocked.

I glace down and frown when I see the shoes I gave her the night of Will’s wedding tossed just inside the front door. Then scowl more then I see her skirt wadded on the floor by the kitchen, and her top and bra flung in the living room.

Sitting on the couch, with one ankle propped on the opposite knee, his arms stretched on the back of the sofa, sweaty and wearing only gym shorts is Blake.

His shirt has been thrown on the arm of the couch. He’s sweaty, his hair a mess, and he looks…satisfied.

And I’m going to fucking kill him.

“Hey, man. Alecia is going to be surprised to see you.”

“What in the ever loving fuck is going on?” I yell and advance on Blake. He immediately stands, frowning as if he’s confused, which only makes me want to punch him more.

What? She didn’t see me for three days and decided to call Blake to scratch her itch?

I’m so fucking stupid.

“Dom?” Alecia says from her doorway. She’s wet, fresh from the shower, wearing only a towel, and the world falls out from under me.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Hey, man, it’s not what you think—” Blake begins, but I advance, pressing my face close to his.