Tied with Me Page 8

Goddamn it, just thinking about her flushed cheeks and the way she looked back at me while I pounded inside her makes my dick throb.

Her breathing increases and her cheeks redden as she watches me, as though she can read my thoughts. She drops her arms and twists her hands together at her waist.

“I beg to differ.”

“I’m the one who’s supposed to beg, right?” She shakes her head and lowers herself into her car. “It’ll never happen. Leave it be, Matt.”

And with that she drives away.

Not a chance in fucking hell am I going to leave it be.


“So, I know you’re ugly as fuck, but you don’t usually scare the women off. What happened?” Will smirks at me as I join the others in my parents’ backyard.

“Fuck you,” I reply under my breath and yank a bottle of water out of a cooler, twist off the top and take a long pull.

“Seriously,” Will responds, his face sobering. “Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know,” I shake my head and turn to watch my family.

Caleb is dancing on the grass with Brynna. They’re grinning at each other and talking softly amongst themselves. Their daughters, Maddie and Josie, are dancing around them, their pretty white dresses flowing around their legs as they giggle and skip, their dog, Bix, joining in the fun.

Our parents all have their heads together at a long table. My mom is holding Liam, my oldest brother, Isaac’s baby boy, who is drooling profusely and chewing on his fist. My dad is listening to her tell a story to Luke’s parents, smiling at her as if she hung the moon.

And as far as we’re all concerned, she did.

Our family has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years. Now that Caleb is married off, Dominic and I are the only ones who have managed to stay single, and I don’t plan to change my status any time soon.

Our baby sister, Jules, is rubbing her barely there belly and leaning on her husband of almost a year, Nate. They’re chatting with Natalie, Jules’ longtime friend and who we all consider to be our sister, and her husband, Luke Williams, along with Luke’s sister, Sam, and their younger brother, Mark.

At a nearby table, Will’s fiancée, Meg, is chatting with her brother, Leo, and our oldest brother, Isaac, with his wife, Stacy.

Dominic, a brother we recently discovered we had as a result of a brief affair on our father’s part more than thirty years ago, is talking quietly with Alecia, the event planner who pulled this wedding together at a moment’s notice.

“So you chased off the baker,” Caleb comments as he approaches Will and me. The song is over, and Brynna has returned to chat with Jules and Nat.

“I didn’t chase her off,” I growl.

“How do you know her?” Isaac asks as he also joins us.

“Jesus, don’t you all have anything better to do?”

“Than nose into your personal life?” Will asks and shakes his head as he stuffs some appetizers into his mouth. “No way.”

“She’s just someone I met a few weeks ago.”

“You like her,” Isaac comments.

“What are you, a girl?” I smirk and glance over at Brynna, who is laughing at something Jules just said. “Are we going to talk about our feelings now?”

“This is a wedding, dude,” Will replies. “Feelings are running rampant around here.”

“Well, in that case, now’s as good a time as any to give a toast.”

And get your focus off of me, for fuck’s sake.

I walk to the center of the yard and motion to Alecia, who speaks into her wrist, and magically, the music hushes.

“Okay, everyone, it’s time for a toast,” I announce in a loud voice. Everyone turns to me, and I tuck one hand in my pocket and shift awkwardly.

I’ve never been comfortable being the center of attention. That’s Will’s job.

“First, I want to say congratulations to both of you.” I turn my eyes to Caleb as he stands behind his bride and wraps his arms around her waist with his chin resting on her shoulder. “You each went through your own private hell to get where you are. To find each other. And, honestly, I can’t think of two people who deserve to be happy more than you.”

Brynna’s eyes fill with tears, but I keep going.

“Brynna, you’ve been a part of our family for a while now. I know that I’ve thought of you as a sister for quite some time. Your daughters, despite being little extortionists, are beautiful and wonderful, just like their mother. You have the strength and humor to put up with this sometimes overwhelming family, and we love you. It’s my pleasure to officially welcome you to our family.”

There are whoops and hollers as everyone applauds. When the noise dies, I continue.

“Caleb, you’re not just my little brother. You’re my best friend.”

“Hey!” Will interrupts, but I ignore him and continue.

“You’re here, whole and healthy, thank God, because you were meant to make Brynna and her girls yours. I believe that. I’m just glad you pulled your head out of your ass and realized it yourself.”

“Love you, too, bro,” he replies softly.

“You’re my hero,” I tell him earnestly and with a strong voice. Our brothers and Jules all nod and murmur in agreement. “So, to Brynna and Caleb.” I raise my water, and everyone follows suit. “May you always be as happy as you are today.”

“Here, here!” our father exclaims.