Safe with Me Page 41

“You are so fucking beautiful,” he groans and I know he’s close. His sack tightens in my hand and his cock hardens even more inside me. I clench around him and sink down, succumbing to my own orgasm, rocking and shivering over him.

“Oh my god!” I call out as he lets go and comes hard inside me.

Holy shit. I had no idea sex like this existed.

We’re both panting and sweaty and I’m pretty sure I lost the feeling in my legs about ten minutes ago. I pull forward, allowing him to slide slowly out of me, and before I know it, Caleb pulls me back to him and settles me against him, tucked to his side.

“You are trying to kill me,” he mutters and kisses my forehead. “Holy fuck, Legs.”

“I couldn’t help myself,” I chuckle. “You’re just so… hot.”

He laughs and smiles down at me, those dimples of his on full-blast.

“See?” I ask and cup his face in my hand. “This is who we are, Caleb. Don’t forget that.”

He sobers and searches my eyes for a long moment before he pulls me into a strong hug, his nose pressed against my hair.

“You are the best part of my life, Bryn. Don’t you forget that.”

I smile softly and kiss his chest, my eyes heavy with fatigue.

Right back at you.


“That outfit you got for the concert is smokin’ hot,” Jules informs me and grins as we walk through the mall in downtown Seattle. “Oh, look! Michael Kors!”

“You need another handbag like you need another hole in your head,” Nate chuckles and kisses her temple.

“A woman can never have too many handbags, ace,” Jules informs him.

I am shopping today with Jules and Nate, Nat and Luke and Stacy. It was supposed to be a girl’s day out, but Caleb insisted we take the men along for protection and he and Matt and Isaac stayed home with the kids.

I think we got the better end of the stick.

Natalie and Luke are walking ahead of us, Luke pushing Olivia’s stroller and Nat has her arm around Luke’s waist, her hand planted firmly in the back pocket of his blue jeans.

“Hot guys pushing a stroller are really hot,” Stacy leans over and whispers to me.

“Luke Williams pushing a stroller is hot,” I respond and we giggle, shoving each other’s shoulders.

“We can hear you,” Nat calls back to us sarcastically, causing Stacy and I to fall into a fit of laughter.

“I didn’t whisper!” I call back.

“If you’re gonna marry a hot movie star,” Jules taunts Nat from behind us, holding her own hot husband’s hand, “you have to know that people are gonna ogle his hot ass.”

“He does have a nice ass,” Nat agrees and pats it with a smirk.

“I’m glad you approve, baby,” Luke murmurs down to Nat and kisses her softly.

“Gag,” Jules mutters, making me grin. “Hey guys, I have to use the little girls’ room.”

“Do you need to go to the doctor?” Nate asks. “That’s the fourth time since we’ve been in the mall.”

“No,” she waves him off. “I’ve been drinking a lot of water.”

“No, you haven’t, Julianne.” I look over my shoulder to see Nate glaring down at her.

I’m sandwiched between two of the hottest men on the planet.

The others are at my house right now.

“Come on, girls. Y’all need to freshen your lipstick.” Jules leads the way to the public restroom, leaving Nate, Luke and Livie behind.

“I don’t wear lipstick,” Stacy reminds us as we follow the petite blonde. She’s stunning today, just like every day, in a maxi dress with a denim jacket over it and black heels that click along the floor as she walks.

Jules is the only woman I know who wears heels all day shopping without needing a foot transplant by the end of it. If I didn’t adore her, I’d despise her.

When we all get in the bathroom, Jules looks under the stalls to be sure we’re the only ones there.

“This isn’t high school, Jules,” Stacy reminds her with a smirk.

“I need you two to keep Nate busy for a while,” She informs Stacy and me, her eyes wide with excitement.

“Why?” I ask. “Where are you going?”

“She and I are going lingerie shopping so she can wear something hot when…” Natalie begins but is cut off by Jules as she jumps up and down and claps her hands excitedly.

“When I tell him I’m knocked up!”

“Holy fuck!” Stacy exclaims.

“Wow!” I agree, and we both rush her and hug her close, rocking back and forth.

“Oh, let me in there,” Natalie says and wraps her arms around all of us.

“This family is suddenly swarming with babies,” Stacy murmurs and wipes tears from her eyes.

“Oh my God, can you imagine how beautiful their baby is going to be?” I ask and hug Jules tightly again. “This gene pool is seriously impressive.”

“I’m so excited for you,” Nat tells her and squeezes her hand. Jules looks at each of us and sighs with a big smile on her face.

“I know it’s soon. We just got married a few months ago, but…” She shrugs and flips her hair back over her shoulder. “Ready or not, here it comes.”

“Nate is going to be beside himself,” Natalie says with a grin.

“So you’re gonna get all sexed up and then tell him?” I ask with a smile.