Tied with Me Page 23

My gaze whips up to his.

He’s smiling, watching me. “Where were you?”

“Um.” My cheeks heat, and I dissolve into a bubble of giggles. “Sorry. I was checking out your ass.”

He chuckles. “First time you’ve seen a man mostly naked?”

“This is the first time I’ve gotten a good look at you.” I shrug. “It’s nice.”

“Nice?” he asks and pulls the eggs away from the heat.

“You don’t like nice?”

“Hmm…no. Nice isn’t the word I’d like to hear you use to describe me.”

“Well…” I tilt my head, like I’m pretending to come up with something, enjoying this banter. “I guess I could say sexy. Or crazy hot. Or even better yet, oh my God.”

He walks around the breakfast bar and kisses me silly, his hands in my short hair, holding on tight as his lips nibble and explore mine. I plant my hands on his back and let them roam over his skin down to his ass, where I slip them under the waistband of his shorts and grip him firmly.

“So you’re an ass girl.”

“I am now,” I agree with a laugh.

He laughs with me as he lets me go and finishes preparing breakfast, then loads only one plate of everything onto a tray and motions with his head for me to follow him.

His eyes are warning me not to argue, so I quietly climb off my stool and follow him back into the bedroom, where he climbs onto my bed, sits against the headboard and pats the space next to him.

“Join me.”

I plant my knee on the edge, but before I can climb on, he adds, “Without the robe.”

I bite my lip, watching his face, as I slowly pull the tie loose at my waist and let the satin fall open, push it off my shoulders and let it fall to the ground, leaving me naked.

Matt sucks in a breath, his eyes wide as they rake up and down my body. “Jesus, Nic.”

“Can I join you now?” I ask sarcastically.

“We’re in the bedroom, so watch yourself, little one.”

I grin and climb on the bed, sit next to him with my knees pulled up to my chest, and wait for him to decide what to do next. He takes a bite of bacon and then a sip of OJ, and then offers me a bite of pancakes.

I blink in surprise and open my mouth, allowing him to feed me the pancakes, and then chew as he continues to also feed himself.

“Bacon?” he asks.

I nod, and he feeds me the bacon, patiently waiting while I chew. Finally, I start to laugh.

“Something funny?”

“This is incredibly funny,” I confirm. “You’re feeding me.”

“I am,” he agrees and then smiles widely. “It won’t happen often, but I feel like spoiling you a bit. Humor me?”

“You’re the boss.” I shrug and lean back, letting him feed us both. “How are Brynna and Caleb doing?”

“They are almost a week into their honeymoon, so I would think they’re fucking like rabbits and having a great time.”

“Oh! Brynna said she didn’t think they’d be able to get away.”

Matt offers me some juice, and I gratefully accept.

“It was a gift from the family.”

“That’s awesome.” I lean over and kiss Matt’s bare shoulder, then remember myself and ask, “Am I allowed to do that?”

“To kiss me?”

“Yeah. You didn’t give me permission.”

“We’re just sitting here, having breakfast and chatting, Nic. You can touch me whenever you want, unless I give you direction that says otherwise.”

“Oh. I like that.”

“Good.” He grins and offers me some scrambled eggs.

“So, where did you all send them?” I ask and refuse the next bite, too full to eat any more.

“Italy,” he replies casually and finishes the rest of the breakfast himself.

“Italy,” I repeat with a snort. “Holy crap, that’s some honeymoon.”

“I know.” He nods. “Dominic owns a home there.”

“He seems nice.”

Matt’s eyes narrow on my face.

Is he jealous?

“He’s a good guy. I haven’t known him long. Just a few months.”

“But he’s your brother.”

“Half brother,” he clarifies and sets the empty tray on the bedside table. “We didn’t know he existed until about five months ago.”


“What do you have planned for today?” Matt asks, effectively changing the subject.

“I could use a trip to the grocery store, but other than that, I don’t have solid plans.”

He looks uncertain when he meets my gaze and says simply, “I’d like to spend today with you.”

“Okay,” I agree. “What do you have in mind?”

“Anything you want,” he replies. “Let’s get out of this apartment for a while, and then I’d very much like to spend tonight here with you.”

“I’d like to go down to Pike Place Market for some produce for the week.” I tap my lip with my finger, contemplating all the possibilities. “Maybe pick up some fresh chocolate from the chocolate place just up the hill from there.”

“You use fresh chocolate in your cupcakes?” Matt asks.

“Of course. I buy all my chocolate from them. It’s the best.”

“Okay. I might have a surprise before the Market and the chocolate place.” He checks the time, then leans in and kisses me softly. “Thank you for this morning.”