Breathe with Me Page 84

“I’m pregnant, babe.”

“Holy shit.” He kisses me again, harder this time and then lets out a loud, “Whoop!”

“What’s going on up there?” Will calls out from the audience.

“We’re getting married,” Mark calls back and raises a brow at me, silently asking for permission to announce the good news. I happily nod and he smiles wide, never looking away from me and calls out, “And we’re gonna have a baby!”

Applause erupts again, and I’m suddenly surrounded by people, being passed around from brother to brother, hugged and kissed. The girls are all crying and smiling and hugging each other until they can get to me.

“Congratulations, bella,” Dom says happily as he hugs me close and then passes me to Luke.

“I’m so happy for you,” Luke whispers in my ear. “If you need anything at all, you only have to call.”

I nod with tears in my eyes and then am scooped up into Neil’s strong arms.

“Welcome to our family at last, my sweet girl,” he says with a wide, handsome grin. “It’s about time. We’ve been waiting for you, you know.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“Your mother gave me her wedding dress to hold on to for you,” Lucy says as she pats my cheek softly.

“She did? But how did she—”

“A mother knows.” Lucy winks at me. “We’d better get you married before you can’t fit into the dress anymore.”

I glance over to where Jax and Logan are standing, hand-in-hand, laughing with Jules and Nate, who has a sleeping Stella on his shoulder. Will and Meg are congratulating Mark as Leo and Sam both enfold me in a group hug.

“Way to go, babe,” Sam says smugly. “I’ve always liked you.”

“Yeah, right.” I snort as I laugh and she laughs with me. “I think the term is tolerate.”

“I liked you. Now I love you. You’re good for us.”

Jesus, is everyone going to make me cry today?

“Proud of you,” Natalie whispers in my ear, then winks at me and gives my arm a squeeze. “We’ll talk later.”

I’m passed from person to person, until finally, I’m back in Mark’s arms and he’s kissing me silly.

“Are you ready to be a part of this crazy family?” he asks with that naughty grin.

“I can’t wait,” I reply and press my face to his neck. “I can’t wait.”