Safe with Me Page 23

“What’s wrong?” Caleb asks, is hair and clothes soaked and a little muddy from the rain and grass.

“Nothing,” I reply and shrug.

He narrows his eyes at me, watching me closely, and then turns his gaze to Nat and Meg.

“What’s going on with you guys?”

“Nothing at all,” Nat replies with a huge grin. “Just girl talk.”

“Uh huh.” He props his hands on his lean hips and watches all three of us for a moment and then shrugs and saunters to the fridge to pull out a cold bottle of water. “We have to leave soon,” he reminds me.

“I know,” I nod and watch as he saunters out of the room toward the stairway to go up and shower.

Natalie suddenly pulls me in for a long, hard hug. “Good luck,” she whispers and then pulls back.

“Have a good day at the office, dear,” Meg grins.



I love my job. Not only because I’m good at it, but because it’s fun and I feel like I’m part of a family.

Isaac Montgomery owns this construction business. He is married to Stacy, my first cousin, although she and I were really raised more like sisters. Since leaving Chicago, Isaac has not only looked out for me, but has given me this job in his office, paying me under the table to help in my need to disappear.

Thank God for them.

In the past year, I’ve not only cleaned up Isaac’s accounts and maintained his billing and payroll, but have blended into the camaraderie of the guys who work for him.

Of course there is harmless flirting and teasing, but at the end of the day, I know the guys all have my back and they’re fun to joke with when they come into my office with questions about their checks or benefits, or just to chat before they head out to a job site.

But there is a new guy, Levi Jackson, who creeps me the hell out.

He’s never done anything inappropriate, but the way he watches me and the tone of his voice when he speaks to me gives me the shivers.

And not in a good way.

He’s a good looking guy, and probably used to snagging any woman he sets his sights on, if she doesn’t pick up on the creepy factor.

I have a sick feeling in my gut that he’s set his sights on me.

So not gonna happen.

I find myself avoiding eye contact with him, walking past him quickly and generally avoiding him as much as possible. I’d tell him to fuck right off, but he hasn’t done anything to warrant it.

Except give me the creeps.

Isaac shares the office with me, but is out with the crews most of the time, leaving the office duties to me, which suits us both just fine. He’s outside instructing a crew on a new project, and I can hear his no-nonsense voice as I check company email.

The front door opens and closes, the hinges groaning loudly.

“We are a construction company,” I remark loudly. “Can’t you oil those damn hinges?”

“I think I’d have to have the boss approve that first.”

My head snaps up in surprise. I was expecting Isaac, but instead, Levi is approaching my desk, a smirk on his face.

“Sorry, I thought you were Isaac,” I respond politely. “What can I do for you?”

“I have a question about the insurance benefits,” he replies and moves around my desk to lean a hip on my desk at my side.

Way too close for comfort.

“I explained the insurance to you last week, Levi.”

He smiles and shrugs, crosses his arms over his chest and leans back a bit, watching me. “I’m slow.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Maybe I just want to come in here and talk to a pretty lady.” He smiles at me, like he’s trying to pick me up in a bar, and it makes my stomach roll.

“Levi, I’m not interested. If you have questions about payroll or insurance, fine, but I’m too busy to chit chat and am not interested in your come ons.”

I stand and try to move around him to the center of the office, but he blocks my path and deliberately brushes his arm against my breast.

“You know,” he murmurs and reaches out to run the back of his index finger down my arm. “You don’t look like you belong to a cop.”

What the fuck? How does he know about Jeff? Who the hell is he?

I jerk away just as Isaac walks through the office door.

“I don’t belong to a cop,” I reply, my voice ice-cold.

“What the hell are you doing?” Isaac asks, his voice calm, but his blue eyes are pissed off.

“I was just asking Brynna some questions about my insurance.”

“He was just leaving,” I announce and glare up at Levi. “If you have any more questions, take them directly to Isaac.”

He holds his hands up as if in surrender and backs away from me. “Sorry to bother you.”

“Get to work,” Isaac snarls.

“Yes, boss.”

Levi hurries out the door, slamming it shut behind him and Isaac turns his cold gaze to me.

“What was that about?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” I sigh as I sink down in my chair and return to my email, willing my rolling stomach to settle. Dear God, I just want to throw up. I feel like I need a long, hot shower to try to erase the feel of his finger on me.

“What was that about?” Isaac repeats as he braces his hands on my desk and leans down toward me. “And don’t bullshit me.”

“Levi came on to me,” I shrug and offer Isaac what I hope is a confident smile, but it slips as I’m still shaking from his cop comment. “Except, why would he say that about me belonging to a cop?”