Tied with Me Page 50

“It was fun. They’re nice people.”

“You fit in well,” I comment casually.

She pauses and then carries on as though men tell her every day that they enjoy seeing her with those they love the most.

“I’m glad you think so.”

“Is something wrong?” I ask.

“Nope,” she replies with a fake smile. “As soon as you’re done there, we’ll open.”

“Talk to me.”

“I’m fine,” she insists. “I’m going to go unlock the door.”

She hurries out, leaving me dumbfounded. What did I say?

Women and their hormones.


A few hours, and several dozen customers, later, the bell dings above the door as Caleb saunters into Succulent Sweets, carrying a brown paper sack.

“Caleb!” Nic grins widely, happy to see my brother.

“Hey, pretty lady.” He leans his elbow on the counter and winks at her. “How you doin’?”

Nic laughs and shakes her head at Caleb. “I’m fine. Are all the Montgomerys charming?”

“Nope, just me.” Caleb winks again and sets the bag on the countertop. “This is for you.”

“What is it?”

“I ordered you lunch,” I reply.

“But I’m working.”

“I can handle this. You need to eat.”

She stares at me in surprise, looks between Caleb and I and then kisses my cheek before taking the bag into the back.

“I won’t be long!” she calls out.

“Take your time,” I reply. “Thanks, man.”

“No worries. How is she today?”

“She’s fine.”

“Scared us all yesterday.” Caleb peruses the glass case full of goodies. “Hand me a carrot cake.”

I pass him the pastry and hold my hand out for money. “She doesn’t work for free, asshole.”

“Jesus, I brought food. A man can’t get paid in cupcakes?”


He hands me a five, and I don’t give him his change.

“Bastard.” Caleb laughs.

Chapter Thirteen


A lot has happened in the past twenty-four hours.

Okay, that might be the understatement of the freaking year.

I focus on eating the sandwich Caleb brought me and sipping the juice I poured, eager to get right back to work.

Yesterday was fun. Matt’s family is huge and a bit overwhelming. They’re all beautiful and successful and so fun. Hilarious.


I don’t know what it is to have a family like that, and a large piece of me longed to settle in and belong there for a long, long time.

Jesus, you’re pathetic.

I take the last bite and walk back out of the kitchen.

“We want you both to come,” Caleb says. “Oh good, you’re back.”

“Caleb just invited us to dinner with him and Bryn tonight.”

“Oh,” I reply and frown in thought.

“It’s not a requirement, but your reaction isn’t great for my ego, sweetheart.”

I laugh and shake my head. “Thank you for inviting me.” I turn to Matt. “I have a standing date with Bailey every Sunday afternoon. We walk down to Vintage for a glass of wine and appetizers.”

“That’s cool.” Matt shrugs, as though it doesn’t bother him in the least. “You should go hang out with Bailey.”

“Really?” I ask skeptically.

“I don’t need to monopolize all of your time, sweetheart. Just most of it.” He smiles wolfishly and kisses me square on the mouth. “Why don’t you meet me at Caleb’s later?”

“That will work. Matt will give you our address.” Caleb boosts himself up on the counter so he can lean across it and plant a kiss on my cheek, earning a low growl from Matt, which only makes Caleb laugh. “See you both later.”

He waves and walks out just as Bailey walks in, checking out Caleb’s ass as he leaves.

“Holy shit, did you see that?”

“That was my brother,” Matt confirms with a grin.

“And you must be Matt,” Bailey guesses with a flirty grin and holds her hand out to shake. “We’ve crossed paths now and again but have never really met. I’m Bailey. The best friend.”

“Pleasure,” Matt responds with a charming smile. “I’ve seen you around.”

“And as the best friend…” Bailey begins.

“Bailey,” I warn her, but she doesn’t even acknowledge me as she continues.

“I can say if you hurt her, I’ll make your life a living hell. I don’t give a shit if you are a cop and a Dom. You don’t scare me.”

Matt’s eyebrows climb, and then he walks around the glass case and pulls Bailey in for a big hug, much to her surprise.

“You’re supposed to be wary of me, not hug me. I threatened you.”

“Thank you for loving her so much,” he murmurs in her ear. He kisses her cheek and pulls back then circles back around to my side. “Do you have it handled from here, little one?”

“Um…” I have to clear my throat past the knot that’s formed there. Bailey also looks shell-shocked. “Yeah, I’m good.”

He tilts my chin back with his finger and lowers his lips to mine, gently nibbling, sweeping his own soft lips across mine, then sinks in and slips his tongue between my lips, kissing the breath right out of me. When he pulls away, he has to hold my shoulders firmly until I regain my balance.