Tied with Me Page 13

“I’ll go to dinner with you tomorrow,” I finally murmur. My stomach clenches and nipples tighten when he offers me that megawatt smile and leans in to plant his lips on my forehead.

“Excellent. What time will you be finished here?”

“Four in the afternoon.”

“Pick you up at six?”

He’s asking, not telling!


He cups my face in his hands and sighs as he looks in my eyes. “We will need to talk, little one.”

“That is usually a part of going to dinner with someone,” I reply with an innocent smile.

He laughs and plants a chaste kiss on my lips then turns to leave. “See you tomorrow.” He winks, and then he’s gone.

I lean on the countertop, trying to catch my breath. Good God, he barely touched me and I was ready to tear my clothes off and attack him right here in the kitchen.

That’s so not gonna happen.

I busy myself by wiping down the already clean countertops, trying to clear my head before I can face Tess or any potential customers.

One thing I can say about Matt is, he always leaves me off balance, not necessarily in a bad way.

Would it hurt so much to go out to dinner with him? To get to know him better? I lean my hips against the countertop and scrub my hands over my face.

“Did you forget to eat again? Are you okay?”

I whirl at the sound of Bailey’s voice to find her standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips and her pretty face pulled into a frown.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you closing soon?”

I check the time, surprised to see it’s already almost one, which is my closing time on Sunday.

“Yes, in just a few minutes.”

“Good, we’re going out for appetizers and wine,” she informs me.

“Nic has a date!” Tess shouts excitedly as she bursts into the kitchen. “With a hot cop!”

“Really?” Bailey asks and watches me speculatively. “We are definitely going out for wine.”

“I wish I could go, but I just got a call from Sean.” Tess grins as she grabs her purse and shucks her apron. “I already closed up, boss, so you’re good to go.”

“That was quick,” I reply.

“It was dead out there, so I closed up while the other cop—Asher—chatted with me. He placed an order for a dozen strawberry shortcake cupcakes for Saturday. It’s his daughter’s birthday.”

“That’s sweet,” I respond as I close up the kitchen for the night.

Tess waves and takes off, leaving Bailey and I.

“Talk,” she commands.

“I need wine first.” I sigh as I grab my wallet.

I lock the door behind us, and we walk down the block to Vintage.

“Your usuals?” our waiter, Dan, asks after he seats us.

“Yes, please,” Bailey responds and then giggles after the handsome college student leaves to fill our order. “I think we come here too often.”

“No, it’s just right,” I disagree. “We’d have to train someone else if we went to a different place. Besides, they have happy hour all day on Sunday, and that’s hard to find, too.”

“Good point.” She nods.

“One glass of pinot noir and one glass of merlot and a basket of fresh bread.” Dan winks at me then rubs his hands together. “What would you like to eat?”

“We’ll take the spinach dip with chips and calamari,” Bailey responds.

“Oh, and the cheese and cracker platter, too, please,” I add enthusiastically. I’m starved, and that’s not a good thing.

“You got it, ladies.”

We both watch Dan’s firm, young ass as he walks away and then sigh as we take sips of our wine.

“So, who’s the cop you’re going out with, and why am I just now hearing about it?” Bailey asks.

I feel my cheeks heat as I swirl the wine in my glass. Bailey is the only person I told about my night with the handsome man. “I ran into Matt yesterday at the wedding I did the cake for.”

“Matt, as in the guy who tied you up and rocked your world, Matt?”

“The same,” I reply with a nod.

“Small world.”

I snort. “Right.”

“He seems nice.”

“He’s kinky,” I respond without thinking, then bite my lip and shake my head.

“He’s into bondage, so what?”

“Do you know him?” I ask, hoping she says yes so I can drill her for information.

“Not really. I’ve seen him around before, but I’ve never spoken to him.” Bailey cocks her head, takes a sip of her wine and watches me closely. “What’s your hang-up?”

“I’m not submissive, Bailey.”


“Trust me when I say, he’s pretty dominant in the bedroom.”


I growl and glare at my best friend. “Stop saying okay.”

“Look, you’re overthinking this, Nic.” She squirms a bit across from me, getting comfortable. “You two had a good time together. Did he scare you?”


“Did he hurt you?” She’s watching me very carefully, reading my body as well as my words.

“No,” I reply immediately.

“Then what makes you hesitate to see him again?” she asks, confused.

“Well, at first I thought he was married with kids,” I remind her and glare when she bursts out laughing. “But I found out yesterday that it was a family emergency, and he’s single.”